Server crasht in unregelmäßigen Abständen



habe seit längerer Zeit ein Problem mit meinem Zombiemod Server.
Er crasht einfach so ohne vorwarnung, aber in unregelmäßigen Abständen.

Sourcemod Plugins:
[SM] Listing 56 plugins:
  01 "Game Description Override" (1.2) by psychonic
  02 "Damage Money" (1.0) by Fredd
  03 "Radio Spam Block" (1.0.0) by exvel
  04 "Basic Chat" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  05 "Admin Help" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  06 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  07 "HUD Message" (1.0) by AMP
  08 "CD Announcer" (2.3) by Fredd
  09 "Player-Teleport by Dr. HyperKiLLeR" ( by Dr. HyperKiLLeR
  10 "HLstatsX CE Ingame Plugin" (1.6.10) by psychonic
  11 "Admin File Reader" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  12 "SM Super Admin" (0.60) by TechKnow
  13 "Rock The Vote" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  14 "SM File/Folder Downloader and Precacher" (1.4) by SWAT_88
  15 "Admin Menu" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  16 "RCON Lock" (0.6.7) by devicenull
  17 "SM Super Menu" (0.5) by pRED*
  18 "Show Damage" (1.0.6) by exvel
  19 "Player Commands" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  20 "Admin Sounds" (1.0.1) by dalto
  21 "Market" (1.2) by Greyscale
  22 "Admin loggin" (1.0) by vIr-Dan
  23 "Map Nominations" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  24 "No Team Flash" (0.3) by SAMURAI and Kigen
  25 "Ammo Script for Zombie:Reloaded" (2.1) by [SG-10]Cpt.Moore, Richard Helgeby, Kyle Sanderson
  26 "Sound Commands" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  27 "Plugin Manager" (1.1.0) by R-Hehl
  28 "MapChooser" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  29 "Kigen's Anti-Cheat" ( by CodingDirect LLC
  30 "Reserved Slots" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  31 "Client Preferences" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  32 "Basic Votes" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  33 "M3Motd - MOTD / Rules Display" (0.2.1) by M3Studios, Inc.
  34 "Very Basic High Ping Kicker" (1.2) by msleeper
  35 "ManiCompatSM" (1.0.0) by red! / HSFighter
  36 "Napalm grenades" (0.4) by Peoples Army
  37 "SourceMod Radio" ( by dubbeh
  38 "Spray Tracer" (5.8) by Nican132, CptMoore, Lebson506th
  39 "Console Welcome Message" (1.1.2) by exvel
  40 "Web Shortcuts" (1.0.1) by James "sslice" Gray
  41 "SuperLogs: CSS" (1.2.2) by psychonic
  42 "Fun Votes" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  43 "Basic Commands" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  44 "Forlix FloodCheck" (1.54) by Forlix (Dominik Friedrichs)
  45 "Players Votes" (1.5.0) by The Resident, pZv!
  46 "RateChecker" (0.2) by pRED*
  47 "Advertisements from Database" (1.2.100) by Tsunami and <eVa>Dog
  48 "Basic Comm Control" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  49 "Resetscore" (1.1) by tuty
  50 "Fun Commands" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  51 "Anti-Flood" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  52 "RandomCycle" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  53 "Zombie:Reloaded" (3.0.0-b2) by Greyscale | Richard Helgeby
  54 "SM Bot Tools" (1.2) by AMP
  55 "SourceBans" (1.4.7) by InterWave Studios Development Team
  56 "Nextmap" (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC

Metamod:source Plugins:
Listing 5 plugins:
  [01] SourceMod (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  [02] CS:S Tools (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  [03] BinTools (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC
  [04] SDK Hooks (1.3.0) by Tsunami
  [05] SDK Tools (1.3.4) by AlliedModders LLC

Verwendetes Zombiemod Plugin ist zombiereloaded in der aktuellsten version.
OS ist OpenSUSE 11.3 64-bit.

Hab außerdem mal die core dumps durch gdb laufen lassen und am ende des debug reports kommt:

Core was generated by `./srcds_linux -game cstrike +map zm_lila_panic_v2 +fps_m                                                                                                                      ax 0 -maxplayers 42 -ip'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0xf6e64af8 in CFrameSnapshotManager::RemoveEntityReference(int) ()
   from /home/server/css/zm/orangebox/bin/´

Davor kommen nur die beteiligten Dateien, nichts besonderes.

