Jetzt leuft bei mir fasst alles. hoffe das ihr mir hier auch nochmal helfen könnt. Leider klappt das migriren nicht.
dieser fehler kommt
nternal error: Command 'vzmigrate 2*.*.*.* 1' execution failed with code 13
Output: Starting migration of CT 1 to 2*.*.*.*
Preparing remote node
Initializing remote quota
Syncing private
Stopping container
Syncing 2nd level quota
1: invalid option -- 'F'
Usage: vzdqdump quotaid [-c file] [-f] commands
Dumps user/group qouta information from quota file.
-c file use given quota file
-f dump data from kernel rather than quota file
Commands specify what user/group information to dump:
-G grace time
-U disk limits
-T expiration times
Error: Failed to dump 2nd level quota
Starting container...
Container is mounted
Adding IP address(es): 2*.*.*.*
Setting CPU units: 1000
Container start in progress...
dieser fehler kommt
nternal error: Command 'vzmigrate 2*.*.*.* 1' execution failed with code 13
Output: Starting migration of CT 1 to 2*.*.*.*
Preparing remote node
Initializing remote quota
Syncing private
Stopping container
Syncing 2nd level quota
1: invalid option -- 'F'
Usage: vzdqdump quotaid [-c file] [-f] commands
Dumps user/group qouta information from quota file.
-c file use given quota file
-f dump data from kernel rather than quota file
Commands specify what user/group information to dump:
-G grace time
-U disk limits
-T expiration times
Error: Failed to dump 2nd level quota
Starting container...
Container is mounted
Adding IP address(es): 2*.*.*.*
Setting CPU units: 1000
Container start in progress...