* This file is part of the SysCP project.
* Copyright (c) 2003-2006 the SysCP Team (see authors).
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the COPYING
* file that was distributed with this source code. You can also view the
* COPYING file online at [url]http://files.syscp.org/misc/COPYING.txt[/url]
* @copyright (c) the authors
* @author Florian Lippert <flo@syscp.org>
* @author Martin Burchert <eremit@syscp.org>
* @license GPLv2 [url]http://files.syscp.org/misc/COPYING.txt[/url]
* @package System
* @version $Id: cronscript.php 880 2006-10-18 20:52:23Z flo $
if(@php_sapi_name() != 'cli' && @php_sapi_name() != 'cgi' && @php_sapi_name() != 'cgi-fcgi')
die('This script will only work in the shell.');
$cronscriptDebug = false;
$lockdir = '/var/run/';
$lockFilename = 'syscp_cron.lock-';
$lockfName = $lockFilename.time();
$lockfile = $lockdir.$lockfName;
// guess the syscp installation path
// normally you should not need to modify this script anymore, if your
// syscp installation isn't in /var/www/syscp
$pathtophpfiles = '';
if( substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 0, 1) != '/' )
$pathtophpfiles = $_SERVER['PWD'];
$pathtophpfiles .= '/'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$pathtophpfiles = str_replace( array( '/./', '//' ), '/', $pathtophpfiles );
$pathtophpfiles = dirname(dirname( $pathtophpfiles ));
// should the syscp installation guessing not work correctly,
// uncomment the following line, and put your path in there!
//$pathtophpfiles = '/var/www/syscp';
$filename = 'cronscript.php';
// create and open the lockfile!
$debugHandler = fopen( $lockfile, 'w' );
fwrite( $debugHandler, 'Setting Lockfile to '.$lockfile . "\n");
fwrite( $debugHandler, 'Setting SysCP installation path to '.$pathtophpfiles . "\n");
// open the lockfile directory and scan for existing lockfiles
$lockDirHandle = opendir($lockdir);
while ($fName = readdir($lockDirHandle))
if ( $lockFilename == substr($fName, 0, strlen($lockFilename)) && $lockfName != $fName )
// close the current lockfile
fclose( $debugHandler );
// ... and delete it
die('There is already a lockfile. Exiting...' . "\n" .
'Take a look into the contents of ' . $lockdir . $lockFilename .
'* for more information!' );
* Includes the Usersettings eg. MySQL-Username/Passwort etc.
fwrite( $debugHandler, 'Userdatas included' . "\n");
* Includes the MySQL-Tabledefinitions etc.
fwrite( $debugHandler, 'Table definitions included' . "\n");
* Includes the MySQL-Connection-Class
fwrite( $debugHandler, 'Database Class has been loaded' . "\n");
$db = new db($sql['host'],$sql['user'],$sql['password'],$sql['db']);
$db_root = new db($sql['host'],$sql['root_user'],$sql['root_password'],'');
if($db->link_id == 0 || $db_root->link_id == 0)
* Do not proceed further if no database connection could be established (either normal or root)
fclose( $debugHandler );
die('Cant connect to mysqlserver. Please check userdata.inc.php! Exiting...');
fwrite( $debugHandler, 'Database Connection established' . "\n" );
unset( $sql );
unset( $db->password );
unset( $db_root->password );
$result=$db->query("SELECT `settingid`, `settinggroup`, `varname`, `value` FROM `".TABLE_PANEL_SETTINGS."`");
fwrite( $debugHandler, 'SysCP Settings has been loaded from the database' . "\n");
if(!isset($settings['panel']['version']) || $settings['panel']['version'] != $version)
* Do not proceed further if the Database version is not the same as the script version
fclose( $debugHandler );
die('Version of File doesnt match Version of Database. Exiting...');
fwrite( $debugHandler, 'SysCP Version and Database Version are correct' . "\n");
* Includes the Functions
fwrite( $debugHandler, 'Functions has been included' . "\n" );
* Backend Wrapper
$query =
'SELECT * ' .
$cronFileIncludeResult = $db->query($query);
while ($cronFileIncludeRow = $db->fetch_array($cronFileIncludeResult))
fwrite( $debugHandler, 'Processing ...'.$pathtophpfiles.'/scripts/'.$cronFileIncludeRow['file'] . "\n");
include_once $pathtophpfiles.'/scripts/'.$cronFileIncludeRow['file'];
fwrite( $debugHandler, 'Processing done!' . "\n");
fclose( $debugHandler );
'SET `value` = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() ' .
'WHERE `settinggroup` = \'system\' ' .
' AND `varname` = \'lastcronrun\' '