Teamspeak server gehen immer wieder down. Warum?


New Member

Meine Ts Server gehen immer wieder mal down. Also sozusagen der ganze Server.

Er hat keine Max. Auslastung! Woran kann das liegen.

Ist ein VServer von 1blu mit Debian 3.1 Sarge + Plesk.

Oct 17 13:56:52 v29657 sshd[30657]: Illegal user webpop from
Oct 17 13:56:54 v29657 sshd[31745]: Illegal user susan from
Oct 17 13:56:57 v29657 sshd[31810]: Illegal user sunny from
Oct 17 13:57:00 v29657 sshd[31879]: Illegal user steven from
Oct 17 13:57:03 v29657 sshd[31945]: Illegal user ssh from
Oct 17 13:57:05 v29657 sshd[32077]: Illegal user search from
Oct 17 13:57:08 v29657 sshd[32147]: Illegal user sara from
Oct 17 13:57:10 v29657 sshd[32210]: Illegal user robert from
Oct 17 13:57:13 v29657 sshd[32284]: Illegal user richard from
Oct 17 13:57:16 v29657 sshd[32350]: Illegal user party from
Oct 17 13:57:18 v29657 sshd[32421]: Illegal user amanda from
Oct 17 13:57:21 v29657 sshd[32479]: Illegal user rpm from
Oct 17 13:57:24 v29657 sshd[32538]: Illegal user operator from
Oct 17 13:57:27 v29657 sshd[32653]: Illegal user sgi from
Oct 17 13:57:32 v29657 sshd[1336]: Illegal user users from
Oct 17 13:57:35 v29657 sshd[1395]: Illegal user admins from
Oct 17 13:57:38 v29657 sshd[1462]: Illegal user admins from
Oct 17 13:57:52 v29657 sshd[1793]: Illegal user shutdown from
Oct 17 13:57:54 v29657 sshd[1857]: Illegal user halt from
Oct 17 13:58:03 v29657 sshd[2030]: Illegal user dean from
Oct 17 13:58:06 v29657 sshd[3188]: Illegal user unknown from
Oct 17 13:58:09 v29657 sshd[3259]: Illegal user securityagent from
Oct 17 13:58:11 v29657 sshd[3320]: Illegal user tokend from
Oct 17 13:58:14 v29657 sshd[3373]: Illegal user windowserver from
Oct 17 13:58:17 v29657 sshd[3431]: Illegal user appowner from
Oct 17 13:58:19 v29657 sshd[3496]: Illegal user xgridagent from
Oct 17 13:58:22 v29657 sshd[3546]: Illegal user agent from
Oct 17 13:58:25 v29657 sshd[3589]: Illegal user xgridcontroller from
Oct 17 13:58:28 v29657 sshd[3638]: Illegal user jabber from
Oct 17 13:58:31 v29657 sshd[3703]: Illegal user amavisd from
Oct 17 13:58:33 v29657 sshd[3757]: Illegal user clamav from
Oct 17 13:58:36 v29657 sshd[3799]: Illegal user appserver from
Oct 17 13:58:39 v29657 sshd[3853]: Illegal user mailman from
Oct 17 13:58:42 v29657 sshd[3906]: Illegal user cyrusimap from
Oct 17 13:58:45 v29657 sshd[3978]: Illegal user qtss from
Oct 17 13:58:47 v29657 sshd[4018]: Illegal user eppc from
Oct 17 13:58:50 v29657 sshd[4090]: Illegal user telnetd from
Oct 17 13:58:53 v29657 sshd[5169]: Illegal user identd from
Oct 17 13:58:58 v29657 sshd[5268]: Illegal user jeff from
Oct 17 13:59:06 v29657 sshd[5530]: Illegal user eleve from
Oct 17 13:59:15 v29657 sshd[5734]: Illegal user zzz from
Oct 17 13:59:17 v29657 sshd[5801]: Illegal user frank from
Oct 17 13:59:20 v29657 sshd[5858]: Illegal user dan from
Oct 17 13:59:23 v29657 sshd[5913]: Illegal user james from
Oct 17 13:59:26 v29657 sshd[5992]: Illegal user snort from
Oct 17 13:59:29 v29657 sshd[6032]: Illegal user radiomail from
Oct 17 13:59:31 v29657 sshd[6130]: Illegal user harrypotter from
Oct 17 13:59:34 v29657 sshd[7196]: Illegal user divine from
Oct 17 13:59:37 v29657 sshd[7251]: Illegal user popa3d from
Oct 17 13:59:39 v29657 sshd[7314]: Illegal user aptproxy from
Oct 17 13:59:42 v29657 sshd[7365]: Illegal user desktop from
Oct 17 13:59:45 v29657 sshd[7406]: Illegal user workshop from
Oct 17 13:59:47 v29657 sshd[7444]: Illegal user mailnull from
Oct 17 13:59:50 v29657 sshd[7497]: Illegal user nfsnobody from
Oct 17 13:59:52 v29657 sshd[7590]: Illegal user rpcuser from
Oct 17 13:59:55 v29657 sshd[7635]: Illegal user rpc from
Oct 17 13:59:58 v29657 sshd[7681]: Illegal user gopher from

was bitte soll das heißen? Is aus der auth.log
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Ich hab da ein ähnliches Problem. Ab und zu kommt kein Wasser aus der Wasserarmatur, obwohl das Schraubventil aufgedreht ist. Von Seiten der Hausverbraucher kann ich eine Überlastung der Leitung vorerst ausschließen.

