Registered User
What's new in Confixx Professional 3.0.5
self signed SSL certificates creation via web interface.
support for packaged version of majordomo for SuSE 9.1
ability to use template when changing user
ability to use instead of within user SSL vhosts. Former is used when $apacheDefSSL='' latter otherwise.
fixed using wrong ownerships on spamassassin config if spamd is run with unprivileged user.
fixed "mlf||scripts_grep_user||#1246||root||/etc/group" like errors when update script is run.
fixed searching of webalizer binary when turning on webalizer by utility
fixed majordomo + sendmail's smrsh restriction
fixed adding deleted files to ftp traffic when using proftpd 1.2.9
fixed capital letters in majordomo mail lists. Now it is lowercased.
fixed 2 include directives in named.conf after upgrade
fixed open_base_dir is changed to open_basedir in confixx_mhost.conf
fixed bug when group of ~/html and ~/files directory was root after upgrade from 2.0.13 to 3.0 .4. Now it is apache's one.
fixed changing ownerships of some frontpage files within user document root when upgrading whi ch causing frontpage not to work.
fixed "mlf||scripts_email_update||#1148||qmail" error while update script execution if your mt a is qmail
fixed apache files placed within user document root is not included to user disk storage. Now they are.
fixed wrong syntax of confixx entries in /etc/group.
self signed SSL certificates creation via web interface.
support for packaged version of majordomo for SuSE 9.1
ability to use template when changing user
ability to use instead of within user SSL vhosts. Former is used when $apacheDefSSL='' latter otherwise.
fixed using wrong ownerships on spamassassin config if spamd is run with unprivileged user.
fixed "mlf||scripts_grep_user||#1246||root||/etc/group" like errors when update script is run.
fixed searching of webalizer binary when turning on webalizer by utility
fixed majordomo + sendmail's smrsh restriction
fixed adding deleted files to ftp traffic when using proftpd 1.2.9
fixed capital letters in majordomo mail lists. Now it is lowercased.
fixed 2 include directives in named.conf after upgrade
fixed open_base_dir is changed to open_basedir in confixx_mhost.conf
fixed bug when group of ~/html and ~/files directory was root after upgrade from 2.0.13 to 3.0 .4. Now it is apache's one.
fixed changing ownerships of some frontpage files within user document root when upgrading whi ch causing frontpage not to work.
fixed "mlf||scripts_email_update||#1148||qmail" error while update script execution if your mt a is qmail
fixed apache files placed within user document root is not included to user disk storage. Now they are.
fixed wrong syntax of confixx entries in /etc/group.