Hotmail schiebt alle Mails in den Junk-Ordner


New Member
Hallo erstmal,

Ich habe hier ein kleines Problem mit Hotmail. Immer wenn ich eine Mail von meinem Server aus schicke, landet sie bei Hotmail im Junk-Ordner. Da ich leider nicht allzu sehr in Sachen Mailserver bewandert bin, habe ich leider absolut keine Ahnung warum... Bei GMX funktionierts wunderbar.

Ich hoffe ich finde hier Hilfe... Vielleicht hat jemand was ähnliches schon gehabt?

Hier noch die Maillogs (von der letzten Mail die ich gesandt habe):

Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: Handlers Filter before-queue for qmail started ...
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: hook_dir = '/var/qmail//handlers/before-queue'
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: recipient[3] = ''
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: handlers dir = '/var/qmail//handlers/before-queue/recipient/'
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: recipient[4] = ''
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: handlers dir = '/var/qmail//handlers/before-queue/recipient/'
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: starter: submitter[10332] exited normally
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-remote-handlers[10333]: Handlers Filter before-remote for qmail started ...
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-remote-handlers[10334]: Handlers Filter before-remote for qmail started ...
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-remote-handlers[10333]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-remote-handlers[10333]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-remote-handlers[10334]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-remote-handlers[10334]:
Oct  2 02:01:29 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: /etc/courier-imap/shared/index: No such file or directory
Oct  2 02:00:39 GDP-LIN-230-114 pop3d-ssl: LOGOUT, ip=[]
Oct  2 02:00:39 GDP-LIN-230-114 pop3d: LOGOUT, ip=[]
Oct  2 02:00:39 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd-ssl: 1191283239.924991 LOGOUT, ip=[], rcvd=12, sent=310, maildir=/
Oct  2 02:00:39 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: 1191283239.927696 LOGOUT, ip=[], rcvd=12, sent=308, maildir=/
Oct  2 02:00:55 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: IMAP connect from @ []INFO: LOGIN, user=support, ip=[], protocol=IMAP
Oct  2 02:00:55 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: 1191283255.416477 LOGOUT, user=support, ip=[], headers=0, body=0, rcvd=71, sent=506, maildir=/var/qmail/mail$
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: IMAP connect from @ []INFO: LOGIN, user=support, ip=[], protocol=IMAP
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: Handlers Filter before-queue for qmail started ...
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: hook_dir = '/var/qmail//handlers/before-queue'
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: recipient[3] = ''
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: handlers dir = '/var/qmail//handlers/before-queue/recipient/'
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: recipient[4] = ''
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: handlers dir = '/var/qmail//handlers/before-queue/recipient/'
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail: 1191283285.234165 new msg 17908274
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail: 1191283285.234233 info msg 17908274: bytes 720 from <> qp 10332 uid 33
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-queue-handlers[10331]: starter: submitter[10332] exited normally
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-remote-handlers[10333]: Handlers Filter before-remote for qmail started ...
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail: 1191283285.269884 starting delivery 195: msg 17908274 to remote
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail: 1191283285.269945 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail: 1191283285.269968 starting delivery 196: msg 17908274 to remote
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail: 1191283285.269987 status: local 0/10 remote 2/20

Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-remote-handlers[10334]: Handlers Filter before-remote for qmail started ...
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-remote-handlers[10333]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-remote-handlers[10333]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-remote-handlers[10334]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail-remote-handlers[10334]:
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: 1191283285.330049 LOGOUT, user=support, ip=[], headers=0, body=0, rcvd=733, sent=561, maildir=/var/qmail/mai$
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail: 1191283285.739290 delivery 196: success:$
Oct  2 02:01:25 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail: 1191283285.739477 status: local 0/10 remote 1/20
Oct  2 02:01:26 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail: 1191283286.620900 delivery 195: success:<20071002020125.ju2t6$
Oct  2 02:01:26 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail: 1191283286.621095 status: local 0/10 remote 0/20
Oct  2 02:01:26 GDP-LIN-230-114 qmail: 1191283286.621210 end msg 17908274
Oct  2 02:01:29 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: IMAP connect from @ []INFO: LOGIN, user=support, ip=[], protocol=IMAP
Oct  2 02:01:29 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: /etc/courier-imap/shared/index: No such file or directory
Oct  2 02:01:29 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: 1191283289.583903 LOGOUT, user=support, ip=[], headers=216, body=0, rcvd=653, sent=5868, maildir=/var/qmail/$
Oct  2 02:01:38 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: IMAP connect from @ []INFO: LOGIN, user=support, ip=[], protocol=IMAP
Oct  2 02:01:38 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: 1191283298.552102 LOGOUT, user=support, ip=[], headers=0, body=0, rcvd=106, sent=363, maildir=/var/qmail/mai$
Oct  2 02:05:42 GDP-LIN-230-114 pop3d-ssl: LOGOUT, ip=[]
Oct  2 02:05:42 GDP-LIN-230-114 pop3d: LOGOUT, ip=[]
Oct  2 02:05:42 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: 1191283542.195475 LOGOUT, ip=[], rcvd=12, sent=308, maildir=/
Oct  2 02:05:42 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd-ssl: 1191283542.195766 LOGOUT, ip=[], rcvd=12, sent=310, maildir=/
Oct  2 02:06:39 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: IMAP connect from @ []INFO: LOGIN, user=support, ip=[], protocol=IMAP
Oct  2 02:06:39 GDP-LIN-230-114 imapd: 1191283599.734207 LOGOUT, user=support, ip=[], headers=0, body=0, rcvd=106, sent=363, maildir=/var/qmail/mai$

Gruss kansa
hier also der header:

X-Message-Delivery: Vj0zLjQuMDt1cz0wO2k9MDtsPTA7YT0w

X-Message-Status: n:0


X-Message-Info: 6sSXyD95QpWgiZhxZwpf7fUkgNaVvTxk1MbtntFoKf4hSJV3inRWr9VrxgcWbWS9BDr8TaRJ5h4=

Received: from ([me.ine.ip.adr]) by with Microsoft SMTPSVC(6.0.3790.2668);

	 Mon, 1 Oct 2007 16:54:05 -0700

Received: (qmail 10300 invoked by uid 33); 2 Oct 2007 01:53:18 +0200

Date: 2 Oct 2007 01:53:18 +0200

Message-ID: <>


Subject: =?UTF-8?B?RXJzYXR6LVBhc3N3b3J0IGbDvHIga2Fuc2EgYXVmIGJyZWFrdXAuY2ggfCBiZXQ=?=  =?UTF-8?B?YQ==?=

MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed

Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8Bit

X-Mailer: Drupal






X-OriginalArrivalTime: 01 Oct 2007 23:54:05.0887 (UTC) FILETIME=[59CE24F0:01C80486]
hmmm dann werde ich mich wohl mal an den hotmail support wenden müssen :) ich hoffe die können mir da weiterhelfen.

ahja, mir fällt noch ein. der server war mal kurzzeitig in der XBL (spamhaus) gelistet. der eintrag wurde aber schon lange wieder gelöscht. könnte es evt. da einen zusammenhang geben?
Immerhin landen die Mails im Junk-Ordner. Es kann aber auch vorkommen, dass die Mails einfach im Nichts verschwinden, wenn Hotmail Deinen Server nicht mag.
Ich habe mal versucht, rauszufinden nach welchem Schema die Klassifizierung bei Hotmail abläuft (s., konnte allerdings nicht zu einem eindeutigen Ergebnis kommen.
Es wird in der Tat das Beste sein, wenn Du Dich an den Hotmail-Support wendest, bei manchen Leuten hat das schon geholfen.;)

Viele Grüße,
vielen dank für die hilfe :) hab jetzt das formular für den support ausgefüllt. mal sehen ob sich was tut.