Internal Server Error plötzlich


New Member
Hallo, ich habe gestern auf Plesk 8.2.0 geupdatet. Ging auch alles wunderbar. Hab den Server neu gebootet und alles lief super.

So dann schau ich heute auf die Page und schon war ein

Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator to inform of the time the error occurred and of anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.


Was kann ich da jetzt machen, an was liegt das den jetzt?

Hab auch schon nochmal gerebootet.

[Thu Jul 12 08:02:29 2007] [error] [client] client sent HTTP/1.1 request without hostname (see RFC2616 section 14.23): /
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 5268 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 27663 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 5272 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 27692 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 20312 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 21519 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 24545 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 27665 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 1934 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 5268 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 27663 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 5272 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 27692 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 20312 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 21519 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 24545 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 27665 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:09 2007] [warn] child process 1934 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:10 2007] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:39 2007] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:39 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:39 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:39 2007] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec2)
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:40 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:40 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:40 2007] [notice] mod_python: Creating 32 session mutexes based on 150 max processes and 0 max threads.
[Thu Jul 12 10:25:40 2007] [notice] Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE) configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:22 2007] [warn] child process 26124 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:22 2007] [warn] child process 26125 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:22 2007] [warn] child process 26126 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:22 2007] [warn] child process 26127 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:22 2007] [warn] child process 26128 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:22 2007] [warn] child process 26413 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:22 2007] [warn] child process 26124 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:22 2007] [warn] child process 26125 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:22 2007] [warn] child process 26126 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:22 2007] [warn] child process 26127 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:22 2007] [warn] child process 26128 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:22 2007] [warn] child process 26413 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:23 2007] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:25 2007] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:25 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:25 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:25 2007] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec2)
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:26 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:26 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:27 2007] [notice] mod_python: Creating 32 session mutexes based on 150 max processes and 0 max threads.
[Thu Jul 12 10:27:27 2007] [notice] Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE) configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 26547 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 26548 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 26549 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 26550 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 26551 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 26589 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 27702 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 26547 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 26548 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 26549 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 26550 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 26551 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 26589 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:47 2007] [warn] child process 27702 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:30:48 2007] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Thu Jul 12 10:31:16 2007] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
[Thu Jul 12 10:31:16 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:31:16 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:31:16 2007] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec2)
[Thu Jul 12 10:31:16 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:31:16 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:31:16 2007] [notice] mod_python: Creating 32 session mutexes based on 150 max processes and 0 max threads.
[Thu Jul 12 10:31:16 2007] [notice] Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE) configured -- resuming normal operations
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:11 2007] [warn] child process 29843 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:11 2007] [warn] child process 29844 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:11 2007] [warn] child process 29845 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:11 2007] [warn] child process 29846 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:11 2007] [warn] child process 29847 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:11 2007] [warn] child process 30061 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:11 2007] [warn] child process 29843 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:11 2007] [warn] child process 29844 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:11 2007] [warn] child process 29845 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:11 2007] [warn] child process 29846 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:11 2007] [warn] child process 29847 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:11 2007] [warn] child process 30061 still did not exit, sending a SIGTERM
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:12 2007] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:42 2007] [warn] Init: Session Cache is not configured [hint: SSLSessionCache]
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:42 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:42 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:42 2007] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec2)
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:42 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:42 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:42 2007] [notice] mod_python: Creating 32 session mutexes based on 150 max processes and 0 max threads.
[Thu Jul 12 10:41:43 2007] [notice] Apache/2.0.53 (Linux/SUSE) configured -- resuming normal operations

das steht de damit kann ich nix anfangen
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Das sieht mir nach dem allgemeinen Apache Error Log unter /var/log/apache2 aus.

Plesk führt aber für jede Domain ein eigenes Error Log. Schau mal unter

/var/www/vhosts/deinedomain.tld/statistics/log nach den Dateien error_log

Vielleicht findet sich in denen etwas brauchbareres

Gruß flyingoffice
Ah ok ja ist der allgemein.

Lieder hab ich den Server jetzt wieder zurückgesetzt. Ich werde es aber übernächste Woche nochmal versuche. Und dann nochmal schauen, ob es nicht geht.

Falls nicht melde ich mich wieder. Hab gerade keine Zeit hab Vordiplomprüfungen. Das wichtiger als die Page ;-)

ich habe auch solche Errorlogs

[Thu Jul 26 01:04:39 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 26 01:06:55 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 26 01:22:34 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 26 01:22:35 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 26 01:22:58 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 26 01:22:59 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 26 01:22:59 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 26 01:23:26 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?
[Thu Jul 26 01:23:26 2007] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `plesk' does NOT match server name!?

Google kann mir damit auch nicht sonderlich weiterhelfen, jedenfalls habe ich für die Problemlösung nichts gefunden.


Um die Einträge brauchst Du Dir keine sorgen machen, ist bei jedem PLesk Nutzer so. Das von Plesk ausgelieferte selbstsignierte Zertifikat für das CP paßt nicht zum Domainnamen.

Gruß flyingoffice