Würde mich über Lösungsvorschläge freuen.

Also bei mir sieht der lösungsweg dann folgendermaßen aus.

1: Addons aus >>> schauen ob er weiter crasht,wenn ja Server updaten mit der option -verify_all,wenn nein punkt 2

2:Addons einzeln wieder aktivieren,irgendwann wird der Server dann wohl wieder crashen und Du weisst welches Addon oder Plugin stört.

vllt hilft es ja

gruss s.b.

ps:vllt weisst Du ja noch,welche Plugs du als letztes installiert hast,diese dann zuerst mal testen

so etwas ähnliches hab ich mir auch schon gedacht, aber da der Server meistens über mehrere Maps stabil durchläuft, müsste das Problem irgendwo anders liegen.
Denn andere Server von mir haben beinahe exakt dieselben plugins installiert und dieses crashen so gut wie gar nicht.

Hab diesmal noch den debug.log angehängt (core dump nicht, da er über 340 mb groß ist), vllt hilft das.




grabe den Thread wieder aus, habe zwar das problem weitestgehend gefixt (durch eine neu installation), aber der Server crasht noch immer.
Diesmal aber immer mit einem FrameSnapshotManager.

Sourcemod Plugins:
[SM] Listing 43 plugins:
  01 "Game Description Override" (1.2) by psychonic
  02 "Damage Money" (1.0) by Fredd
  03 "Radio Spam Block" (1.0.0) by exvel
  04 "Basic Chat" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  05 "Admin Help" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  06 "Basic Info Triggers" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  07 "CD Announcer" (2.3) by Fredd
  08 "Player-Teleport by Dr. HyperKiLLeR" ( by Dr. HyperKiLLeR
  09 "HLstatsX CE Ingame Plugin" (1.6.11) by psychonic
  10 "SM Super Admin" (0.60) by TechKnow
  11 "Rock The Vote" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  12 "Admin Menu" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  13 "SM Super Menu" (0.5) by pRED*
  14 "Show Damage" (1.0.6) by exvel
  15 "Player Commands" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  16 "Admin Sounds" (1.0.1) by dalto
  17 "Admin loggin" (1.0) by vIr-Dan
  18 "Map Nominations" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  19 "No Team Flash" (0.3) by SAMURAI and Kigen
  20 "Sound Commands" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  21 "Plugin Manager" (1.1.0) by R-Hehl
  22 "MapChooser" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  23 "Kigen's Anti-Cheat" ( by CodingDirect LLC
  24 "Reserved Slots" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  25 "Client Preferences" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  26 "OBFix #1" (1.0) by AnorexiasGrizzli
  27 "Basic Votes" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  28 "Very Basic High Ping Kicker" (1.2) by msleeper
  29 "Spray Tracer" (5.8) by Nican132, CptMoore, Lebson506th
  30 "Console Welcome Message" (1.1.2) by exvel
  31 "Show Health" (1.0.2) by exvel
  32 "SuperLogs: CSS" (1.2.4) by psychonic
  33 "Fun Votes" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  34 "Basic Commands" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  35 "Players Votes" (1.5.0) by The Resident, pZv!
  36 "RateChecker" (0.2) by pRED*
  37 "Basic Comm Control" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  38 "Resetscore" (1.1) by tuty
  39 "Fun Commands" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  40 "Anti-Flood" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  41 "RandomCycle" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  42 "SourceBans" (1.4.7) by InterWave Studios Development Team
  43 "Nextmap" (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC

Metamod plugins:
Listing 6 plugins:
  [01] SourceMod (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  [02] ZombieMod (3.0.0) by c0ldfyr3
  [03] CS:S Tools (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  [04] BinTools (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC
  [05] SDK Hooks (1.3.0) by Tsunami
  [06] SDK Tools (1.3.5) by AlliedModders LLC

