PXE on VMware Server with SCCM?


New Member
I have a problem with PXE on VMware Server 2.0.
On a notebook with WinXP runs the VMware Server. On this I have a working VM with XP. This VM has to connect to the SCCM PXE - and this runs.
The VM has the flexible NIC as bridged. In the vmx.file I have the entry: "ethernet0.virtualDev = "vlance""

The Network boot is the first in the boot sequence. After "F12" the network boot runs. The VM get the IP an connect the SCCM2007 - and then this fails. The VM reboots.

The SCCM PXE environment runs correctly with real hardware, but not with this VM on the VMware Server.

Can anybode help me?

Thank you!

PS: I had tested it with the virtual "e1000" nic. I wrote this in the vmx-file. And this work with the SCCM - but it was not supported from the Vmware Server 2.0.2.
I got a XP machine over PXE - but she comes without a nic.

Do you have another idea?

Thank you!
Try gPXE, maybe there is an incompatibility between the Netboot of the card and your server. You can run gPXE off a (virtual) floppy drive.
See here for instructions: http://etherboot.org/wiki/howtos

BTW: the language of choice in this forum is german ;)