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srvreport unter Debian.
Installation klappte super aber habe folgendes Problem,

beim Testaufruf von "srvreport" mit ./ --test=1 bekomm ich ne Mail, so wie es sein sollte.
Jedoch mit dem Aufruf ./ kommt nix ! Da der Cron ja so auch gestartet wird, hab ich da nen Prob.
Anbei mal meine "srvreport.conf":
# SrvReport configuration file

# The general format is lines with "parameter = value" pairs.
# There must be a "space" between the "=" sign and parameter/value!


# The locale specifies the locale of the output. It uses the normal
# two-char codes. For available langues see the bin/locales directory.
# HINT: If you set this, you MUST HAVE Perl 5.8 or later installed!
locale = de

# if set to 1, it will also display the time of the report-generation
ReportWithTime = 1

# with the following you can define the times, when the report will be generated
# it MUST be a time, when the is run via crontab (- 1:30 and +2:30 min)
# so normally you specify times with xx:01 xx:16 xx:31 xx:46
# (if the crontab is created with "1-46/15 * * * * /root/srvreport-x.xx/bin/")
# you can specify more than one time if your separate it with space
# if nothing is specified 0:01 is taken
#reportTime = 0:01 12:01

# if you want to specify more than one, speparate it with ", "
# like "a@b.c, d@e.f"
# you can also use an "readable" address like:
# "I am your server" <>

MailReport = meine@adresse.tld

#optional you can define your own CSS
MailCSS = ./mail.css

# optional you can specify the from-addr
# here you can also specify a "readable" address
# if not, the hostname will be used
#MailFrom =

# optional you can create a file-report in html-format (like the mail)
FileReport = ../web/html/%%YYYY-%%MM-%%DD.html
FileReportImgPath = ../../images/
# optional you can specify here an other CSS-file (only for file-report)
#FileCSS =
# if you change the following to 1, then a file-report will created on every call
FileReportCreateAlways = 0

# optional you can create the report in xml-format, so it can be
# used to generate weekly / monthly / yearly reports
# if you want weekly / monthly / yearly reports this MUST be enabled
xmlReport = ../data/xml/%%YYYY-%%MM-%%DD.xml

# 0: No TEST; normal behavior
# Bit 0 => 1: report-generation with the current day
# Bit 1 => 2: cyclic-call
# Bit 2 => 4: call reportFinished (only available if Bit 0 is also set)
# Bit 3 => 8: output to stdout
# Bit 4 => 16: generate xml-report
# Bit 5 => 32: generate xml-report to stdout
TEST = 0

# Default is WITHOUT "IpTables":
#order = Traffic IpTables CPUUsage WebServer FTPServer FTPLogs Postfix Warnings LastLogins SystemInfos

order = Traffic CPUUsage WebServer FTPServer FTPLogs Postfix Warnings LastLogins SystemInfos

module = TrafficReport
description = Traffic report
file = /proc/net/dev
interface = eth0:
pattern = %interface %in %o %o %o %o %o %o %o %out

module = CPUReport
description = CPU Usage
file = /usr/bin/uptime |
regex = load average:\s+\d\.\d\d,\s+\d\.\d\d,\s+(\d\.\d\d)

module = LogReport
description = Last logins
file = /usr/bin/last |
pattern = %o %o %o %o %time4
cssClass = logreport_left_fixed

module = LogReport
description = Warnings
file = /var/log/warn
pattern = %time2
cssClass = logreport_left_fixed
#lineLimit = 20

#you can also defined your own custom regex
#regex = ^([^\s]+)\s+([^\s]+)\s+

#if you have a custom regex and you doe not want the whole file,
# you should specify the keys of the matches
# Known keys are at the moment:
# LogReport only uses YEAR MONTH and DAY
# but this syntax apllies to all modules (Httpd, Postfix CPU Traffic)
#regexkeys = MONTH DAY

# If you have a special pattern which you do not want to see,
# you can add it with the "exclude_regex" regualr-expression pattern
#exclude_regex = very\s+stupid\s+warning

module = LogReport
description = FTP-Logs
file = /var/log/xferlog
pattern = %o %time1
cssClass = logreport_left_fixed

module = HttpdReport
description = Web-Server
# variables in "file":
# %%YYYY: Year
# %%MM : Month (always 2 decimals, e.g. "02", "10")
# %%mm : Month (1 or 2 decimals, e.g. "2", "10")
# %%DD : Day (always 2 decimals, e.g. "06", "21")
# %%dd : Day (1 or 2 decimals, e.g. "6", "21")
# For apache2 use the following:
file = /var/log/apache2/srvreport_%%YYYY-%%MM-%%DD
#file = /var/log/httpd/srvreport_%%YYYY-%%MM-%%DD

wholeFile = 1
# Warning: The following will delete the file after the report is generated!!!
deleteFile = 1
showHTTPStatus = 1

