Vnstat - logt nur noch tageweise


Registered User
Hallo Jungs,

Auf einem Server logt vstat nur noch für einen Tag, am nächsten Tag sind die Werte des vorherigen Tages weg o_O..

# vnStat 1.6 config file

# location of the database directory
DatabaseDir "/var/lib/vnstat"

# locale (LC_ALL)
Locale "en_US"

# on which day should months change
MonthRotate 1

# date output formats for -d, -m, -t and -w
# see 'man date' for control codes
DayFormat    "%d.%m."
MonthFormat  "%b '%y"
TopFormat    "%d.%m.%y"

# characters used for visuals
RXCharacter       "%"
TXCharacter       ":"
RXHourCharacter   "r"
TXHourCharacter   "t"

# default interface
Interface "eth0"

# maximum bandwidth (Mbit) for all interfaces, 0 = disable feature
# (unless interface specific limit is given)
MaxBandwidth 100

# interface specific limits
#  example 8Mbit limit for eth0 (remove # to activate):
#MaxBWeth0 8

# how many seconds should sampling for -tr take by default
Sampletime 5

# default query mode
# 0 = normal, 1 = days, 2 = months, 3 = top10
# 4 = dumpdb, 5 = short, 6 = weeks, 7 = hours
QueryMode 0

# database file locking (1 = enabled, 0 = disabled)
UseFileLocking 1

# how much the boot time can variate between updates (seconds)
BootVariation 15

*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/vnstat -u

Ich bin ratlos, auch eine Neuinstallation hat nichts gebracht...