Zum Einsatz kommt das Modell "minimo-line" von C&F Designarmaturen.

Na, dämmerts?

Edit: Das heisst, das sich jemand mittels Brute-Force Attacke Zugang zu Deinem Server verschaffen will. Normales Hintergrundrauschen!
@marneus Gelbe Seiten. :D

@Syrius1988 Sorry meine Glaskugel ist beschlagen. :)
Im auth.log steht das sich ein User mit verschiedende Usernamen versucht auf deinen Server einzuloggen.
Ich würde mal den ssh port verschieben.

Im Bereich Teamspeak haste doch schonmal so nen Thread aufgemacht oder geht es da um was anderen? :confused:
Ja geht um was anderes dor. Aber was kann man da machen die Leitung und der server sind keineswegs überlastet. Aber ich frage mich warum der immer wieder shutdown macht.
Du startest den TS-Server schon als Daemon und nicht als Prozess oder?

(Klick aufs [X] und schwups ist der TS-S down) :D
-------------- log started at 05-10-07 22:07 -------------
05-10-07 22:07:20,ALL,Info,server,    Server init initialized
05-10-07 22:07:20,ALL,Info,server,    Server version: Linux
05-10-07 22:07:20,WARNING,Info,SQL,    created table ts2_servers
05-10-07 22:07:20,WARNING,Info,SQL,    created table ts2_server_privileges
05-10-07 22:07:20,WARNING,Info,SQL,    created table ts2_channels
05-10-07 22:07:20,WARNING,Info,SQL,    created table ts2_channel_privileges
05-10-07 22:07:20,WARNING,Info,SQL,    created table ts2_clients
05-10-07 22:07:20,WARNING,Info,SQL,    created table ts2_bans
05-10-07 22:07:20,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
05-10-07 22:07:20,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
05-10-07 22:07:20,WARNING,Info,SERVER,    Default VirtualServer created
05-10-07 22:07:20,WARNING,Info,SERVER,    admin account info: username: admin password: XXX
05-10-07 22:07:20,WARNING,Info,SERVER,    superadmin account info: username: superadmin password: XXX
05-10-07 22:07:23,ALL,Info,server,    Server init finished
05-10-07 22:07:23,WARNING,Info,server,    TeamSpeak Server daemon activated
05-10-07 22:18:44,WARNING,Info,WEBINTERFACE,    File not found: /home/tss2_rc2/httpdocs/index.html
05-10-07 22:18:44,ERROR,All,WEBINTERFACE,    FileNotFound: "/home/tss2_rc2/httpdocs/index.html"
05-10-07 22:18:48,WARNING,Info,WEBINTERFACE,    File not found: /home/tss2_rc2/httpdocs/index.html
05-10-07 22:18:48,ERROR,All,WEBINTERFACE,    FileNotFound: "/home/tss2_rc2/httpdocs/index.html"
05-10-07 22:21:06,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
05-10-07 22:21:06,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
05-10-07 22:23:32,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
05-10-07 22:23:32,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
08-10-07 11:39:11,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
08-10-07 11:39:11,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
08-10-07 21:45:51,ALL,Info,server,    Server shutdown initialized
08-10-07 21:45:51,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
08-10-07 21:45:52,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
08-10-07 21:45:52,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
08-10-07 21:45:52,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
08-10-07 21:45:54,ALL,Info,server,    Server shutdown finished
--------------- log ended at 08-10-07 21:45 --------------
-------------- log started at 08-10-07 21:57 -------------
08-10-07 21:57:19,ALL,Info,server,    Server init initialized
08-10-07 21:57:19,ALL,Info,server,    Server version: Linux
08-10-07 21:57:19,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
08-10-07 21:57:19,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
08-10-07 21:57:19,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
08-10-07 21:57:19,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
08-10-07 21:57:19,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:3 with port:8754
08-10-07 21:57:19,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:3 with port:8754
08-10-07 21:57:19,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:4 with port:8652
08-10-07 21:57:19,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:4 with port:8652
08-10-07 21:57:19,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:5 with port:8798
08-10-07 21:57:19,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:5 with port:8798
08-10-07 21:57:22,ALL,Info,server,    Server init finished
08-10-07 21:57:22,WARNING,Info,server,    TeamSpeak Server daemon activated
09-10-07 08:38:04,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:3 with port:8754
09-10-07 08:38:05,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:3 with port:8754
09-10-07 08:38:10,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:4 with port:8652
09-10-07 08:38:10,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:4 with port:8652
09-10-07 08:38:14,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:5 with port:8798
09-10-07 08:38:15,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:5 with port:8798
11-10-07 15:18:03,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:3 with port:8754
11-10-07 15:18:03,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:3 with port:8754
13-10-07 15:17:19,ALL,Info,server,    Server shutdown initialized
13-10-07 15:17:19,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:3 with port:8754
13-10-07 15:17:20,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:3 with port:8754
