BackupPC verursacht viel Traffic


Registered User
Hallo zusammen

Ich habe bei RamNode einen kleinen VPS als Monitoring und Backup Server (BU1). Für die Backups habe ich mir BackupPC Version 3.2.1 ausgesucht.

Es werden damit zwei Server (MC1 & SRV1) gesichert. Alle drei laufen mit Debian wheezy. BackupPC greift per rsync mit SSH Keys auf die Server zu und holt sich die Daten. Auf MC1 liegen 1.96 GB und auf SRV1 liegen 16.04 GB.

Nun hat es BackupPC aber geschaft in 3 Tagen 1 TB an Traffic zu verursachen. Wobei der Pool im Moment eine grösse von 0.53 GB hat und das Maximum bei 12.6 GB lag. Bei SRV1 zeigt es sogar an das noch kein ganzes Backup erstellt wurde. Wie konnte das passieren?

Ich habe hier mal noch das config file (gekürzt wegen der länge). Vielleicht findet man hier noch einen Fehler? Sonst fällt mir im Moment einfach nicht ein in welchen Logs ich schauen soll bzw wo ich mit der Fehlersuche beginnen soll.

#============================================================= -*-perl-*-
# General server configuration

$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin';
delete @ENV{'IFS', 'CDPATH', 'ENV', 'BASH_ENV'};
$Conf{ServerHost} = 'bu1';

$Conf{ServerPort} = '-1';

$Conf{ServerMesgSecret} = '';

$Conf{MyPath} = '/bin';

$Conf{UmaskMode} = '23';

$Conf{WakeupSchedule} = [

$Conf{MaxBackups} = '1';

$Conf{MaxUserBackups} = '1';

$Conf{MaxPendingCmds} = '15';

$Conf{CmdQueueNice} = '10';

$Conf{MaxBackupPCNightlyJobs} = '2';

$Conf{BackupPCNightlyPeriod} = '1';

$Conf{MaxOldLogFiles} = '14';

$Conf{DfPath} = '/bin/df';

$Conf{DfCmd} = '$dfPath $topDir';

$Conf{SplitPath} = '/usr/bin/split';
$Conf{ParPath} = '/usr/bin/par';
$Conf{CatPath} = '/bin/cat';
$Conf{GzipPath} = '/bin/gzip';
$Conf{Bzip2Path} = '/bin/bzip2';

$Conf{DfMaxUsagePct} = '95';

$Conf{TrashCleanSleepSec} = '300';

$Conf{DHCPAddressRanges} = [];

$Conf{BackupPCUser} = 'backuppc';

$Conf{TopDir} = '/var/lib/backuppc';
$Conf{ConfDir} = '/etc/backuppc';
$Conf{LogDir} = '/var/lib/backuppc/log';
$Conf{InstallDir} = '/usr/share/backuppc';
$Conf{CgiDir} = '/usr/share/backuppc/cgi-bin';

$Conf{BackupPCUserVerify} = '1';

$Conf{HardLinkMax} = '31999';

$Conf{PerlModuleLoad} = undef;

$Conf{ServerInitdPath} = undef;
$Conf{ServerInitdStartCmd} = '';

# What to backup and when to do it
# (can be overridden in the per-PC

$Conf{FullPeriod} = '0';

$Conf{IncrPeriod} = '0.97';

$Conf{FullKeepCnt} = [

$Conf{FullKeepCntMin} = '1';
$Conf{FullAgeMax} = '90';

$Conf{IncrKeepCnt} = '6';

$Conf{IncrKeepCntMin} = '1';
$Conf{IncrAgeMax} = '30';

$Conf{IncrLevels} = [

$Conf{BackupsDisable} = '0';

$Conf{PartialAgeMax} = '3';

$Conf{IncrFill} = '0';

$Conf{RestoreInfoKeepCnt} = '10';

$Conf{ArchiveInfoKeepCnt} = '10';

$Conf{BackupFilesOnly} = {};

$Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {};

