

New Member
Hallo, hab schon auf etlich vielen google seiten herumgesucht aber bisher immer nur quota für mail, plesk und co. gefunden!

Es wäre nett, wenn mir jemand mal die quota kurz hier erläutern kann. man quota und Usage hab ich schon aufgerufen. Allerdings erkenne ich nicht wie ich einsehen kann welche quotas gesetzt sind und wie ich gegebenenfalls für einen user die quota setze!

quota -h
quota: Usage: quota [-guqxvs] [-l | -Q] [-i] [-F quotaformat]
quota [-qxvs] [-l | -Q] [-i] [-F quotaformat] -u username ...
quota [-qxvs] [-l | -Q] [-i] [-F quotaformat] -g groupname ...

       -F format-name
              Show quota for specified format (ie. donât perform format autodetection).  Possible format names are: vfsold (version 1 quota), vfsv0  (version  2
              quota), rpc (quota over NFS), xfs (quota on XFS filesystem)

       -g     Print group quotas for the group of which the user is a member.  The optional group argument(s) restricts the display to the specified group(s).

       -u     flag is equivalent to the default.

       -v     will display quotas on filesystems where no storage is allocated.

       -s     option will make quota(1) try to choose units for showing limits, used space and used inodes.

       -i     ignore mountpoints mounted by automounter

       -l     report quotas only on local filesystems (ie. ignore NFS mounted filesystems).

       -q     Print a more terse message, containing only information on filesystems where usage is over quota.

       -x     Always try to translate name to id, even if it is composed of only digits.

       -Q     Do not print error message if connection to rpc.rquotad is refused (usually this happens when rpc.rquotad is not running on the server).

       Specifying both -g and -u displays both the user quotas and the group quotas (for the user).

       Only  the  super-user  may use the -u flag and the optional user argument to view the limits of other users.  Non-super-users can use the the -g flag and
       optional group argument to view only the limits of groups of which they are members.

       The -q flag takes precedence over the -v flag.
repquota -a

quota -u UID

setquota -u UID <block_quota> <block_limit> <file_quota> <file_limit> <Filesystem | -a>
repquota -a

ergibt bei mir keine Ausgabe!
repquota: Utility for reporting quotas.
repquota [-vugsi] [-c|C] [-t|n] [-F quotaformat] (-a | mntpoint)
Bugs to mvw@planets.elm.net, jack@suse.cz