Prepare to upgrade
1. Deactivate the Cron entry
Deactivate the confixx_counterscript entry in the Cron file
e.g. #*/1 * * * * /root/confixx/
2. Backup all important system files.
Make a backup of your databases, a backup of the
Confixx-Installation directory (e.g. /root/confixx),
as well as a backup of the Confixx-HTML directory (e.g. /home/web/confixx).
3. PostgreSQL
If you use PostgreSQL as your database, make sure that the Confixx database
user has the privileges required to be able to update the notnull field
in the new columns in the ps_attribute table, e.g.
UPDATE pg_shadow SET usesuper='t', usecatupd='t' WHERE usename='confixx';
4. Installation
* go to the confixx installation directory
#~: cd /root/confixx/
* delete the existing admin directory
#~: rm -r ./admin
* decompress the file confixx_update_Pro_3.0.0_mysql3.tgz (it is sample,
choose a proper distribution file)
#~: tar xfvz /root/confixx_update_Pro_3.0.0.tgz
* install the update:
./admin/updates/ (.pl, not .sh)
* Run at least 2-3 times manually.
#~: /root/confixx/
5. Activate the new licence keys
Go to http(s):// and register the 3.0 version.
Now run the counterscript 2-3 times and restart Apache
6. Activate the Cron entry
Activate the confixx_counterscript entry in the Cron.file
7. Test all the functions in Confixx.
Call up the Confixx interface and check your registration in the
"Licence info" registration interface. Set up new customers and
check all the important functions.
8. Set up new customers and check all the important functions. cd /root/confixx/admin/).
Run the admin script (#~: ./ Make any changes you want.
9. Finished !
Confixx(R) 3.0 is now installed.
If you had some custom directives for Confixx vhost in httpd.conf you are to manually
move them in confixx_mhost.conf file.
Confixx ist absolutes Neuland für mich, wär Klasse wenn mir jemand weiter helfen könnteDeactivate the confixx_counterscript entry in the Cron file
e.g. #*/1 * * * * /root/confixx/
#*/55 * * * * /usr/bin/php /root/confixx/spamschutz.php
#00 06 * * * /monitor/aufrauemen
#00 01 * * * /var/log/httpd/confixx/domains/
#*/10 * * * * /monitor/
#*/8 * * * * /monitor/mysql/mysqlu
no crontab for confixx
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