Riesen Problem mit Strato Server


New Member
Hallo alle zusammen,

ich habe ein riesen problem mit meinem Strato high end server.
Bis heute Abend hat alles noch wunderbar funktioniert.
Wir haben ein mod_rewrite system laufen und alles ging.
Plötzlich geht garnichts mehr, es kann noch nicht einmal eine normale Datei (ausser Bildern) aufgerufen werden.
Es kommt immer eine Fehlerseite.
Und das auf allen Domains die mit mod_rewrite funktionieren.
Die anderen Domain funktionieren wunderbar.
Nun erreiche ich aber aufgrund der Urzeit niemanden bei Strato.
Gibt es hier eventuell jemanden, der sich mit Servern von Strato auskennt und der mir helfen kann?
Bitte, ich bin am verzweifeln, wir haben über 600 Kundenseiten auf den Domains und nichts geht.
Bitte helft mir.

ungünstige Uhrzeit für dein Problem ;)

Aber was steht denn in den entsprechenden error_logs bzw. access_logs im Moment des Aufrufs. Irgendwas wird da dokumentiert werden, was durchaus auch hilfreich sein kann.

ich kenn mich nichts aus

Das Dumme ist, dass ich von Servern keinerlei Ahnung habe bei Putty bekomme ich zur Zeit immer die gleiche Meldung, aber ich glaube nicht dass es daran liegt:
supervise: fatal: unable to acquire qmail-smtpd/supervise/lock: temporary failure

erzähl mal bitte etwas mehr über Dein System.
-Welches Betriebssystem?
-Plesk? / Confixx? o.ä.?
-Ich vermute als Webserver den Apache... welche Version?
-Referenzurl zu einer Website wo "nichts mehr geht"


apache2 ServerAdmin24

Hier Auszug  Puttymeldung:
: command not foundhe2: line 14:
: command not foundhe2: line 30:
: command not foundhe2: line 80:
: command not foundhe2: line 109:
: command not foundhe2: line 119:
: command not foundhe2: line 135:
: command not foundhe2: line 151:
: command not foundhe2: line 168:
: command not foundhe2: line 178:
: command not foundhe2: line 187:
: command not foundhe2: line 195:
: command not foundhe2: line 225:
: command not foundhe2: line 237:
: command not foundhe2: line 247:
: command not foundhe2: line 257:
: command not foundhe2: line 265:
Warning: no MPM found. Some modules are dependant on the type of MPM.
Module "cgi" is not installed, ignoring.
Check the APACHE_MODULES setting in /etc/sysconfig/apache2.
" is not installed, ignoring.
Check the APACHE_MODULES setting in /etc/sysconfig/apache2.
Warning: no MPM found. Some modules are dependant on the type of MPM.
 from APACHE_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES not found. Ignored.
) httpd2-prefork: could not open document config file /srv/www/\r

The command line was:
 -Dr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f
Starting CRON daemon                                                  done
Starting Clam AntiVirus database update daemon                        done
Starting Name Service Cache Daemon                                    done
: command not foundhe2: line 14:
: command not foundhe2: line 30:
: command not foundhe2: line 80:
: command not foundhe2: line 109:
: command not foundhe2: line 119:
: command not foundhe2: line 135:
: command not foundhe2: line 151:
: command not foundhe2: line 168:
: command not foundhe2: line 178:
: command not foundhe2: line 187:
: command not foundhe2: line 195:
: command not foundhe2: line 225:
: command not foundhe2: line 237:
: command not foundhe2: line 247:
: command not foundhe2: line 257:
: command not foundhe2: line 265:
Warning: no MPM found. Some modules are dependant on the type of MPM.
Module "cgi" is not installed, ignoring.
Check the APACHE_MODULES setting in /etc/sysconfig/apache2.
" is not installed, ignoring.
Check the APACHE_MODULES setting in /etc/sysconfig/apache2.
Warning: no MPM found. Some modules are dependant on the type of MPM.
 from APACHE_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES not found. Ignored.
) httpd2-prefork: could not open document config file /srv/www/\r

The command line was:
 -Dr/sbin/httpd2-prefork -f
Master Resource Control: runlevel 3 has been                          reached
Failed services in runlevel 3:                                                             apache2 visas

Welcome to SuSE Linux 9.3 (i586) - Kernel (ttyS0).

h1120016 login: supervise: fatal: unable to acquire qmail-smtpd/supervise/lock: temporary failure
                                                                                                 supervise: fatal: unable to acquire qmail-smtpd/supervise/lock: temporary failure
Last edited by a moderator:
Bitte helft mir doch

ist denn niemand da, der mir helfen kann?
Jetzt geht garnichts mehr, sämmtliche Domains sind nicht mehr erreichbar
Dein Server scheint gerade total durch den Wind zu sein...

