2. Non-Profit Organization (NPO) License
IMPORTANT: As of August 1st, 2006, the NPO license is no longer being offered to any organizations. We feel strongly that we already have sufficient organizations that have acquired an NPO license and we have no immediate plans to offer this license type again in the future.
Some non-profit organizations (NPOs) may be granted a special NPO license which allows them to exceed the 1000 slot limit imposed by Section 1 above. Such organizations must remain 100% NON-PROFIT at all times and must be free of any advertisements, Paypal donation buttons, or any other form of profit of ANY kind - be it monetary, advertising profit, or intangible goods and services received as reward or compensation of any kind.
In essence, licensed NPOs MUST meet ALL of the following REQUIREMENTS at all times:
a) You must be a 100% non-profit entity. If we cannot easily determine this by visiting your website we may require you to provide us with documented proof.
b) You cannot advertise for any sort of profit OR for any commercial entity at all on your website. In addition, and due to abuse, we also don't allow the use of Paypal buttons anywhere on your site.
c) You are not allowed to benefit from profit of ANY kind - be it monetary, advertising profit, or intangible goods and services received as reward or compensation.
d) Your website must be up and running/active/live so we can visit the site and review its content from time to time.
e) Your entity must be large enough to require at least 1000 slots (regardless of the number of servers). HOWEVER, as of January 1st, 2007, you CANNOT host more than 5000 slots TOTAL throughout your entire organization. If you are currently a licensed NPO and you are exceeding a TOTAL of 5000 slots throughout your entire organization, you MUST shutdown any extra servers NO LATER THAN January 1st, 2007.
For further information please contact
sales@tritoncia.com. Please note that a typical gaming guild or clan hosting a private TeamSpeak server for themselves (up to 100 slots) OR renting a server from an Authorized TeamSpeak Host Provider (ATHP) is NOT considered an NPO, will NOT qualify to receive an NPO license, and must abide by the terms and conditions set forth in this license agreement.