$Conf{BlackoutBadPingLimit} = '3';
$Conf{BlackoutGoodCnt} = '7';

$Conf{BlackoutPeriods} = [
    'hourEnd' => '19.5',
    'weekDays' => [
    'hourBegin' => '7'

$Conf{BackupZeroFilesIsFatal} = '1';

# How to backup a client
# (can be overridden in the per-PC
# What transport method to use to backup each host.  If you have
# a mixed set of WinXX and linux/unix hosts you will need to override
# this in the per-PC
# The valid values are:
#   - 'smb':     backup and restore via smbclient and the SMB protocol.
#                Easiest choice for WinXX.
#   - 'rsync':   backup and restore via rsync (via rsh or ssh).
#                Best choice for linux/unix.  Good choice also for WinXX.
#   - 'rsyncd':  backup and restore via rsync daemon on the client.
#                Best choice for linux/unix if you have rsyncd running on
#                the client.  Good choice also for WinXX.
#   - 'tar':    backup and restore via tar, tar over ssh, rsh or nfs.
#               Good choice for linux/unix.
#   - 'archive': host is a special archive host.  Backups are not done.
#                An archive host is used to archive other host's backups
#                to permanent media, such as tape, CDR or DVD.
$Conf{XferMethod} = 'rsync';

# Level of verbosity in Xfer log files.  0 means be quiet, 1 will give
# will give one line per file, 2 will also show skipped files on
# incrementals, higher values give more output.
$Conf{XferLogLevel} = '1';

# Filename charset encoding on the client.  BackupPC uses utf8
# on the server for filename encoding.  If this is empty, then
# utf8 is assumed and client filenames will not be modified.
# If set to a different encoding then filenames will converted
# to/from utf8 automatically during backup and restore.
# If the file names displayed in the browser (eg: accents or special
# characters) don't look right then it is likely you haven't set
# $Conf{ClientCharset} correctly.
# If you are using smbclient on a WinXX machine, smbclient will convert
# to the "unix charset" setting in smb.conf.  The default is utf8,
# in which case leave $Conf{ClientCharset} empty since smbclient does
# the right conversion.
# If you are using rsync on a WinXX machine then it does no conversion.
# A typical WinXX encoding for latin1/western europe is 'cp1252',
# so in this case set $Conf{ClientCharset} to 'cp1252'.
# On a linux or unix client, run "locale charmap" to see the client's
# charset.  Set $Conf{ClientCharset} to this value.  A typical value
# for english/US is 'ISO-8859-1'.
# Do "perldoc Encode::Supported" to see the list of possible charset
# values.  The FAQ at
# is excellent, and
# provides more information on the iso-8859 charsets.
$Conf{ClientCharset} = '';

# Prior to 3.x no charset conversion was done by BackupPC.  Backups were
# stored in what ever charset the XferMethod provided - typically utf8
# for smbclient and the client's locale settings for rsync and tar (eg:
# cp1252 for rsync on WinXX and perhaps iso-8859-1 with rsync on linux).
# This setting tells BackupPC the charset that was used to store file
# names in old backups taken with BackupPC 2.x, so that non-ascii file
# names in old backups can be viewed and restored.
$Conf{ClientCharsetLegacy} = 'iso-8859-1';

# Samba Configuration
# (can be overwritten in the per-PC log file)
# Name of the host share that is backed up when using SMB.  This can be a
# string or an array of strings if there are multiple shares per host.
# Examples:
#   $Conf{SmbShareName} = 'c';          # backup 'c' share
#   $Conf{SmbShareName} = ['c', 'd'];   # backup 'c' and 'd' shares
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'smb'.
$Conf{SmbShareName} = [

# Smbclient share user name.  This is passed to smbclient's -U argument.
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'smb'.
$Conf{SmbShareUserName} = '';

# Smbclient share password.  This is passed to smbclient via its PASSWD
# environment variable.  There are several ways you can tell BackupPC
# the smb share password.  In each case you should be very careful about
# security.  If you put the password here, make sure that this file is
# not readable by regular users!  See the "Setting up" section
# in the documentation for more information.
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'smb'.
$Conf{SmbSharePasswd} = '';