CRASH: Di 2. Nov 17:02:47 CET 2010
Start Line: ./srcds_linux -game cstrike +map zm_lila_panic_v2 +fps_max 0 -maxplayers 42 -ip -port 27025 -secure -debug +sm_iammo_enable 2
[New Thread 31089]
[New Thread 24961]
[New Thread 24958]
[New Thread 24965]
[New Thread 24952]
[New Thread 24962]
Core was generated by `./srcds_linux -game cstrike +map zm_lila_panic_v2 +fps_max 0 -maxplayers 42 -ip'.
Program terminated with signal 11, Segmentation fault.
#0  0xf6e145c8 in CFrameSnapshotManager::RemoveEntityReference(int) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#0  0xf6e145c8 in CFrameSnapshotManager::RemoveEntityReference(int) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#1  0xf6e14dd0 in CFrameSnapshot::ReleaseReference() () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#2  0xf6d1ae3e in CClientFrame::~CClientFrame() () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#3  0xf6d1b114 in CClientFrameManager::DeleteClientFrames(int) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#4  0xf6e09e72 in CGameClient::UpdateAcknowledgedFramecount(int) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#5  0xf6d05439 in CBaseClient::ProcessTick(NET_Tick*) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#6  0xf6caab92 in NET_Tick::Process() () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#7  0xf6dcb791 in CNetChan::ProcessMessages(bf_read&) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#8  0xf6dd2062 in CNetChan::ProcessPacket(netpacket_s*, bool) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#9  0xf6dd93f7 in NET_ProcessSocket(int, IConnectionlessPacketHandler*) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#10 0xf6d15975 in CBaseServer::RunFrame() () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#11 0xf6e234b7 in SV_Frame(bool) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#12 0xf6d8dafa in _Host_RunFrame_Server(bool) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#13 0xf6d8e724 in _Host_RunFrame(float) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#14 0xf6d97b8f in CHostState::State_Run(float) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#15 0xf6d983b9 in CHostState::FrameUpdate(float) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#16 0xf6d985c0 in HostState_Frame(float) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#17 0xf6e4450c in CEngine::Frame() () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#18 0xf6e40bf9 in CDedicatedServerAPI::RunFrame() () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#19 0xf704a060 in RunServer() () from bin/
#20 0xf7049db7 in CDedicatedExports::RunServer() () from bin/
#21 0xf6e4121b in CModAppSystemGroup::Main() () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#22 0xf6e5a681 in CAppSystemGroup::Run() () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#23 0xf6e42288 in CDedicatedServerAPI::ModInit(ModInfo_t&) () from /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
#24 0xf704a25d in CDedicatedAppSystemGroup::Main() () from bin/
#25 0xf704dad1 in CAppSystemGroup::Run() () from bin/
#26 0xf704f34d in CSteamApplication::Main() () from bin/
#27 0xf704dad1 in CAppSystemGroup::Run() () from bin/
#28 0xf704a6a6 in main () from bin/
#29 0xf704b99f in DedicatedMain () from bin/
#30 0x080488dc in main ()
No symbol table info available.
eax            0x5	5
ecx            0xf6fb97c0	-151283776
edx            0x5	5
ebx            0xf6f69ff4	-151609356
esp            0xffd508e0	0xffd508e0
ebp            0xffd50948	0xffd50948
esi            0x120	288
edi            0xf6fb97c0	-151283776
eip            0xf6e145c8	0xf6e145c8 <CFrameSnapshotManager::RemoveEntityReference(int)+26>
eflags         0x292	[ AF SF IF ]
cs             0x23	35
ss             0x2b	43
ds             0x2b	43
es             0x2b	43
fs             0x3	3
gs             0x63	99
From        To          Syms Read   Shared Object Library
0xf7716470  0xf7731cc8  Yes (*)     /lib/
0xf770ea80  0xf770fa98  Yes (*)     /lib/
0xf76f8290  0xf7703f88  Yes (*)     /lib/
0xf76c02d0  0xf76df8c4  Yes (*)     bin/
0xf7609fa0  0xf7629574  Yes (*)     bin/
0xf74bc880  0xf75b9458  Yes (*)     /lib/
0xf7747830  0xf775eb5f  Yes (*)     /lib/
0xf7011f40  0xf707bbc4  Yes (*)     bin/
0xf6ff1230  0xf6ffeb54  Yes (*)     bin/
0xf6c95e70  0xf6ef2a84  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
0xf67e6300  0xf680afc4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
0xf66aa250  0xf678a544  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
0xf52373e0  0xf52cc7a4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
