

Registered User
habe einen Debian Server im LAN stehen und wollte nun wissen wie ich die IP ändern kann(schaff ich nicht) und wie/ob es möglich ist, eine Netzwerkbrücke mit Debian zu machen, danke schon mal

mfg Rusticus
       /etc/network/interfaces - network interface configuration for ifup and ifdown

       /etc/network/interfaces  contains  network  interface  configuration information for the ifup(8) and ifdown(8) com-
       mands.  This is where you configure how your system is connected to the network.

       Lines starting with `#' are ignored. Note that end-of-line comments are NOT supported, comments must be on  a  line
       of their own.

       A line may be extended across multiple lines by making the last character a backslash.

       The file consists of zero or more "iface", "mapping", "auto" and "allow-" stanzas. Here is an example.

              auto lo eth0
              allow-hotplug eth1

              iface lo inet loopback

              mapping eth0
                   script /usr/local/sbin/map-scheme
                   map HOME eth0-home
                   map WORK eth0-work

              iface eth0-home inet static
                   up flush-mail

              iface eth0-work inet dhcp

              iface eth1 inet dhcp

       Lines beginning with the word "auto" are used to identify the physical interfaces to be brought up when ifup is run
       with the -a option.  (This option is used by the system boot scripts.)  Physical interface names should follow  the
       word  "auto"  on  the same line.  There can be multiple "auto" stanzas.  ifup brings the named interfaces up in the
       order listed.

       Lines beginning with "allow-" are used to identify interfaces that should be brought up  automatically  by  various
       subsytems. This may be done using a command such as "ifup --allow=hotplug eth0 eth1", which will only bring up eth0
       or eth1 if it is listed in an "allow-hotplug" line. Note that "allow-auto" and "auto" are synonyms.
       Stanzas beginning with the word "mapping" are used to determine how a logical interface name is chosen for a physi-
       cal interface that is to be brought up.  The first line of a mapping stanza consists of the word "mapping" followed
       by a pattern in shell glob syntax.  Each mapping stanza must contain a script definition.  The named script is  run
       with  the  physical  interface name as its argument and with the contents of all following "map" lines (without the
       leading "map") in the stanza provided to it on its standard input. The script must print a string on  its  standard
       output before exiting. See /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples for examples of what the script must print.

       Mapping  a  name  consists  of searching the remaining mapping patterns and running the script corresponding to the
       first match; the script outputs the name to which the original is mapped.

       ifup is normally given a physical interface name as its first non-option argument.  ifup also uses this name as the
       initial  logical  name  for the interface unless it is accompanied by a  suffix of the form =LOGICAL, in which case
       ifup chooses LOGICAL as the initial logical name for the interface.  It then maps this  name,  possibly  more  than
       once  according  to  successive  mapping specifications,  until no further mappings are possible.  If the resulting
       name is the name of some defined logical interface then ifup attempts to bring up the physical  interface  as  that
       logical interface.  Otherwise ifup exits with an error.

       Stanzas  defining  logical  interfaces start with a line consisting of the word "iface" followed by the name of the
       logical interface.  In simple configurations without mapping stanzas this name should simply be  the  name  of  the
       physical  interface  to  which  it is to be applied.  (The default mapping script is, in effect, the echo command.)
       The interface name is followed by the name of the address family that the interface uses.  This will be "inet"  for
       TCP/IP  networking, but there is also some support for IPX networking ("ipx"), and IPv6 networking ("inet6").  Fol-
       lowing that is the name of the method used to configure the interface.

       Additional options can be given on subsequent lines in the stanza.  Which options are available depends on the fam-
       ily  and method, as described below.  Additional options can be made available by other Debian packages.  For exam-
       ple, the wireless-tools package makes available a number of options prefixed with "wireless-" which can be used  to
       configure the interface using iwconfig(8).  (See wireless(7) for details.)

       Options are usually indented for clarity (as in the example above) but are not required to be.

       The following "command" options are available for every family and method.  Each of these options can be given mul-
       tiple times in a single stanza, in which case the commands are executed in the order in which they  appear  in  the
       stanza.  (You can ensure a command never fails by suffixing "|| true".)

       pre-up command
              Run command before bringing the interface up.  If this command fails then ifup aborts, refraining from mark-
              ing the interface as configured, prints an error message, and exits with status 0.  This behavior may change
              in the future.