# Full path for smbclient. Security caution: normal users should not
# allowed to write to this file or directory.
# smbclient is from the Samba distribution. smbclient is used to
# actually extract the incremental or full dump of the share filesystem
# from the PC.
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'smb'.
$Conf{SmbClientPath} = '/usr/bin/smbclient';

# Command to run smbclient for a full dump.
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'smb'.
# The following variables are substituted at run-time:
#    $smbClientPath   same as $Conf{SmbClientPath}
#    $host            host to backup/restore
#    $hostIP          host IP address
#    $shareName       share name
#    $userName        user name
#    $fileList        list of files to backup (based on exclude/include)
#    $I_option        optional -I option to smbclient
#    $X_option        exclude option (if $fileList is an exclude list)
#    $timeStampFile   start time for incremental dump
# Note: all Cmds are executed directly without a shell, so the prog name
# needs to be a full path and you can't include shell syntax like
# redirection and pipes; put that in a script if you need it.
$Conf{SmbClientFullCmd} = '$smbClientPath \\\\$host\\$shareName $I_option -U $userName -E -d 1 -c tarmode\\ full -Tc$X_option - $fileList';

# Command to run smbclient for an incremental dump.
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'smb'.
# Same variable substitutions are applied as $Conf{SmbClientFullCmd}.
# Note: all Cmds are executed directly without a shell, so the prog name
# needs to be a full path and you can't include shell syntax like
# redirection and pipes; put that in a script if you need it.
$Conf{SmbClientIncrCmd} = '$smbClientPath \\\\$host\\$shareName $I_option -U $userName -E -d 1 -c tarmode\\ full -TcN$X_option $timeStampFile - $fileList';

# Command to run smbclient for a restore.
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'smb'.
# Same variable substitutions are applied as $Conf{SmbClientFullCmd}.
# If your smb share is read-only then direct restores will fail.
# You should set $Conf{SmbClientRestoreCmd} to undef and the
# corresponding CGI restore option will be removed.
# Note: all Cmds are executed directly without a shell, so the prog name
# needs to be a full path and you can't include shell syntax like
# redirection and pipes; put that in a script if you need it.
$Conf{SmbClientRestoreCmd} = '$smbClientPath \\\\$host\\$shareName $I_option -U $userName -E -d 1 -c tarmode\\ full -Tx -';

# Tar Configuration
# (can be overwritten in the per-PC log file)
# Which host directories to backup when using tar transport.  This can be a
# string or an array of strings if there are multiple directories to
# backup per host.  Examples:
#   $Conf{TarShareName} = '/';			# backup everything
#   $Conf{TarShareName} = '/home';		# only backup /home
#   $Conf{TarShareName} = ['/home', '/src'];	# backup /home and /src
# The fact this parameter is called 'TarShareName' is for historical
# consistency with the Smb transport options.  You can use any valid
# directory on the client: there is no need for it to correspond to
# any Smb share or device mount point.
# Note also that you can also use $Conf{BackupFilesOnly} to specify
# a specific list of directories to backup.  It's more efficient to
# use this option instead of $Conf{TarShareName} since a new tar is
# run for each entry in $Conf{TarShareName}.
# On the other hand, if you add --one-file-system to $Conf{TarClientCmd}
# you can backup each file system separately, which makes restoring one
# bad file system easier.  In this case you would list all of the mount
# points here, since you can't get the same result with
# $Conf{BackupFilesOnly}:
#     $Conf{TarShareName} = ['/', '/var', '/data', '/boot'];
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'tar'.
$Conf{TarShareName} = [

