PuTTY 0.60 erschienen



es gibt wieder eine neue Fassung von PuTTY.

Auszug aus dem Changelog :

PuTTY 0.60 is out, containing mostly bug fixes.

These features are new in beta 0.60 (released 2007-04-29):

* Pressing Ctrl+Break now sends a serial break signal.
* Serial ports higher than COM9 now no longer need a leading \\.\.
* You can now store a host name in the Default Settings.
* Bug fix: serial connections and local proxies should no longer crash all the time.
* Bug fix: configuring the default connection type to serial should no longer cause the configuration dialog to be skipped on startup.
* Bug fix: "Unable to read from standard input" should now not happen, or if it still does it should produce more detailed diagnostics.
* Bug fix: fixed some malformed SSH-2 packet generation.
* Other minor bug fixes.

Quelle : PuTTY: a free telnet/ssh client