Registered User
Nach dem Update auf aktuelle Confixx Version bekomme ich ständig folgende Fehlermeldung per Email:
Kennt jemand vielleicht die Lösung ?
Danke im Voraus
Global symbol "$suphp_no_calc_apache_files_for_users_disk_usage" requires explicit package name at /root/confixx/confixx_counterscript.pl line 5840.
Global symbol "$suphp_no_calc_apache_files_for_users_disk_usage" requires explicit package name at /root/confixx/confixx_counterscript.pl line 5840.
Global symbol "$suphp_no_calc_apache_files_for_users_disk_usage" requires explicit package name at /root/confixx/confixx_counterscript.pl line 5897.
Global symbol "$suphp_no_calc_apache_files_for_users_disk_usage" requires explicit package name at /root/confixx/confixx_counterscript.pl line 5897.
Execution of /root/confixx/confixx_counterscript.pl aborted due to compilation errors.
Kennt jemand vielleicht die Lösung ?
Danke im Voraus