Open VZ fehler bei der Migration von Servern


New Member
Jetzt leuft bei mir fasst alles. hoffe das ihr mir hier auch nochmal helfen könnt. Leider klappt das migriren nicht.

dieser fehler kommt

nternal error: Command 'vzmigrate 2*.*.*.* 1' execution failed with code 13
Output: Starting migration of CT 1 to 2*.*.*.*
Preparing remote node
Initializing remote quota
Syncing private
Stopping container
Syncing 2nd level quota
1: invalid option -- 'F'
Usage: vzdqdump quotaid [-c file] [-f] commands
Dumps user/group qouta information from quota file.
-c file use given quota file
-f dump data from kernel rather than quota file
Commands specify what user/group information to dump:
-G grace time
-U disk limits
-T expiration times
Error: Failed to dump 2nd level quota
Starting container...
Container is mounted
Adding IP address(es): 2*.*.*.*
Setting CPU units: 1000
Container start in progress...