# if the following is defined (or > 0), then the report is limited
# to the specified number of hosts (and the rest is display as "others")
limitHosts = 40

# if the following is > 0 then the hosts will be shown as (external) links
# default is: 1
hostAsLinks = 1

# Example:
# The following is the entry in the apache config-file:
# LogFormat "%v \"%{Host}i\" %h %t \"%r\" %>s %b" srvreport
# And here is an example of an log-entry:
# "" [07/Jan/2004:00:07:09 +0100] "GET /impressum.php HTTP/1.0" 200 9719
# The following patterns can be used:
# %o: Ignored
# %time1: Time in the form of "May 18 09:05:21 2003"
# %time2: Time in the form of "May 18 09:05:21"
# %time3: Time in the form of "[07/Jan/2004:00:07:09 +0100]" (" +0100" is optional)
# %time4: Time in the form of "Max 18"
# %time5: Time in the form of "2004-01-30 15:34:11"
# %state: State of the request (e.g. 200)
# %bytes: Bytes transfered (e.g. 9719)
# %vhost: Virtual host
# If right after the percent (%) a apastrophe (") is found, then this is used as 'encapsulated' character

pattern = %o %"vhost %o %time3 %"o %state %bytes

module = HttpdReport
description = FTP-Server
file = /var/log/xferlog
# Sun May 18 09:05:21 2003 2 49 /html/images/empty.gif b _ i r web2 ftp 0 * c
pattern = %o %time1 %o %o %bytes %o %o %o %o %o %vhost %o %state %o %o
showHTTPStatus = 0
hostAsLinks = 0

module = PostfixReport
description = Postfix
file = /var/log/mail.log
pattern = %time2

# the followinf will also show the client-name
# (only relevant in report "Bit 1 => (2)")
showClientName = 1

# showReject can contain 0 (no), 1 (only reject), 2 (complete message)), 3 (complete message encoded)
# be aware that if you have a content-spam-filter and you use 2;
# this report mail might also be rejected!
# (only relevant in report "Bit 1 => (2)")
showReject = 3

# with the following you can specify the report(s) that will be generated from the
# mail-log
# You can combine the values to get multiple statistics
# Bit 0 => 1: Overview
# Bit 1 => 2: Detailed list with all mail-IDs
# Bit 2 => 4: Grouped by "to"
# Bit 3 => 8: Popper-analyze
# Bit 4 => 16: Reject-report
# Bit 5 => 32: Graphical report with #Msgs / bytes per hour
# Bit 6 => 64: Table Report with #Msgs / bytes per hour
# Default is 1+4+8+16+32+64=125

mailReportType = 125

# if the following is set to > 0, then the "orig_to"-entry will be shown first
# and then the "to" entries.
# if the value is 0, then first the "to" entries will be shown (default)
# (only relevant in report "Bit 2 => (4)")
OrigToFirst = 0

# if the popperAnalyse is set to 1, then the pop3-logins will also shown
# (obosolete; see "mailReportType", value 8)
# popperAnalyze = 1

# with the following you can set the time-interval for popperAnalyse
# default is 5 (minutes), if not set
# if you set the value to 0, all checks will be shown
#popperInterval = 5

# OPTIONAL: Separat popper-file
# If you have a separat (q)popper file, then you can specify the following entries:
#popper_file = /var/log/popper
#popper_whole_file = 0
# either use 'pattern' or 'regex/regexkeys'
# for 'pattern' you can use the following special keys:
# %popper_user: will match something like: "popper[20455]: Stats: web24p1 0 0 0 0" and returns the user
# %imap_user: will match something like: "imapd: LOGIN, user=web1p3, " and returns the user
#popper_pattern = %time2 %o %popper_user
##popper_regex = ...
## the following keys are required: HOUR MIN USER, others are optional: MONTH DAY YEAR
##popper_regexkeys =

