In der autoinstaller3.log steht folgendes:
Environment locale name is 'C'
Parallels Products Installer 3.6.0 (built on 2010-04-13 11:27 svn rev. 290858) started at (timezone CET) Thu Aug 26 13:10:38 2010
Command line arguments: /usr/local/psa/admin/bin/autoinstaller --enable-xml-output --source-type=plesk --show-releases --target=/root/psa
SourceUrl: original source url is
SourceUrl: fixed url is
Try to find rcfile...
Autoinstaller rcfile not found.
Read component settings from /root/.autoinstaller/options.ini
Server for reporting status run OK: pid=15970
Checking hostname is sucessfull.
autoinstaller: read output of uname -s with popen
autoinstaller: pclose OK
autoinstaller: read output of uname -m with popen
autoinstaller: pclose OK
Virtuozzo envID: 1790898
Opsys detected as: os_vendor=SuSE os_name=Linux version=11.1 arch=i686 environment=vz
"autoinstaller3.log" 36114L, 2612873C 3,0-1 Anfang