0xf5064d90  0xf51cf074  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
0xf4ff5510  0xf503dc14  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
0xf4fe0840  0xf4fe7ad4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
0xf3c72e20  0xf44f3a84  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/bin/
0xf3ac9230  0xf3ad6f44  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/bin/
0xf0a4f930  0xf0a89f08  Yes (*)     bin/
0xf09629f0  0xf09db5a8  Yes (*)     /usr/lib/
0xf08ff370  0xf0917cb8  Yes (*)     /lib/
0xf05eb130  0xf05ece44  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/../cstrike/addons/metamod/bin/
0xf05b2d50  0xf05e0194  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/../cstrike/addons/metamod/bin/
0xf04151d0  0xf054501c  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/
0xf0193c80  0xf02807c4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xf7741a40  0xf77423b8  Yes (*)     /lib/
0xef663f70  0xef69cdb4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/psyco/
0xf0a0fa68  0xf0a12ed8  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xf773ed58  0xf773fd64  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed65c0fc  0xed65d0a0  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed5936ac  0xed5960ec  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed50ae20  0xed50d264  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed4c5478  0xed4c7698  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed4c17bc  0xed4c2960  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed4bd794  0xed4bf160  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed4b8790  0xed4bb87c  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed4a5790  0xed4b5fa4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed461c9c  0xed462a94  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed373efc  0xed379334  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed32e934  0xed32fa50  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xf773c6c8  0xf773cdd8  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed32aca8  0xed32c6c8  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/eventscripts/_engines/python/Lib/plat-linux2/
0xed30d5e0  0xed318d78  Yes (*)     /lib/
0xf0a0c8a0  0xf0a0ceb4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/bin/
0xed225d80  0xed2df8c4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/bin/
0xed082520  0xed09e1c4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/bin/
0xed059390  0xed0769e4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/bin/
0xed3245a0  0xed328134  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/
0xed028790  0xed04f414  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/
0xed00a990  0xed00f0b8  Yes (*)     /lib/
0xec61e760  0xec6c1110  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/zombiemod/bin/
0xed0193b0  0xed01b384  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/
0xec8022e0  0xec805f24  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/
0xebd1d4b0  0xebd3a2d0  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/
0xec589220  0xec5b98f4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/
0xec56fa80  0xec572104  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/
0xec562dd0  0xec56b4e4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/
0xec435510  0xec494694  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/
0xec555a90  0xec55f2e4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/
0xebb41cf0  0xebbfdbc4  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/
0xeb8af1b0  0xeb92ca44  Yes (*)     /home/server/css/zombiemod/orangebox/cstrike/addons/sourcemod/extensions/
0xec53ea50  0xec545d88  Yes (*)     /lib/
0xe8d95130  0xe94859d8  Yes (*)     bin/
0xeb738cd0  0xeb758eb8  Yes (*)     bin/
0xeb6d83c0  0xeb714470  Yes (*)     bin/
0xeb64a7d0  0xeb6ab48c  Yes (*)     bin/
0xe8b0d4b0  0xe8beea04  Yes         bin/
0xe86afa10  0xe8995fdc  Yes (*)     bin/
(*): Shared library is missing debugging information.
Stack level 0, frame at 0xffd50950:
 eip = 0xf6e145c8 in CFrameSnapshotManager::RemoveEntityReference(int); saved eip 0xf6e14dd0
 called by frame at 0xffd509c0
 Arglist at 0xffd50948, args: 
 Locals at 0xffd50948, Previous frame's sp is 0xffd50950
 Saved registers:
  ebx at 0xffd5093c, ebp at 0xffd50948, esi at 0xffd50940, edi at 0xffd50944, eip at 0xffd5094c
End of Source crash report

Habe schon nach diesem Frame Snapshot Manager gegoogelt, aber es kommen keine sinnvollen ergebnisse.
Was kann ich machen?
