VHCS Omega RC1 ubuntu 6.06 install

  • Thread starter Thread starter fox
  • Start date Start date


Habe heute mal die Omega RC1 auf nem Ubuntu 6.06 system installiert.
Als anleitung hab ich das debian howto genommen und bloss ein paar paketnamen mussten angepasst werden, der rest flutsch wie beschrieben.


- Nach der erfolgreichen installation wollte ich als erstes in "Layout Settings" nen Bild hochladen, dies führt zu folgenden errors:

Warning: move_uploaded_file(/var/www/vhcs2/gui//themes/user_logos/vadmin.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /var/www/vhcs2/gui/admin/layout.php on line 83

Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpLR3oRQ' to '/var/www/vhcs2/gui//themes/user_logos/vadmin.jpg' in /var/www/vhcs2/gui/admin/layout.php on line 83

Warning: chmod() [function.chmod]: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhcs2/gui/admin/layout.php on line 84

Da stimmen also noch rechte nicht.

- Socondary DNS
Da MUSS ne bessere lösung her!
Mein Vorschlag (bis ne richtige multi server lösung da ist): Der install wizard erfragt die IP vom secondary DNS. Bei DNS änderungen wird auch das config file für den secondary generiert, so brauchts wenigstens nur noch nen modifiziertes CMD_NAMED was die datei auf den secondary kopiert und dann die DNS neu startet.
Noch schöner wäre gleich die Einführung von nem CMD_NAMED_SEC im vhcs.conf mit nem beispiel script welches die secondary config via ssh auf den sec DNS kopiert und den DNS neustarted.

- E-Mail template
The var USERTYPE is not in the description list

- Orderpanel
The "orderpannel" preview nor the orderpannel himself is working

- Order E-Mail setup
There is a ">" behind the email adress and the name which should not be there

- Domain alias
This is in my opinion and old vhcs issue, a alias of a domain is just another domainname for the SAME content. The way it is now it's a new domain with new content for an existing user, just with limited functionality. thats nice too, but there should be a way that a user is limited to only add "real" aliases.

- Email accounts
Automatically generated passwords would be nice when creating a e-mail account

- Webmail
Is not working due ti file permissions:

Error opening ../data/default_pref
Could not create initial preference file!
../data/ should be writable by user www-data
Please contact your system administrator and report this error.

- Adding a user in users/groups did not work.
As i don't know what it is for i did not further test


- In the hosting plan it should be possible to add default accounts. so whe a new site is created based on the information in the hosting plan default accounts are automatically created for email, ftp and also a default mysql database. in the hosting plan i should be able to add the default name like: info for mail and so on.
The passwords should be aoutmatically generated and emaild out to the admin reseller and new customer.