mySQL startet mal wieder nicht... Log inside


New Member
Leute, Leute - woran liegt das nur - der MySQL failed beim start - ich krieg das Ding einfach nicht zum Laufen - hier das Log:

Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld_safe[22431]: started
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: InnoDB: Log scan progressed past the checkpoint lsn 1 1610865653
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 090221 23:38:36  InnoDB: Database was not shut down normally!
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: InnoDB: Starting crash recovery.
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: InnoDB: Reading tablespace information from the .ibd files...
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: InnoDB: Restoring possible half-written data pages from the doublewrite
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: InnoDB: buffer...
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: InnoDB: Doing recovery: scanned up to log sequence number 1 1610866963
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 090221 23:38:36  InnoDB: Starting an apply batch of log records to the database...
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: InnoDB: Progress in percents: 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 090221 23:38:36 - mysqld got signal 11;
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: This could be because you hit a bug. It is also possible that this binary
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: or one of the libraries it was linked against is corrupt, improperly built,
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: or misconfigured. This error can also be caused by malfunctioning hardware.
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: We will try our best to scrape up some info that will hopefully help diagnose
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: the problem, but since we have already crashed, something is definitely wrong
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: and this may fail.
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: key_buffer_size=0
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: read_buffer_size=131072
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: max_used_connections=0
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: max_connections=100
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: threads_connected=0
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: It is possible that mysqld could use up to 
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: key_buffer_size + (read_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size)*max_connections = 217599 K
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: bytes of memory
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: Hope that's ok; if not, decrease some variables in the equation.
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: thd=(nil)
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: Attempting backtrace. You can use the following information to find out
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: where mysqld died. If you see no messages after this, something went
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: terribly wrong...
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: Cannot determine thread, fp=0xb4d16388, backtrace may not be correct.
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: Stack range sanity check OK, backtrace follows:
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 0x81f3811
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 0x84144a8
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 0x8414de6
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 0x83d946d
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 0x83db3af
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 0x83c8311
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 0x83f1460
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 0x83364fe
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 0xb7f30f3b
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: 0xb7d4cb6e
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: New value of fp=(nil) failed sanity check, terminating stack trace!
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: Please read and follow instructions on how to resolve the stack trace. Resolved
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: stack trace is much more helpful in diagnosing the problem, so please do 
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: resolve it
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: The manual page at contains
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld_safe[22441]: ended
Feb 21 23:38:50 h1406913 /etc/init.d/mysql[23619]: 0 processes alive and '/usr/bin/mysqladmin --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf ping' resulted in
Feb 21 23:38:50 h1406913 /etc/init.d/mysql[23619]: ^G/usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
Feb 21 23:38:50 h1406913 /etc/init.d/mysql[23619]: error: 'Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)'
Feb 21 23:38:50 h1406913 /etc/init.d/mysql[23619]: Check that mysqld is running and that the socket: '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' exists!
Feb 21 23:38:50 h1406913 /etc/init.d/mysql[23619]:

Woran liegt das nur?
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Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: Please read MySQL :: MySQL 5.1 Reference Manual :: Using a Stack Trace and follow instructions on how to resolve the stack trace. Resolved
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: stack trace is much more helpful in diagnosing the problem, so please do
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: resolve it
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: The manual page at Search Results: Crashing.html contains
Feb 21 23:38:36 h1406913 mysqld[22435]: information that should help you find out what is causing the crash.

Do it.

Über den Grund kann man nur spekulieren: möglicherweise hat deine InnoDB Inkonsistenzen (passiert durch Festplattenfehler oder Absturz+aktivierter Schreibcache+etwas Pech), und MySQL verschluckt sich daran.
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