Schau mal in /var/log/messages nach, ob da was steht, was auf den eigentlichen Fehler hinweist.

Viel Erfolg,
Relativ einfach wenn die Logs sich nicht öffnen lassen, oder du das nicht kannst, und die Prozesse sich nicht neu starten lassen hast du ein Problem.
Ausgaben seit 2 Stunden etwa

Sep 30 00:54:33 h1120016 xinetd[5681]: xinetd Version 2.3.13 started with libwrap loadavg options compiled in.
Sep 30 00:54:33 h1120016 xinetd[5681]: Started working: 4 available services
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: klogd 1.4.1, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: Capability LSM initialized
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: Disabled Privacy Extensions on device c038e740(lo)
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: tg3.c:v3.23 (February 15, 2005)
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: ACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:02:03.0[A] -> GSI 24 (level, low) -> IRQ 177
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: eth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95704A6) rev 2100 PHY(5704)] (PCI:66MHz:64-bit) 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet 00:30:48:59:54:56
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: eth0: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[1] Split[0] WireSpeed[1] TSOcap[0]
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: ACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:02:03.1[b] -> GSI 25 (level, low) -> IRQ 185
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: eth1: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95704A6) rev 2100 PHY(5704)] (PCI:66MHz:64-bit) 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet 00:30:48:59:54:57
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: eth1: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[0] Split[0] WireSpeed[1] TSOcap[1]
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 17
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: tg3: eth0: Link is up at 100 Mbps, full duplex.
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: tg3: eth0: Flow control is off for TX and off for RX.
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: ACPI: Power Button (FF) [PWRF]
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: ACPI: Sleep Button (FF) [SLPF]
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 kernel: eth0: no IPv6 routers present
Sep 30 00:54:34 h1120016 authdaemond.plain: authdaemon: modules="authcustom authcram authuserdb authvchkpw authshadow authpwd", daemons=5
Sep 30 00:54:35 h1120016 ntpdate[5820]: step time server offset -0.083695 sec
Sep 30 00:54:35 h1120016 ntpd[5835]: ntpd 4.2.0a@1.1190-r Sat Mar 19 19:20:10 UTC 2005 (1)
Sep 30 00:54:35 h1120016 ntpd[5835]: precision = 3.000 usec
Sep 30 00:54:35 h1120016 ntpd[5835]: Listening on interface wildcard,
Sep 30 00:54:35 h1120016 ntpd[5835]: Listening on interface wildcard, ::#123
Sep 30 00:54:35 h1120016 ntpd[5835]: Listening on interface lo,
Sep 30 00:54:35 h1120016 ntpd[5835]: Listening on interface eth0,
Sep 30 00:54:35 h1120016 ntpd[5835]: kernel time sync status 0040
Sep 30 00:54:35 h1120016 ntpd[5835]: frequency initialized 51.536 PPM from /var/lib/ntp/drift/ntp.drift
Sep 30 00:54:36 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[5876]: (CRON) STARTUP (V5.0)
Sep 30 00:57:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[17910]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 00:59:10 h1120016 sshd[24914]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for root from ::ffff: port 4909 ssh2
Sep 30 00:59:11 h1120016 sshd[24914]: subsystem request for sftp
Sep 30 01:00:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[25161]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:00:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[25163]: (root) CMD (root  test -x /usr/lib/cron/run-crons && /usr/lib/cron/run-crons >/dev/null 2>&1)
Sep 30 01:03:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[25881]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:06:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[26698]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:09:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[27540]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:12:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[28418]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:15:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[29242]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:15:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[29244]: (root) CMD (root  test -x /usr/lib/cron/run-crons && /usr/lib/cron/run-crons >/dev/null 2>&1)
Sep 30 01:18:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[30181]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:21:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[30946]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:27:16 h1120016 syslog-ng[5392]: syslog-ng version 1.6.5 starting
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: starting BIND 9.3.1 -t /var/lib/named -u named
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: found 1 CPU, using 1 worker thread
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: listening on IPv6 interfaces, port 53
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: listening on IPv4 interface lo,
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: command channel listening on
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: command channel listening on ::1#953
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa/IN: loaded serial 42
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone ads-distributor.com/IN: loaded serial 2007051300
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone easydistributor.com/IN: loaded serial 2007051300
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone multi-anzeiger.com/IN: loaded serial 2006113000
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone multi-indicator.com/IN: loaded serial 2007051300
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone simply-distributor.com/IN: loaded serial 2007051300
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone az-server.de/IN: loaded serial 2006120600
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone bannerpartner.de/IN: loaded serial 2006120600
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone berla-bauelemente.de/IN: loaded serial 2006121900
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone csubmit.de/IN: loaded serial 2006121800
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone mailpunkte.de/IN: loaded serial 2006120600
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone myjobfinder.de/IN: loaded serial 2007070700
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone pep-is.de/IN: loaded serial 2007040400
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone spiderline.de/IN: loaded serial 2007031300
Sep 30 01:27:18 h1120016 named[5542]: zone superpaidmail.de/IN: loaded serial 2006120600
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone localhost/IN: loaded serial 42
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone classifieds4all.net/IN: loaded serial 2007051300
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone supertausch.net/IN: loaded serial 2007051600
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone multi-anzeiger.org/IN: loaded serial 2006113000
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: running