# EXIM-Support:
# Analyze-Mode
# 0: Postfix or sendmail (default)
# 1: exim (you also need to change "pattern" to "%time5" !)
#analyze_mode = 1

module = LogReport
description = Check for Rootkit
file = /root/scripts/chkrootkit-0.44/chkrootkit |
regex = INFECTED
cssClass = logreport_left

# Support for "iptables" chains
# for more info see header of "bin/lib/perl/SRVREPORT/"
module = IpTablesReport
description = Traffic via iptables
file = /usr/sbin/iptables -vnx -L --line-numbers -t filter |
filereset = /usr/sbin/iptables -vnxZ -L --line-numbers -t filter |
#showlines = 1

module = SysinfoReport
description = System information

# file-system infos:
df_file = /bin/df -TP |
# change color from green to orange if the usage is over xx percent:
df_warning = 80

#memory infos:
meminfo_file = /proc/meminfo
# meminfo_warning specifies the warning level in percent; if it is abouve this level,
# the image will change from green to orange
meminfo_warning = 80
# meminfo_restrictto restricts the output to the given names (seperated by semicolon)
# this is usefull to hide the 'Low' and 'High' sections if you have not enough ram ;-)
meminfo_restrictto = Mem;Swap

Hat jemand nen Tip ?


da ich gerade mit dem selben Fehler spiele habe ich leider keinen Tip für dich, nur eine Ergänzung.

Bei dem normalen Aufruf durch den Cronjob kommen sporadisch Mails durch.
Allerdings muss das Problem an srvReport liegen da nicht mal ein Versucht gestartet wird eine Mail zu verschicken.
Kommt beim Aufruf von SRVreport kurz nach Mitternacht keine Mail? Oder kommt generell keine Mail?

Normalerweise verschickt SRVreport erst kurz nach Mitternach die Mail, da das Skript überprüft, ob noch der aktuelle Tag ist, oder schon der nächste. Wenn man also untertags SRVreport aufruft, wird auch keine Mail verschickt, dies geht dann nur über den Testaufruf.

Der Cronjob, der jede Viertelstunde aufgerufen wird, sammelt nur die Daten, und überprüft eben, ob schon ein neuer Tag ist.
@Mordor - das war bisher die beste Beschreibung der Funktion von SRV die ich je gelesen habe! - PERFEKT!!! ;)

Ich kann euch hier nur noch hinzufügen das es mit allen SUSE Versionen absolut keine Probleme gibt! Nur die Debianer kämpfen! Hmmm...

Greetz Centro
Kommt beim Aufruf von SRVreport kurz nach Mitternacht keine Mail? Oder kommt generell keine Mail?

Normalerweise verschickt SRVreport erst kurz nach Mitternach die Mail, da das Skript überprüft, ob noch der aktuelle Tag ist, oder schon der nächste. Wenn man also untertags SRVreport aufruft, wird auch keine Mail verschickt, dies geht dann nur über den Testaufruf.

Der Cronjob, der jede Viertelstunde aufgerufen wird, sammelt nur die Daten, und überprüft eben, ob schon ein neuer Tag ist.

OK, dann warte ich mal ab was morgen kommt !

Thx an dich ! ;)
Noch kurz zu
Oder kommt generell keine Mail?

Doch der Test per :
./ --test=1

Nur wenn ich per Shell :
cd srvreport-0.71/bin
./ --test=1

( E-Mail kommt an )

cd srvreport-0.71/bin

( E-Mail kommt nicht an )

Daher meine Frage.
Was war jetzt an der Beschreibung so schlimm, oder steh ich auf dem Schlauch?

Ja geh einen Meter weiter! -- Ich meinte das ernst nicht als hohn! *GG*

@ Briese! :o Der ohne Test dahinter führt nur das Sammeln aus, nur durch den --test 1 kannst du einen Test mit Mailversand anstoßen, mehr nicht! - Eine Mail wird ohne Test nicht kommen!

Greetz Centro
:) nach @ Mordor´s Erklärung ist mir es jetzt auch klar :rolleyes:

Schaun wa mal was morgen so kommt. (oder auch nicht ;) )
Danke für die Blumen.

Man ist es halt nicht gewohnt, wenn man hier eher noch der Newbi in Sachen Linux ist, und dann mal was richtig hinbekommt.
So, die Mail ist nun auch angekommen :)

Hatte da wohl ein kleines Verständnis Problem :rolleyes:

Thx und ;)
Ging mir nicht anders. Hab mich dann durch Google gekämpft, und dann gings. War aber bissi Mühsam, denn die meisten Seiten dazu existieren nur auf Englisch!