(5) Virtual Servers
Like with TeamSpeak 2, the server process serves as a container for multiple
virtual servers running within the same process. When the server process is
started, one virtual voice server will be automatically created unless the
"create_default_virtualserver=0" commandline parameter is specified.
The first virtual server will be running on port 9987 by default. Subsequently
started virtual servers will be running on increasing port numbers. The second
on 9998, the third on 9999 etc. The first default port can be changed by
specifying the "default_voice_port=<port>" commandline parameter.
Virtual servers are always unique, marked by an unique identifier. Hence it is
not possible to start the same virtual server within a second server process.
(6) Commandline Parameters
Commandline parameters are passed to the TeamSpeak 3 Server using the form:
ts3server_<arch> <parameter1>=<value1> [<parameter2>=<value2>] ...
Important: All commandline parameters passed to the server need to be escaped
using the ServerQuery escape patterns (check the ServerQuery manual for details).
$ ./ts3server_minimal_runscript.sh clear_database=1 create_default_virtualserver=0
Commandline parameters are not saved over sessions, so if you passed paramaters
when starting the server process, you need to pass them again the next time. If
a parameter is not specified, the default value will be used, regardless of
parameters specified during a previous server start.
The following commandline parameters are available:
* default_voice_port (9987)
UDP port open for clients to connect to. This port is used by the first
virtual server, subsequently started virtual servers will open on increasing
port numbers.
Default: The default voice port is 9987.