T taskafa New Member Nov 25, 2006 #1 my plesk was broken ı don't understand why Error: Access to the �ontrol �anel is temporarily unavailable. Please contact your provider for details. turkish Hata: Erişimin olacağı yer why is that?
my plesk was broken ı don't understand why Error: Access to the �ontrol �anel is temporarily unavailable. Please contact your provider for details. turkish Hata: Erişimin olacağı yer why is that?
V V40 Caspar Nov 25, 2006 #2 Hello, what kind of Operatingssystem do you use an whar kind of Server is it?
T taskafa New Member Nov 25, 2006 #3 hello I use windows xp and server-- windows server 2003 my plesk 7.6.1
V V40 Caspar Nov 25, 2006 #4 Hello, did the Firewall block the SSL Port? You hav look in your Logs? Is there something?
T taskafa New Member Nov 26, 2006 #5 https://www.webogreniyorum.net:8443/ <<<< My plesk url logs into there ı can't login ı have ssl port but any change this?
https://www.webogreniyorum.net:8443/ <<<< My plesk url logs into there ı can't login ı have ssl port but any change this?