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone bannerpartner.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006120600)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone mailpunkte.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006120600)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone pep-is.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007040400)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone spiderline.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007031300)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone multi-indicator.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007051300)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone multi-anzeiger.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006113000)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone multi-anzeiger.org/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006113000)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone az-server.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006120600)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone superpaidmail.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006120600)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone berla-bauelemente.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006121900)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone csubmit.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006121800)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone ads-distributor.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007051300)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone myjobfinder.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007070700)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone easydistributor.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007051300)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone supertausch.net/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007051600)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone classifieds4all.net/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007051300)
Sep 30 01:27:19 h1120016 named[5542]: zone simply-distributor.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007051300)
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/bms-imap [file=/etc/xinetd.conf] [line=26]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 sshd[5574]: Server listening on :: port 22.
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/bms-pop3 [file=/etc/xinetd.d/bms-pop3] [line=14]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/chargen [file=/etc/xinetd.d/chargen] [line=14]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/chargen-udp [file=/etc/xinetd.d/chargen-udp] [line=13]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/daytime [file=/etc/xinetd.d/daytime] [line=14]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/daytime-udp [file=/etc/xinetd.d/daytime-udp] [line=13]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/echo [file=/etc/xinetd.d/echo] [line=14]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/echo-udp [file=/etc/xinetd.d/echo-udp] [line=13]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/netstat [file=/etc/xinetd.d/netstat] [line=14]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/rsync [file=/etc/xinetd.d/rsync] [line=16]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/servers [file=/etc/xinetd.d/servers] [line=12]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/services [file=/etc/xinetd.d/services] [line=13]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/systat [file=/etc/xinetd.d/systat] [line=13]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/telnet [file=/etc/xinetd.d/telnet] [line=17]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/time [file=/etc/xinetd.d/time] [line=14]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/time-udp [file=/etc/xinetd.d/time-udp] [line=14]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/visasd3 [file=/etc/xinetd.d/visasd3] [line=14]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/vsftpd [file=/etc/xinetd.d/vsftpd] [line=14]
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing chargen
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing chargen
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing daytime
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing daytime
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing echo
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing echo
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing netstat
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing rsync
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing servers
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing services
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing systat
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing telnet
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing time
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: removing time
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: xinetd Version 2.3.13 started with libwrap loadavg options compiled in.
Sep 30 01:27:20 h1120016 xinetd[5573]: Started working: 4 available services
Sep 30 01:27:21 h1120016 authdaemond.plain: authdaemon: modules="authcustom authcram authuserdb authvchkpw authshadow authpwd", daemons=5
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: klogd 1.4.1, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: Capability LSM initialized
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: Disabled Privacy Extensions on device c038e740(lo)
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: tg3.c:v3.23 (February 15, 2005)
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: ACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:02:03.0[A] -> GSI 24 (level, low) -> IRQ 177
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: eth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95704A6) rev 2100 PHY(5704)] (PCI:66MHz:64-bit) 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet 00:30:48:59:54:56
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: eth0: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[1] Split[0] WireSpeed[1] TSOcap[0]
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: ACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:02:03.1[b] -> GSI 25 (level, low) -> IRQ 185
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: eth1: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95704A6) rev 2100 PHY(5704)] (PCI:66MHz:64-bit) 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet 00:30:48:59:54:57
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: eth1: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[0] Split[0] WireSpeed[1] TSOcap[1]
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: load_module: err 0xffffffef (dont worry)
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 17
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: tg3: eth0: Link is up at 100 Mbps, full duplex.
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: tg3: eth0: Flow control is off for TX and off for RX.
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: ACPI: Power Button (FF) [PWRF]
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: ACPI: Sleep Button (FF) [SLPF]
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 kernel: eth0: no IPv6 routers present
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 ntpdate[5698]: step time server offset -0.056161 sec
