Plesk Backup einzelnen Kunden wiederherstellen


New Member
Versehentlich wurde bei uns ein Kunde in Plesk komplett gelöscht.

Es gibt ein Komplett-Backup des Servers und unter Dumps auch eine XML-Datei und Einzel-Dateien mit der Sicherung des Kunden.

Beim Komplett-Backup habe ich mich nicht weitergetraut, weil ich keine Auswahlliste bekomme, sondern nur den Punkt "Kunden des Administrators" wiederherstellen bekomme. Wie gehe ich vor, um nur den einen Kunden und seine Domain und die E-Mails wiederherzustellen?
Per Shell ( /usr/local/psa/bin/pleskrestore ) in jedem Fall mit "-level clients" und "-filter" möglich. Siehe Hilfe:

# /usr/local/psa/bin/pleskrestore -h

Usage: pleskrestore <command> [options]
    Available commands:
    --validate-map     <map_file | - > [deprecated] Check the provided map
                                       file for correctness (may read from
    --restore          <backup_file>   Restore backup file
    --check-backup     <backup_file>   Check backup file integrity
    --info or -i       <backup_file>   Show description about backup file
    --get-restore-task-status <task-id>
                                       Show asynchronous restoration task
    --help or -h                       Displays this help page.
    --man or -m                        Detailed help with examples.

    Available options:
    -level <clients | domains | resellers | server>
                                       Specifies restoring level: restore
                                       clients from backup, domains from
                                       backup or server-wide backup.
    -filter <file | - | list:item1[,...]>
                                       Specifies domains, clients or
                                       resellers list for restore. List may
                                       be read from file, stdin or specified
                                       as an option parameter in a
                                       comma-separated list.
    -license                           Enables restore of Plesk license key.
    -quiet                             Enables quiet restore mode.
    -verbose                           Enables verbose restore mode.
    -debug                             Enables debug restore mode.
    -nowarning                         Do not display warning message on
                                       -level server.
    -dump-file         <backup_file>   Specify dump file to restoring. You
                                       should use it as --dump-file
    -param-file        <param_file>    Specify parameters file. You should
                                       use it as --param-file
    -conflicts-resolution    <file>    Specify file with conflict resolution
                                       rules. You should use it with
    -backup-password   <password>      If you used password protection for a
                                       backup, use this option to specify the
                                       password. You can also set the
                                       password with the environment variable
    -ignore-backup-password            Allows you to restore a backup without
                                       providing the backup password. Note
                                       that in this case, some sensitive data
                                       will not be restored properly. For
                                       example, user passwords will be
                                       replaced with random ones, the
                                       information about already installed
                                       APS apps will be lost, and so on.
    -ignore-sign                       Restores a backup file despite a
                                       corrupted signature 
    -async                             Restore backup asynchronously. Works
                                       with "--restore" only. Task ID will be

Version: 11.5.30_build115130819.13 os_Debian 7.0