ispCP Omega 1.0.3 Stable Release

  • Thread starter Thread starter TamCore
  • Start date Start date


The ispCP Team would like to announce the immediate availability of ispCP ω 1.0.3. This release will address many security bugs as well as introduces the following new features:

  • Domain Expire Date
  • Enhanced Upgrade Script
  • New CAPTCHA Fonts
  • LZMA Compression for Backup Files
  • Manual DNS Management (EXPERIMENTAL)*

ispCP Omega is an open source solution to all your web hosting needs. You can download the latest stable release from the downloads section. Before you download ispCP, please browse through our comprehensive ispCP documentation section and review the System Requirements, Installing ispCP, Frequently Asked Questions and HowTo's.

We would like to thank our community for all the support. We are constantly looking for developers, translators and maintainers for the various distros supported by ispCP Omega.

1. Maintainers: ispCP Omega is available for CentOS, Debian, Fedora, FreeBSD, Gentoo, OpenBSD, OpenSuse, RedHat, Slackware, Suse and Ubuntu. We require experts with knowledge of the distros above who can help us maintain ispCP for each and every release. If you want to join a dynamic open source project as a maintainer, please make your intention known at the forum.

2. Translators: ispCP Omega is already available in a variety of native languages. We are still seeking experts to help us in translating ispCP to many more languages. We also ask the community to review existing translations and help us make any corrections or amendments via the forum.

3. Developers: ispCP Omega is a large project with ambitious goals and milestones. We are always on the hunt for talented developers to join our family of programmers, administrators and future visionaries. We need developers competent in the following technologies: AJAX, C, CGI, Perl, PHP, MySQL. If you want to join a growing team of professional volunteers working on ispCP, please approach us via our forum.

4. Supporter: Support ispCP with your donations. Every amount helps us towards our hosting fees, legal and public relations budget as well as setting up special events and workshops.

*Caution: Manual DNS Management is in an experimental state. This means that the functionality is not always working as expected.
Sehr schön, auch wenn ich im Urlaub bin, werd ich wohl doch gleich mal ein Update machen, auch wenn angeblich ein Update von der Beta auf die Stable risiken mitsich bringt...

Eigentlich unverständlich wieso die das nie gebacken kriegen, mit ihren Updates ... :mad:

Freue mich tierisch auf das DNS Tools!
Hat schon einer nen Update von 1.0.2 Stable auf 1.0.3 gemacht?
Ich kenn ja deren Updates und bin iwie zu faul grad ne vBox aufzusetzen -.-
Hat schon einer nen Update von 1.0.2 Stable auf 1.0.3 gemacht?
Ich kenn ja deren Updates und bin iwie zu faul grad ne vBox aufzusetzen -.-
Wenn du das Letzte nicht gerade gesagt hättest, hätte ich es jetzt gleich auf nem Produktivsystem gemacht... :D
Wenn du das Letzte nicht gerade gesagt hättest, hätte ich es jetzt gleich auf nem Produktivsystem gemacht... :D

ach komm schon Arma xD
AAABER, auch faule haben Zeit! Ich kann warten, wird schon irgendeiner machen :D
Grad gemacht auf nem CentOS 5.4 das grad mal 4 Tage alt ist. Hat funktioniert, allerdings:
 Rebuilding all customer configuration files
         Please wait, this may take some time:
Das dauert unglaublich lange! Bei mir 10min! :eek: (mir is schon etwas flau im Magen geworden :D)