Performance Mysql 4.1 on Itanium2 Machine


New Member

Ich habe leider ein blödes Problem. Habe das ganze schon auf geschrieben. Bloß naja das Forum ist nicht gerade das lebendigste.

Ich hoffe es macht euch nichts aus English zu lesen?
Ich bin aufjedenfall dankbar für jeden Tipp, bin im moment echt Ratlos warum folgendes so läuft:

Danke & Gruß

Original text:


i just have a problem with mysql 4.1 (sadly cannot migrate to 5.x)
I run debian-sarge on that machine.
Its a 2x Itanium2 (New Core's, 9010 Series) Machine.

First i must compare.

(Testing scenario:
50000 Rows, 16 Threads, 10000Requests/thread, Transactions with ~ 20 questions (mostly selects) on a single table)

Actually we run a 2xOpteron 246 (2,0Ghz) Machine with cheapy ATA-Drives (without Raid) and cheapy RAM. I made some multithreaded Benchmarks with sysbench on it.
The Power of the Machine is up to 625 Transactions per second with our config on 50000 Rows.

And now the the IBM x455 Itanium 2 Server:
I install mysql4.1.(IA64) with apt-get on debian, change the config and run benchmarks again. I only reached 457 Transactions per Second with the self tests.

I probe the generic RPM, converting with alien. Now i reached 467 Transactions. A little bit better. But not mentioned.

And now the great thing i mostly wondered. Many people says, Intel C++ compiled packages powered up performance on Intel Machines. (Escpecially IT2).
But the opposite arrives.
The Power of this Machine with this Binary goes down to only 417 Transactions.

Thats strange... And of course to spare for migrate to this Server.
Does Itanium 2 only powered up by a large number of processors?

What could i do wrong?
I am helpless i must powered up this machine :(
The RAM is much better & faster then the old Machine. I reached over 150% more I/O Performance. And the Machine is more than 20% faster in Prime Number calculation.
I don't believe, that this machine is slower than the Opteron.
that would be horrorible...

Thanks for any comments!

Greetings from Germany
Da die Performance von MySQL vor allem durch entsprechende Parameter in der my.cnf zu steigern ist, würde ich sagen: Vergleich die mal.