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 ntpd[5714]: ntpd 4.2.0a@1.1190-r Sat Mar 19 19:20:10 UTC 2005 (1)
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 ntpd[5714]: precision = 3.000 usec
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 ntpd[5714]: Listening on interface wildcard,
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 ntpd[5714]: Listening on interface wildcard, ::#123
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 ntpd[5714]: Listening on interface lo,
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 ntpd[5714]: Listening on interface eth0,
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 ntpd[5714]: kernel time sync status 0040
Sep 30 01:27:22 h1120016 ntpd[5714]: frequency initialized 51.536 PPM from /var/lib/ntp/drift/ntp.drift
Sep 30 01:27:23 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[5771]: (CRON) STARTUP (V5.0)
Sep 30 01:27:31 h1120016 sshd[5752]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for root from ::ffff: port 2900 ssh2
Sep 30 01:27:32 h1120016 sshd[5752]: subsystem request for sftp
Sep 30 01:30:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[19731]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:30:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[19733]: (root) CMD (root  test -x /usr/lib/cron/run-crons && /usr/lib/cron/run-crons >/dev/null 2>&1)
Sep 30 01:33:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[29665]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:35:52 h1120016 login[29765]: FAILED LOGIN 1 FROM /dev/ttyS0 FOR root, Authentication failure
Sep 30 01:36:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[30346]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:38:11 h1120016 sshd[30777]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for root from ::ffff: port 3406 ssh2
Sep 30 01:38:12 h1120016 sshd[30777]: subsystem request for sftp
Sep 30 01:39:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[30954]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:39:42 h1120016 sshd[31142]: Did not receive identification string from ::ffff:
Sep 30 01:42:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[31621]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:45:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[32291]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:45:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[32293]: (root) CMD (root  test -x /usr/lib/cron/run-crons && /usr/lib/cron/run-crons >/dev/null 2>&1)
Sep 30 01:48:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[461]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:51:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[1059]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:54:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[1811]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 01:57:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[2564]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 02:00:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[3555]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 02:00:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[3557]: (root) CMD (root  test -x /usr/lib/cron/run-crons && /usr/lib/cron/run-crons >/dev/null 2>&1)
Sep 30 02:00:24 h1120016 sshd[3636]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for root from ::ffff: port 3750 ssh2
Sep 30 02:04:25 h1120016 syslog-ng[5166]: syslog-ng version 1.6.5 starting
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: starting BIND 9.3.1 -t /var/lib/named -u named
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: found 1 CPU, using 1 worker thread
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf'
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: listening on IPv6 interfaces, port 53
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: listening on IPv4 interface lo,
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: listening on IPv4 interface eth0,
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: command channel listening on
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: command channel listening on ::1#953
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: zone 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa/IN: loaded serial 42
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: zone ads-distributor.com/IN: loaded serial 2007051300
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: zone easydistributor.com/IN: loaded serial 2007051300
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: zone multi-anzeiger.com/IN: loaded serial 2006113000
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: zone multi-indicator.com/IN: loaded serial 2007051300
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: zone simply-distributor.com/IN: loaded serial 2007051300
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: zone az-server.de/IN: loaded serial 2006120600
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: zone bannerpartner.de/IN: loaded serial 2006120600
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: zone berla-bauelemente.de/IN: loaded serial 2006121900
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: zone csubmit.de/IN: loaded serial 2006121800
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: zone mailpunkte.de/IN: loaded serial 2006120600
Sep 30 02:04:27 h1120016 named[5317]: zone myjobfinder.de/IN: loaded serial 2007070700
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone pep-is.de/IN: loaded serial 2007040400
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone spiderline.de/IN: loaded serial 2007031300
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone superpaidmail.de/IN: loaded serial 2006120600
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone localhost/IN: loaded serial 42
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone classifieds4all.net/IN: loaded serial 2007051300
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone supertausch.net/IN: loaded serial 2007051600
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone multi-anzeiger.org/IN: loaded serial 2006113000
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: running
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone bannerpartner.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006120600)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone mailpunkte.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006120600)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone pep-is.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007040400)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone spiderline.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007031300)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone multi-indicator.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007051300)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone multi-anzeiger.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006113000)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone multi-anzeiger.org/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006113000)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone az-server.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006120600)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone superpaidmail.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006120600)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone berla-bauelemente.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006121900)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone csubmit.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2006121800)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone ads-distributor.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007051300)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone myjobfinder.de/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007070700)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone easydistributor.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007051300)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone supertausch.net/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007051600)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone classifieds4all.net/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007051300)
