SPAM von TurboSMTP


Registered User

Habt ihr auch mit SPAM von TurboSMTP zu kämpfen?

Auf Abuse-Meldungen wird nicht reagiert. Habt ihr das Problem auch? Ich habe die IP-Adressen geblockt, aber es nervt.
The Complaint Response Process

How we deal with complaints
Even though a customer may not be sending spam, complaints may still be received by turboSMTP from a customer's recipients. It is turboSMTP's policy to respond individually to every complaint, so that the complainant knows his/her address was not harvested, sold, rented, or otherwise improperly added to a customer's lists. The turboSMTP Abuse staff takes the following steps anytime a complaint is received:
Contact the Email Manager for the customer's account with a turboSMTP Abuse Inquiry. This inquiry will ask the customer to confirm the email address source, in general, and also to provide all specific information available regarding the particular email address in question. Customers should respond within two business days of receiving an Abuse Inquiry from turbo SMTP. Failure to respond to the Abuse Inquiry is in itself a violation of this policy. Failure to provide all requested information about the email address in question is a violation of this policy. The customer may not respond directly to the complainant without prior approval from the turboSMTP Abuse staff.
The turboSMTP Abuse team reviews the customer's response and the entire complaint and determines whether or not the customer is in compliance with this policy.
turboSMTP will respond to the complainant. As long as the customer has been adhering to this policy, turboSMTP will simply respond to the complainant letting him know how he opted in to receive emailings and reassure him that his email address has been unsubscribed from future mailings. We carbon copy the customer on our response to the complainant.
Should the customer be found to be in violation of this policy, the customer will receive a spam determination response from our Abuse team with specific information related to the violation.

Klingt nach einer langwierigen und fehleranfaelligen Prozedur.
So, nach +-4 Monaten kann ich sagen: Nein, es gibt keinen Abuse-Prozess. Keine Antwort, keine Rückfragen, nur noch mehr SPAM.

Fazit: Wer seriöse Mailings zuverlässig verschicken möchte, sollte sich einen anderen Anbieter suchen.