SpamExperts - Who's Your Partner?


As the phenomenal global growth of social media has shown in recent times, the power of a group of people coming together behind a common goal can often produce wonderful outcomes. Let's face it. Who doesn't want to rid the world of phishing, computer viruses and spam!?! Working in tandem almost always produces better results than working alone.

Are you alone in your battle to take on spam? If so, you no doubt are in need of a partner. SpamExperts has just the solution for you with their Hosting Partner Program (HPP). Businesses partner with them because they trust SpamExperts with their customers, partners and inevitably with their reputations.

The benefits of participating in this partnering program are multiple. As a SpamExperts Hosting Partner your business will receive first class marketing support, multiple bulk discounts, joint press releases and publicity, lead referrals for smaller clients and assistance in roll out and customer adoption. Who wouldn't want that? And yes, it is 100% free.

By partnering with SpamExperts your ISP, Web-hosting and Domain Registrar business can leverage the best of what they offer with co-branded sales and marketing materials as well as other programs. If your business filters a minimum of 5000 domains, let SpamExperts help you grow your revenues and boost your customer satisfaction.

Since the partnering program began, SpamExperts has teamed up with EZPZ Hosting, Novatrend Services GmbH, eApps, Steadfast Networks, Ezprovider Networkins, Tranquil Hosting and Qweb Internet Services B.V. "Since we joined the HPP, we have received a lot of positive PR and even lead-referrals through SpamExperts" says Marco Houwen, Co-Founder of EuroDNS and LuxCloud. "It has been great working with the SpamExperts team and we are already working on some exciting new possibilities for extending our partnership.".

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