ejabberd startet nicht mehr


Registered User
Hallo zusammen

Nach einem Reboot meines Jabberservers startet dieser nicht mehr. Auszug aus deme Log:

=ERROR REPORT==== 2013-09-22 13:34:08 ===
E(<0.41.0>:ejabberd_config:554) : Error reading Mnesia database spool files:
The Mnesia database couldn't read the spool file for the table 'config'.
ejabberd needs read and write access in the directory:
Maybe the problem is a change in the computer hostname,
or a change in the Erlang node name, which is currently:
Check the ejabberd guide for details about changing the
computer hostname or Erlang node name.

=INFO REPORT==== 2013-09-22 13:34:08 ===
    application: ejabberd
    exited: {bad_return,{{ejabberd_app,start,[normal,[]]},
                         {'EXIT',"Error reading Mnesia database"}}}
    type: temporary

Der Hostname stimmt aber:
root@web:~# hostname

Auch in der /etc/hosts:
root@web:~# ping web
PING web.domain.li (188.92.xx.xx) 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from web.domain.li (188.92.xx.xx): icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.024 ms

Hat jemand einen Tipp, was ich machen könnte? Neu machen hab ich schon versucht, aber auch da begrüssen mich hässliche Errors (auf einem FRISCHEN debian Wheezy)
=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::15:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./user_sup.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::15:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./user.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::15:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./kernel_config.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::15:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./queue.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::13:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./error_logger_tty_h.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::13:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./calendar.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::13:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./io_lib.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::13:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./io_lib_format.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::13:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./io_lib_pretty.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::13:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./io.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::13:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./c.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::13:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./erl_eval.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::13:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./orddict.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::13:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./file_io_server.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::13:19:50 ===
File operation error: eacces. Target: ./erl_posix_msg.beam. Function: get_file. Process: code_server.

=ERROR REPORT==== 22-Sep-2013::13:19:50 ===
file:path_eval([".","/var/lib/ejabberd"],".erlang"): permission denied

Viele Grüsse