13-10-07 15:17:20,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
13-10-07 15:17:20,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
13-10-07 15:17:20,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
13-10-07 15:17:21,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
13-10-07 15:17:23,ALL,Info,server,    Server shutdown finished
--------------- log ended at 13-10-07 15:17 --------------
-------------- log started at 13-10-07 15:19 -------------
13-10-07 15:19:30,ALL,Info,server,    Server init initialized
13-10-07 15:19:30,ALL,Info,server,    Server version: Linux
13-10-07 15:19:30,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
13-10-07 15:19:31,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
13-10-07 15:19:31,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
13-10-07 15:19:31,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
13-10-07 15:19:31,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:3 with port:8754
13-10-07 15:19:31,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:3 with port:8754
13-10-07 15:19:31,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:4 with port:8652
13-10-07 15:19:31,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:4 with port:8652
13-10-07 15:19:32,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:5 with port:8798
13-10-07 15:19:32,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:5 with port:8798
13-10-07 15:19:34,ALL,Info,server,    Server init finished
13-10-07 15:19:34,WARNING,Info,server,    TeamSpeak Server daemon activated
14-10-07 19:54:22,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
14-10-07 19:54:23,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:2 with port:8849
14-10-07 19:55:14,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:6 with port:8849
14-10-07 19:55:14,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:6 with port:8849
16-10-07 15:42:42,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:5 with port:8798
16-10-07 15:42:42,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:5 with port:8798
16-10-07 15:43:40,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:7 with port:8768
16-10-07 15:43:40,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:7 with port:8768
16-10-07 15:58:34,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:3 with port:8754
16-10-07 15:58:34,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:3 with port:8754
16-10-07 15:59:21,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:8 with port:8754
16-10-07 15:59:21,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:8 with port:8754
16-10-07 16:58:59,ALL,Info,server,    Server shutdown initialized
16-10-07 16:58:59,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:8 with port:8754
16-10-07 16:58:59,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:8 with port:8754
16-10-07 16:58:59,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:7 with port:8768
16-10-07 16:59:01,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:7 with port:8768
16-10-07 16:59:01,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:6 with port:8849
16-10-07 16:59:02,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:6 with port:8849
16-10-07 16:59:02,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:4 with port:8652
16-10-07 16:59:03,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:4 with port:8652
16-10-07 16:59:03,ALL,Info,server,    Stopping VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
16-10-07 16:59:03,ALL,Info,server,    Stopped VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
-------------- log started at 16-10-07 17:02 -------------
16-10-07 17:02:06,ALL,Info,server,    Server init initialized
16-10-07 17:02:06,ALL,Info,server,    Server version: Linux
16-10-07 17:02:06,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
16-10-07 17:02:06,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:1 with port:8767
16-10-07 17:02:07,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:4 with port:8652
16-10-07 17:02:07,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:4 with port:8652
16-10-07 17:02:07,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:6 with port:8849
16-10-07 17:02:07,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:6 with port:8849
16-10-07 17:02:07,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:7 with port:8768
16-10-07 17:02:07,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:7 with port:8768
16-10-07 17:02:07,ALL,Info,server,    Starting VirtualServer id:8 with port:8754
16-10-07 17:02:07,ALL,Info,server,    Started VirtualServer id:8 with port:8754
16-10-07 17:02:10,ALL,Info,server,    Server init finished
16-10-07 17:02:10,WARNING,Info,server,    TeamSpeak Server daemon activated
Das sagt sie
Last edited by a moderator:
sieht sauber aus das was stört:
05-10-07 22:18:44,WARNING,Info,WEBINTERFACE, File not found: /home/tss2_rc2/httpdocs/index.html
05-10-07 22:18:44,ERROR,All,WEBINTERFACE, FileNotFound: "/home/tss2_rc2/httpdocs/index.html"
05-10-07 22:18:48,WARNING,Info,WEBINTERFACE, File not found: /home/tss2_rc2/httpdocs/index.html
05-10-07 22:18:48,ERROR,All,WEBINTERFACE, FileNotFound: "/home/tss2_rc2/httpdocs/index.html"

Haste Zugriff aufs Webinterface?
Ich finde es im übrigen sehr toll, das du dein Passwort für Admin und Superadmin hier postest. Respekt so mutig wäre ich nicht :D