Sep 30 02:04:28 h1120016 named[5317]: zone simply-distributor.com/IN: sending notifies (serial 2007051300)
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/bms-imap [file=/etc/xinetd.conf] [line=26]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/bms-pop3 [file=/etc/xinetd.d/bms-pop3] [line=14]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/chargen [file=/etc/xinetd.d/chargen] [line=14]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/chargen-udp [file=/etc/xinetd.d/chargen-udp] [line=13]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/daytime [file=/etc/xinetd.d/daytime] [line=14]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/daytime-udp [file=/etc/xinetd.d/daytime-udp] [line=13]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/echo [file=/etc/xinetd.d/echo] [line=14]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/echo-udp [file=/etc/xinetd.d/echo-udp] [line=13]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/netstat [file=/etc/xinetd.d/netstat] [line=14]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/rsync [file=/etc/xinetd.d/rsync] [line=16]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/servers [file=/etc/xinetd.d/servers] [line=12]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/services [file=/etc/xinetd.d/services] [line=13]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/systat [file=/etc/xinetd.d/systat] [line=13]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/telnet [file=/etc/xinetd.d/telnet] [line=17]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/time [file=/etc/xinetd.d/time] [line=14]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/time-udp [file=/etc/xinetd.d/time-udp] [line=14]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/visasd3 [file=/etc/xinetd.d/visasd3] [line=14]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 sshd[5353]: Server listening on :: port 22.
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Reading included configuration file: /etc/xinetd.d/vsftpd [file=/etc/xinetd.d/vsftpd] [line=14]
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing chargen
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing chargen
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing daytime
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing daytime
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing echo
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing echo
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing netstat
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing rsync
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing servers
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing services
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing systat
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing telnet
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing time
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: removing time
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: xinetd Version 2.3.13 started with libwrap loadavg options compiled in.
Sep 30 02:04:29 h1120016 xinetd[5352]: Started working: 4 available services
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: klogd 1.4.1, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: Capability LSM initialized
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: Disabled Privacy Extensions on device c038e740(lo)
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: tg3.c:v3.23 (February 15, 2005)
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: ACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:02:03.0[A] -> GSI 24 (level, low) -> IRQ 177
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: eth0: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95704A6) rev 2100 PHY(5704)] (PCI:66MHz:64-bit) 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet 00:30:48:59:54:56
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: eth0: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[1] Split[0] WireSpeed[1] TSOcap[0]
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: ACPI: PCI interrupt 0000:02:03.1[b] -> GSI 25 (level, low) -> IRQ 185
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: eth1: Tigon3 [partno(BCM95704A6) rev 2100 PHY(5704)] (PCI:66MHz:64-bit) 10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet 00:30:48:59:54:57
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: eth1: RXcsums[1] LinkChgREG[0] MIirq[0] ASF[0] Split[0] WireSpeed[1] TSOcap[1]
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: load_module: err 0xffffffef (dont worry)
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 17
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: tg3: eth0: Link is up at 100 Mbps, full duplex.
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: tg3: eth0: Flow control is off for TX and off for RX.
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: ACPI: Power Button (FF) [PWRF]
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: ACPI: Sleep Button (FF) [SLPF]
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 kernel: eth0: no IPv6 routers present
Sep 30 02:04:30 h1120016 authdaemond.plain: authdaemon: modules="authcustom authcram authuserdb authvchkpw authshadow authpwd", daemons=5
Sep 30 02:04:31 h1120016 ntpdate[5482]: step time server offset -0.234277 sec
Sep 30 02:04:31 h1120016 ntpd[5489]: ntpd 4.2.0a@1.1190-r Sat Mar 19 19:20:10 UTC 2005 (1)
Sep 30 02:04:31 h1120016 ntpd[5489]: precision = 3.000 usec
Sep 30 02:04:31 h1120016 ntpd[5489]: Listening on interface wildcard,
Sep 30 02:04:31 h1120016 ntpd[5489]: Listening on interface wildcard, ::#123
Sep 30 02:04:31 h1120016 ntpd[5489]: Listening on interface lo,
Sep 30 02:04:31 h1120016 ntpd[5489]: Listening on interface eth0,
Sep 30 02:04:31 h1120016 ntpd[5489]: kernel time sync status 0040
Sep 30 02:04:31 h1120016 ntpd[5489]: frequency initialized 51.536 PPM from /var/lib/ntp/drift/ntp.drift
Sep 30 02:04:32 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[5546]: (CRON) STARTUP (V5.0)
Sep 30 02:06:00 h1120016 sshd[10344]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for root from ::ffff: port 3902 ssh2
Sep 30 02:06:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[11427]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Sep 30 02:06:57 h1120016 sshd[16533]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for root from ::ffff: port 3905 ssh2
Sep 30 02:06:58 h1120016 sshd[16533]: subsystem request for sftp
Sep 30 02:09:01 h1120016 /usr/sbin/cron[30861]: (root) CMD (/usr/local/visas/server/visas-event.sh )
Last edited by a moderator:
no MPM found - Ohhh mann :-(