              Run  command after bringing the interface up.  If this command fails then ifup aborts, refraining from mark-
              ing the interface as configured (even though it has really been configured), prints an  error  message,  and
              exits with status 0.  This behavior may change in the future.

       down command

       pre-down command
              Run command before taking the interface down.  If this command fails then ifdown aborts, marks the interface
              as deconfigured (even though it has not really been deconfigured), and exits with status 0.   This  behavior
              may change in the future.

       post-down command
              Run  command after taking the interface down.  If this command fails then ifdown aborts, marks the interface
              as deconfigured, and exits with status 0.  This behavior may change in the future.

       There exists for each of the above mentioned options a directory /etc/network/if-<option>.d/ the scripts  in  which
       are run (with no arguments) using run-parts(8) after the option itself has been processed.

       All of these commands have access to the following environment variables.

       IFACE  physical name of the interface being processed

              logical name of the interface being processed

              address family of the interface

       METHOD method of the interface (e.g., static)

       MODE   start if run from ifup, stop if run from ifdown

       PHASE  as  per MODE, but with finer granularity, distinguishing the pre-up, post-up, pre-down and post-down phases.

              indicates whether --verbose was used; set to 1 if so, 0 if not.

       PATH   the command search path: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin

       Additionally, all options given in an interface definition stanza are exported to the  environment  in  upper  case
       with "IF_" prepended and with hyphens converted to underscores and non-alphanumeric characters discarded.

       This section documents the methods available in the inet address family.

   The loopback Method
       This method may be used to define the IPv4 loopback interface.


              (No options)

   The static Method
       This method may be used to define ethernet interfaces with statically allocated IPv4 addresses.


              address address
                     Address (dotted quad) required

              netmask netmask
                     Netmask (dotted quad) required

              broadcast broadcast_address
                     Broadcast address (dotted quad)

              network network_address
                     Network address (dotted quad) required for 2.0.x kernels

              metric metric
                     Routing metric for default gateway (integer)

              gateway address
                     Default gateway (dotted quad)

              pointopoint address
                     Address of other end point (dotted quad). Note the spelling of "point-to".

              media type
                     Medium type, driver dependent

              hwaddress class address
                     Hardware  Address.  class  is one of ether, ax25, ARCnet or netrom. address is dependent on the above

              mtu size
                     MTU size

   The manual Method
       This method may be used to define interfaces for which no configuration is done by default. Such interfaces can  be
       configured manually by means of up and down commands or /etc/network/if-*.d scripts.


              (No options)

   The dhcp Method
       This  method may be used to obtain an address via DHCP with any of the tools: dhclient, pump, udhcpc, dhcpcd. (They
       have been listed in their order of precedence.) If you have a complicated DHCP setup you should note that  some  of
       these clients use their own configuration files and do not obtain their configuration information via ifup.


              hostname hostname
                     Hostname to be requested (pump, dhcpcd, udhcpc)

              leasehours leastime
                     Preferred lease time in hours (pump)

              leasetime leasetime
                     Preferred lease time in seconds (dhcpcd)

              vendor vendor
                     Vendor class identifier (dhcpcd)

              client client_id
                     Client identifier (dhcpcd, udhcpc)

              hwaddress class address
                     Hardware Address. class is one of ether, ax25, ARCnet or netrom. address is dependent on this choice.

   The bootp Method
       This method may be used to obtain an address via bootp.


              bootfile file
                     Tell the server to use file as the bootfile.

              server address
                     Use the IP address address to communicate with the server.

              hwaddr addr
                     Use addr as the hardware address instead of whatever it really is.

   The ppp Method
       This method uses pon/poff to configure a PPP interface. See those commands for details.


              provider name
                     Use name as the provider (from /etc/ppp/peers).

   The wvdial Method
       This method uses wvdial to configure a PPP interface. See that command for more details.


              provider name
                     Use name as the provider (from /etc/ppp/peers).

       This section documents the methods available in the ipx address family.

   The static Method
       This method may be used to setup an IPX interface. It requires the ipx_interface command.


              frame type
                     type of ethernet frames to use (e.g. 802.2)

              netnum id
                     Network number

   The dynamic Method
       This method may be used to setup an IPX interface dynamically.


              frame type
                     type of ethernet frames to use (e.g. 802.2)

       This section documents the methods available in the inet6 address family.

   The loopback Method
       This method may be used to define the IPv6 loopback interface.


