Xen Und Windows :-(


New Member
Hallo ,

HAbe auf meinem Root server Xen laufen

und auch einige linux gäste...

nun wollte ich mal ein windows server 2008 drauf installieren

wenn ich dann aber xm list eingebe sieht das schon sehr komisch aus ;-)

also mich stört der status also da steht kein r oder b sonden nur ---------

Name                                      ID Mem(MiB) VCPUs State   Time(s)
win08                                     20      196     1 ------      0.0

Ich habe als Host System Debian 4.0 laufen.

Hier mal meine konfig files

# -*- sh -*-

# Xend configuration file.

# This example configuration is appropriate for an installation that 
# utilizes a bridged network configuration. Access to xend via http
# is disabled.  

# Commented out entries show the default for that entry, unless otherwise
# specified.

#(logfile /var/log/xen/xend.log)
#(loglevel DEBUG)

#(xend-http-server no)
#(xend-unix-server no)
#(xend-tcp-xmlrpc-server no)
#(xend-unix-xmlrpc-server yes)
#(xend-relocation-server no)

#(xend-unix-path /var/lib/xend/xend-socket)

# Port xend should use for the HTTP interface, if xend-http-server is set.
#(xend-port            8000)

# Port xend should use for the relocation interface, if xend-relocation-server
# is set.
#(xend-relocation-port 8002)

# Address xend should listen on for HTTP connections, if xend-http-server is
# set.
# Specifying 'localhost' prevents remote connections.
# Specifying the empty string '' (the default) allows all connections.
#(xend-address '')
#(xend-address localhost)

# Address xend should listen on for relocation-socket connections, if
# xend-relocation-server is set.
# Meaning and default as for xend-address above.
#(xend-relocation-address '')

# The hosts allowed to talk to the relocation port.  If this is empty (the
# default), then all connections are allowed (assuming that the connection
# arrives on a port and interface on which we are listening; see
# xend-relocation-port and xend-relocation-address above).  Otherwise, this
# should be a space-separated sequence of regular expressions.  Any host with
# a fully-qualified domain name or an IP address that matches one of these
# regular expressions will be accepted.
# For example:
#  (xend-relocation-hosts-allow '^localhost$ ^.*\.example\.org$')
#(xend-relocation-hosts-allow '')

# The limit (in kilobytes) on the size of the console buffer
#(console-limit 1024)

# To bridge network traffic, like this:
# dom0: fake eth0 -> vif0.0 -+
#                            |
#                          bridge -> real eth0 -> the network
#                            |
# domU: fake eth0 -> vifN.0 -+
# use
#(network-script network-bridge)
# Your default ethernet device is used as the outgoing interface, by default. 
# To use a different one (e.g. eth1) use
# (network-script 'network-bridge netdev=eth1')
# The bridge is named xenbr0, by default.  To rename the bridge, use
# (network-script 'network-bridge bridge=<name>')
# It is possible to use the network-bridge script in more complicated
# scenarios, such as having two outgoing interfaces, with two bridges, and
# two fake interfaces per guest domain.  To do things like this, write
# yourself a wrapper script, and call network-bridge from it, as appropriate.
#(network-script network-dummy)

# The script used to control virtual interfaces.  This can be overridden on a
# per-vif basis when creating a domain or a configuring a new vif.  The
# vif-bridge script is designed for use with the network-bridge script, or
# similar configurations.
# If you have overridden the bridge name using
# (network-script 'network-bridge bridge=<name>') then you may wish to do the
# same here.  The bridge name can also be set when creating a domain or
# configuring a new vif, but a value specified here would act as a default.
# If you are using only one bridge, the vif-bridge script will discover that,
# so there is no need to specify it explicitly.
#(vif-script vif-bridge)

## Use the following if network traffic is routed, as an alternative to the
# settings for bridged networking given above.
#(network-script network-route)
#(vif-script     vif-route)

## Use the following if network traffic is routed with NAT, as an alternative
# to the settings for bridged networking given above.
 (network-script network-nat)
 (vif-script     vif-nat)

# Dom0 will balloon out when needed to free memory for domU.
# dom0-min-mem is the lowest memory level (in MB) dom0 will get down to.
# If dom0-min-mem=0, dom0 will never balloon out.
(dom0-min-mem 128)

