SolusVM vServer Starten nicht.


New Member
Hallo Forum,

Und zwar habe ich das Problem das ich SolusVM installiert (OpenVZ) habe und darüber dann einen vServer.

Leider Startet der vServer nicht und die anzeige bleibt auf Offline.

Ich bin leider ein Neuling was SolusVM angeht deswegen tu ich mich damit ein bisschen schwer.

Ich hoffe jemand von euch kennt das Problem und vielleicht auch eine schnell Lösung dafür.
Läuft aktuell der richtige Kernel?

Was sagt ein `cat /var/log/vzctl.log`?
Hallo vielen dank erst ein mal das du mir bei dem Problem helfen möchtest.

Die vzctl.log sagt folgendes

2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
Bitte einmal rebooten und dann probieren ob es geht. Ich nehme 'mal stark an, dass du den OpenVZ-Kernel installiert hast?

Ja genau ich habe laut SolusVM Kernel: 2.6.32-042stab072.10 Installiert.

Nun hab ich den Root-Server neugestartet und leider das selbe Problem wie zuvor.

Die vzctl.log sagt folgendes

2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:02+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:48:40+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:40+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:40+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:41+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:41+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:51+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:52+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:52+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:52+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:52+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:48:52+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:49:29+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:49:29+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:49:29+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:49:29+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:49:30+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:50:06+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:50:06+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:50:06+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:50:06+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Directory /proc/vz not found, assuming non-OpenVZ kernel
2013-02-24T01:50:06+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:50:09+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:50:10+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:50:10+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:50:10+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:50:10+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T01:58:16+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T03:06:03+0100 vzeventd : Started
2013-02-24T03:06:04+0100 vzctl : Setting CPU units: 1000
2013-02-24T03:06:04+0100 vzctl : WARNING: Settings were not saved to config and will be lost after CT restart (use --save flag)
2013-02-24T03:07:57+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T03:07:57+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T03:07:57+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T03:07:57+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T03:07:57+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T03:08:15+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T03:08:15+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Container config file does not exist
2013-02-24T03:08:15+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Sample config /etc/vz/conf/ve-101.conf-sample not found: No such file or directory
2013-02-24T03:08:15+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Creation of container private area failed
2013-02-24T03:08:15+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Warning: distribution not specified in CT config, using defaults from /etc/vz/dists/default
2013-02-24T03:08:15+0100 vzctl : CT 101 : Starting container...
Frag doch mal direkt bei den Kollegen von SolusVM nach, die bieten erstklassigen Support (auch jetzt noch) und schauen auch auf deine Server drauf bzw. lösen das Problem selbst.