              (No options)

   The static Method
       This method may be used to define interfaces with statically assigned IPv6 addresses.


              address address
                     Address (colon delimited) required

              netmask mask
                     Netmask (number of bits, eg 64) required

              gateway address
                     Default gateway (colon delimited)

              media type
                     Medium type, driver dependent

              hwaddress class address
                     Hardware Address. class is one of ether, ax25, ARCnet or netrom. address is dependent on this choice.

              mtu size
                     MTU size

   The v4tunnel Method
       This method may be used to setup an IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel. It requires the ip command from the iproute package.


              address address
                     Address (colon delimited)

              netmask mask
                     Netmask (number of bits, eg 64)

              endpoint address
                     Address of other tunnel endpoint (IPv4 dotted quad) required

              local address
                     Address of the local endpoint (IPv4 dotted quad)

              gateway address
                     Default gateway (colon delimited)

              ttl time
                     TTL setting

       The  ifup and ifdown programs work with so-called "physical" interface names.  These names are assigned to hardware
       by the kernel.  Unfortunately it can happen that the kernel assigns different physical interface names to the  same
       hardware at different times; for example, what was called "eth0" last time you booted is now called "eth1" and vice
       versa.  This creates a problem if you want to configure the interfaces appropriately.  A  way  to  deal  with  this
       problem  is to use mapping scripts that choose logical interface names according to the properties of the interface
       hardware.  See the script in the examples directory for an example of  such  a  mapping  script.
       See also Debian bug #101728.

       It  is  not currently possible to divide up /etc/network/interfaces into multiple files.  A feature that would make
       this possible is some sort of inclusion directive.  No such feature exists in the current  ifupdown  program.   For
       more information see Debian bug #159884.

       The  ifupdown  suite  was  written by Anthony Towns <>.  This manpage was contributed by Joey
       Hess <>.

       ifup(8), iwconfig(8), run-parts(8).

       For advice on configuring this package read the Network Configuration  chapter  of  the  Debian  Reference  manual,
       available  at or in the debian-reference-en package.

       Examples of how to set up interfaces can be found in /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.
Gibts das ganze auch irgendwo auf Deutsch?? Dann versteh ich es eher, auf englisch is es sehr mühsam

/etc/network/interfaces editieren, und zb so feste Ip vergeben:
iface eth0 inet static
 address x.x.x.x
 broadcast x.x.x.255
 gateway <router-ip>
oder wenn er per dhcp die Adresse holen soll:
iface eth0 inet dhcp
danach ein beherztes

/etc/init.d/networking restart


PS: erläutere bitte nocheinmal, was du genau mit Bridge meinst
Mit der Bridge meine ich folgendes:
Ich habe mehrere Netzwerkanschlüsse in dem Rechner den ich als LAN-Server benutze, mit diesen will ich um Ports bei den Switches zu sparen(haben keinen großen) die verschiedenen Switches miteinander verbinden, dh die unterschiedlichen Karten sollen alle die gleiche IP haben und die Daten an die anderen Karten durchreichen, praktisch wie ein Switch, bei Windoof nennt man das Netzwerkbrücke

edit:sry für die dumme frage, aber wie editier ich das??
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Normales Routing via iptables reicht.

Editieren kannst du die Files mit einem Editor wie vi, joe, nano usw :)
Sry aber ich hab weder Ahnung von IP-Routing noch von den Editoren, ich fangen gerade erst mit Linux an.
Aus stromspartechnischen Ungründen würde ich überlegen, ob ich mir nicht einen neuen Switch kaufe, die bekommt man momentan doch hinterhergeschmissen.
Ein Rechner der 24/7 läuft kostet dann doch schon ein paar Euronen im Monat....
Ne der PC is für LANs, da wir dort mehrere Leute sind und nicht immer ausreichend Switches vorhanden sind
wenn deine Arbeitszeit nix kostet ... Mir persönlich wäre da ein Switch auf alle lieber, weil die einfachen Switches kosten nun wirklich kein Geld mehr (8 Ports kriegt man für 30 EUR) und du kannst nix falsch machen. Nix konfigurieren, keine Einstellungen, Strom rein und gut.
Du bist nicht auf dem laufenden^^ Ebay 8 Port 100MBit für 15€ mit Porto, für 30 bekomm ich 16 oder 8Port Gbit
Ne die Arbeitszeit kostet nix, ich mach das um Erfahrung zu sammeln und weil es mir Spaß macht.
Danke, das stimmt das schaut gut aus

Wenn ich jetzt noch weiß wie ich das Netzwerk einstelle, also die IP bin ich glücklich, ich hab auf dem Rechner nur das Standart Debian und kein Peil von den Editoren