# In SMP system, dom0 will use dom0-cpus # of CPUS
# If dom0-cpus = 0, dom0 will take all cpus available
(dom0-cpus 0)

# Whether to enable core-dumps when domains crash.
#(enable-dump no)

# The tool used for initiating virtual TPM migration
#(external-migration-tool '')

# The interface for VNC servers to listen on. Defaults
# to  To restore old 'listen everywhere' behaviour
# set this to
vnc-listen ''

kernel  = '/usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/boot/hvmloader'
builder = 'hvm'
memory  = '196'


# Laufwerke
disk    = [ 'file:/home/xen/domains/win2008/disk.img,ioemu:hda,w','file:/home/xen/s2008.iso,ioemu:hdc:cdrom,r' ]


#disk    = [ 'phy:/dev/hda,hda,r' ]

# Hostname
name    = 'win08'

#  Networking
#dhcp = dhcp
vif = ['type=ioemu, ip=']

vfb = ['type=vnc,vnclisten=,vncunused=0,vncdisplay=9']
stdvga = 0
serial = 'pty'
audio = 0 

# Behaviour

xm info gibt folgende ausgabe

xm info
host                   : xxxx.org
release                : 2.6.18-6-xen-686
version                : #1 SMP Sat Jun 7 02:07:48 UTC 2008
machine                : i686
nr_cpus                : 2
nr_nodes               : 1
sockets_per_node       : 1
cores_per_socket       : 2
threads_per_core       : 1
cpu_mhz                : 2109
hw_caps                : 178bfbff:ebd3fbff:00000000:00000010:00002001:00000000:0000011f
total_memory           : 3054
free_memory            : 8
xen_major              : 3
xen_minor              : 0
xen_extra              : .3-1
xen_caps               : xen-3.0-x86_32p hvm-3.0-x86_32 hvm-3.0-x86_32p
xen_pagesize           : 4096
platform_params        : virt_start=0xf5800000
xen_changeset          : Tue Oct 17 22:09:52 2006 +0100 
cc_compiler            : gcc version 3.4.6 (Debian 3.4.6-5)
cc_compile_by          : skx
cc_compile_domain      : debian.org
cc_compile_date        : Tue Oct 23 02:22:48 BST 2007
xend_config_format     : 2

der xend log schaut auch net so un normal aus oder ?