Warning: no MPM found. Some modules are dependant on the type of MPM.
" is not installed, ignoring.
Check the APACHE_MODULES setting in /etc/sysconfig/apache2.
Warning: no MPM found. Some modules are dependant on the type of MPM.
 from APACHE_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES not found. Ignored.
Warning: no MPM found. Some modules are dependant on the type of MPM.
 from APACHE_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES not found. Ignored.
httpd2-prefork: could not open document config file /srv/www/\r
Bitte helft mir doch
Last edited by a moderator:
Was soll ich tun ?

Folgenden fehler gibt mir Putty immerwieder aus:
Warning: no MPM found. Some modules are dependant on the type of MPM.
from APACHE_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES not found. Ignored.
httpd2-prefork: could not open document config file /srv/www/\r

Ich habe keine Ahnung, was ich da tun kann?
Könnt ihr mir denn garnicht weiterhelfen?
Bitte, ich weiß nicht weiter.
Sitze schon seit Stunden daran, aber komme nicht weiter.
Es ist keine einzige Domain mehr erreichbar
Soviel ich weiß ist Strato Support nicht an Samstag und Sonn-/Feiertagen zu erreichen musst denke am Montag nochmal anrufen.
habe ich auch schon versucht

Nachdem ich den server in der rescue gestartet habe, war garnichts mehr erreichbar
Putty Ausgabe: Warning: no MPM found. Some modules are dependant on the type of MPM.
from APACHE_CONF_INCLUDE_FILES not found. Ignored.