[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend.XendDomainInfo 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) XendDomainInfo.create(['vm', ['name', 'win08'], ['memory', '196'], ['vcpus', 1], ['image', ['hvm', ['kernel', '/usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/boot/hvmloader'], ['vcpus', 1], ['boot', 'd'], ['serial', 'pty'], ['vnc', 1], ['vncdisplay', 4], ['vncunused', 1], ['vnclisten', ''], ['xauthority', '/root/.Xauthority'], ['device_model', '/usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/bin/qemu-dm']]], ['device', ['vbd', ['uname', 'file:/home/xen/domains/win2008/disk.img'], ['dev', 'ioemu:hda'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['device', ['vbd', ['uname', 'file:/home/xen/s2008.iso'], ['dev', 'ioemu:hdc:cdrom'], ['mode', 'r']]], ['device', ['vif', ['ip', ''], ['type', 'ioemu']]]])
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend.XendDomainInfo 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) parseConfig: config is ['vm', ['name', 'win08'], ['memory', '196'], ['vcpus', 1], ['image', ['hvm', ['kernel', '/usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/boot/hvmloader'], ['vcpus', 1], ['boot', 'd'], ['serial', 'pty'], ['vnc', 1], ['vncdisplay', 4], ['vncunused', 1], ['vnclisten', ''], ['xauthority', '/root/.Xauthority'], ['device_model', '/usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/bin/qemu-dm']]], ['device', ['vbd', ['uname', 'file:/home/xen/domains/win2008/disk.img'], ['dev', 'ioemu:hda'], ['mode', 'w']]], ['device', ['vbd', ['uname', 'file:/home/xen/s2008.iso'], ['dev', 'ioemu:hdc:cdrom'], ['mode', 'r']]], ['device', ['vif', ['ip', ''], ['type', 'ioemu']]]]
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend.XendDomainInfo 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) parseConfig: result is {'shadow_memory': None, 'uuid': None, 'on_crash': None, 'on_reboot': None, 'localtime': None, 'image': ['hvm', ['kernel', '/usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/boot/hvmloader'], ['vcpus', 1], ['boot', 'd'], ['serial', 'pty'], ['vnc', 1], ['vncdisplay', 4], ['vncunused', 1], ['vnclisten', ''], ['xauthority', '/root/.Xauthority'], ['device_model', '/usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/bin/qemu-dm']], 'on_poweroff': None, 'bootloader_args': None, 'cpus': None, 'name': 'win08', 'backend': [], 'vcpus': 1, 'cpu_weight': None, 'features': None, 'vcpu_avail': None, 'memory': 196, 'device': [('vbd', ['vbd', ['uname', 'file:/home/xen/domains/win2008/disk.img'], ['dev', 'ioemu:hda'], ['mode', 'w']]), ('vbd', ['vbd', ['uname', 'file:/home/xen/s2008.iso'], ['dev', 'ioemu:hdc:cdrom'], ['mode', 'r']]), ('vif', ['vif', ['ip', ''], ['type', 'ioemu']])], 'bootloader': None, 'cpu': None, 'maxmem': None}
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend.XendDomainInfo 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) XendDomainInfo.construct: None
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend.XendDomainInfo 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) XendDomainInfo.initDomain: 21 1.0
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: boot, val: d
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: fda, val: None
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: fdb, val: None
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: soundhw, val: None
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: localtime, val: None
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: serial, val: pty
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: std-vga, val: None
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: isa, val: None
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: vcpus, val: 1
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: acpi, val: None
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: usb, val: None
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) args: usbdevice, val: None
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Balloon: 346984 KiB free; need 215512; done.
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] INFO (__init__:1072) buildDomain os=hvm dom=21 vcpus=1
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) dom            = 21
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) image          = /usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/boot/hvmloader
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) store_evtchn   = 1
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) memsize        = 196
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) vcpus          = 1
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) pae            = 0
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) acpi           = 0
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) apic           = 0
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hvm shutdown watch registered
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) exception looking up device number for hda: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/hda'
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) DevController: writing {'backend-id': '0', 'virtual-device': '768', 'device-type': 'disk', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/21/768'} to /local/domain/21/device/vbd/768.
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) DevController: writing {'domain': 'win08', 'frontend': '/local/domain/21/device/vbd/768', 'dev': 'hda', 'state': '1', 'params': '/home/xen/domains/win2008/disk.img', 'mode': 'w', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '21', 'type': 'file'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/21/768.
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) exception looking up device number for hdc: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/hdc'
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) DevController: writing {'backend-id': '0', 'virtual-device': '5632', 'device-type': 'cdrom', 'state': '1', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vbd/21/5632'} to /local/domain/21/device/vbd/5632.
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) DevController: writing {'domain': 'win08', 'frontend': '/local/domain/21/device/vbd/5632', 'dev': 'hdc', 'state': '1', 'params': '/home/xen/s2008.iso', 'mode': 'r', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '21', 'type': 'file'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/21/5632.
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) DevController: writing {'state': '1', 'backend-id': '0', 'backend': '/local/domain/0/backend/vif/21/0'} to /local/domain/21/device/vif/0.
[2008-06-15 16:14:50 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) DevController: writing {'domain': 'win08', 'handle': '0', 'script': '/etc/xen/scripts/vif-nat', 'ip': '', 'state': '1', 'frontend': '/local/domain/21/device/vif/0', 'mac': '00:16:3e:65:99:ad', 'online': '1', 'frontend-id': '21', 'type': 'ioemu'} to /local/domain/0/backend/vif/21/0.
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend 16400] INFO (__init__:1072) spawning device models: /usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/bin/qemu-dm ['/usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/bin/qemu-dm', '-d', '21', '-m', '196', '-boot', 'd', '-serial', 'pty', '-vcpus', '1', '-domain-name', 'win08', '-net', 'nic,vlan=1,macaddr=00:16:3e:28:07:a9,model=rtl8139', '-net', 'tap,vlan=1,bridge=xenbr0', '-vncunused', '-k', 'en-us', '-vnclisten', '']
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend 16400] INFO (__init__:1072) device model pid: 16337
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend.XendDomainInfo 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Storing VM details: {'shadow_memory': '2', 'uuid': '188d50e9-aba2-63c6-967c-f9b24040a342', 'on_reboot': 'restart', 'start_time': '1213546491.02', 'on_poweroff': 'destroy', 'name': 'win08', 'xend/restart_count': '0', 'vcpus': '1', 'vcpu_avail': '1', 'memory': '196', 'on_crash': 'restart', 'image': '(hvm (kernel /usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/boot/hvmloader) (vcpus 1) (boot d) (serial pty) (vnc 1) (vncdisplay 4) (vncunused 1) (vnclisten (xauthority /root/.Xauthority) (device_model /usr/lib/xen-3.0.3-1/bin/qemu-dm))', 'maxmem': '196'}
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend.XendDomainInfo 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Storing domain details: {'console/port': '2', 'name': 'win08', 'console/limit': '1048576', 'vm': '/vm/188d50e9-aba2-63c6-967c-f9b24040a342', 'domid': '21', 'cpu/0/availability': 'online', 'memory/target': '200704', 'store/ring-ref': '165211', 'store/port': '1'}
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hvm_shutdown fired, shutdown reason=None
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend.XendDomainInfo 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) XendDomainInfo.handleShutdownWatch
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices vif.
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for 0.
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/21/0/hotplug-status.
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vif/21/0/hotplug-status.
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback 1.
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices usb.
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices vbd.
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for 768.
[2008-06-15 16:14:51 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/21/768/hotplug-status.
[2008-06-15 16:14:52 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/21/768/hotplug-status.
[2008-06-15 16:14:52 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback 1.
[2008-06-15 16:14:52 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for 5632.
[2008-06-15 16:14:52 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/21/5632/hotplug-status.
[2008-06-15 16:14:52 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback /local/domain/0/backend/vbd/21/5632/hotplug-status.
[2008-06-15 16:14:52 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) hotplugStatusCallback 1.
[2008-06-15 16:14:52 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices irq.
[2008-06-15 16:14:52 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices pci.
[2008-06-15 16:14:52 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices ioports.
[2008-06-15 16:14:52 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices tap.
[2008-06-15 16:14:52 xend 16400] DEBUG (__init__:1072) Waiting for devices vtpm.
[2008-06-15 16:14:52 xend 16400] INFO (__init__:1072) Domain win08 (21) unpaused.
Ohne dass ich mich je mit Xen beschäftigt hätte:

Xen ist eine Paravirtualisierung, d.h. normalerweise müsste das Gastsystem "mithelfen".

Unter Matthias P. Würfl: Windows auf XEN steht, dass man Vanderpool (VT = Intel) oder Pacifica (=AMD) Erweiterungen braucht. Sind diese im Bios auch aktiviert? Respektive welche CPU ist denn das überhaupt? Wir wissen nur "Rootserver" mit 2 Kernen...
im bios kann ich leider nicht nach schauen sollte aber aktiviert sein...

denn wo ich ein anderes System auf der selben Maschine laufen hatte ging es mit windows ohne probs!

Habe noch nen interresanten log gefunden..
cat qemu-dm-2.log 
Watching /local/domain/0/device-model/2/logdirty/next-active
Watching /local/domain/0/device-model/2/command
-c config qemu network with xen bridge for 
tap0 xenbr0
bridge xenbr0 does not exist!
/etc/xen/scripts/qemu-ifup: could not launch network script
Could not initialize device 'tap'

Aber so richtig schlau werde ich auh nicht daraus...

schaut so aus als würde hvm net mit nat klar kommen?
Last edited by a moderator:

Das logfile sagt eigentlich schon viel aus.

cat qemu-dm-2.log 
Watching /local/domain/0/device-model/2/logdirty/next-active
Watching /local/domain/0/device-model/2/command
-c config qemu network with xen bridge for 
tap0 xenbr0
bridge xenbr0 does not exist!
/etc/xen/scripts/qemu-ifup: could not launch network script
Could not initialize device 'tap'

bridge xenbr0 does not exist!

sagt aus das der virtuelle Switch (Bridge) nicht existiert.
HVM vms brauchen leider immer noch ne Bridge diese kannst du dir auch selber bauen. Anleitungen findest du im netz.

in deiner Config für die VM must dann nur noch bridge=deine-bride angeben
vif  = [ 'ip=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,mac=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx,type=ioemu , bridge=deine-bride']

dan funktioniert das auch