# Full command to run tar on the client.  GNU tar is required.  You will
# need to fill in the correct paths for ssh2 on the local host (server)
# and GNU tar on the client.  Security caution: normal users should not
# allowed to write to these executable files or directories.
# See the documentation for more information about setting up ssh2 keys.
# If you plan to use NFS then tar just runs locally and ssh2 is not needed.
# For example, assuming the client filesystem is mounted below /mnt/hostName,
# you could use something like:
#    $Conf{TarClientCmd} = '$tarPath -c -v -f - -C /mnt/$host/$shareName'
#                        . ' --totals';
# In the case of NFS or rsh you need to make sure BackupPC's privileges
# are sufficient to read all the files you want to backup.  Also, you
# will probably want to add "/proc" to $Conf{BackupFilesExclude}.
# The following variables are substituted at run-time:
#   $host        host name
#   $hostIP      host's IP address
#   $incrDate    newer-than date for incremental backups
#   $shareName   share name to backup (ie: top-level directory path)
#   $fileList    specific files to backup or exclude
#   $tarPath     same as $Conf{TarClientPath}
#   $sshPath     same as $Conf{SshPath}
# If a variable is followed by a "+" it is shell escaped.  This is
# necessary for the command part of ssh or rsh, since it ends up
# getting passed through the shell.
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'tar'.
# Note: all Cmds are executed directly without a shell, so the prog name
# needs to be a full path and you can't include shell syntax like
# redirection and pipes; put that in a script if you need it.
$Conf{TarClientCmd} = '$sshPath -q -x -n -l root $host env LC_ALL=C $tarPath -c -v -f - -C $shareName+ --totals';

# Extra tar arguments for full backups.  Several variables are substituted at
# run-time.  See $Conf{TarClientCmd} for the list of variable substitutions.
# If you are running tar locally (ie: without rsh or ssh) then remove the
# "+" so that the argument is no longer shell escaped.
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'tar'.
$Conf{TarFullArgs} = '$fileList+';

# Extra tar arguments for incr backups.  Several variables are substituted at
# run-time.  See $Conf{TarClientCmd} for the list of variable substitutions.
# Note that GNU tar has several methods for specifying incremental backups,
# including:
#   --newer-mtime $incrDate+
#          This causes a file to be included if the modification time is
#          later than $incrDate (meaning its contents might have changed).
#          But changes in the ownership or modes will not qualify the
#          file to be included in an incremental.
#   --newer=$incrDate+
#          This causes the file to be included if any attribute of the
#          file is later than $incrDate, meaning either attributes or
#          the modification time.  This is the default method.  Do
#          not use --atime-preserve in $Conf{TarClientCmd} above,
#          otherwise resetting the atime (access time) counts as an
#          attribute change, meaning the file will always be included
#          in each new incremental dump.
# If you are running tar locally (ie: without rsh or ssh) then remove the
# "+" so that the argument is no longer shell escaped.
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'tar'.
$Conf{TarIncrArgs} = '--newer=$incrDate+ $fileList+';

# Full command to run tar for restore on the client.  GNU tar is required.
# This can be the same as $Conf{TarClientCmd}, with tar's -c replaced by -x
# and ssh's -n removed.
# See $Conf{TarClientCmd} for full details.
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = "tar".
# If you want to disable direct restores using tar, you should set
# $Conf{TarClientRestoreCmd} to undef and the corresponding CGI
# restore option will be removed.
# Note: all Cmds are executed directly without a shell, so the prog name
# needs to be a full path and you can't include shell syntax like
# redirection and pipes; put that in a script if you need it.
$Conf{TarClientRestoreCmd} = '$sshPath -q -x -l root $host env LC_ALL=C $tarPath -x -p --numeric-owner --same-owner -v -f - -C $shareName+';

# Full path for tar on the client. Security caution: normal users should not
# allowed to write to this file or directory.
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'tar'.
$Conf{TarClientPath} = '/bin/tar';

# Rsync/Rsyncd Configuration
# (can be overwritten in the per-PC log file)
# Path to rsync executable on the client
$Conf{RsyncClientPath} = '/usr/bin/rsync';

# Full command to run rsync on the client machine.  The following variables
# are substituted at run-time:
#        $host           host name being backed up
#        $hostIP         host's IP address
#        $shareName      share name to backup (ie: top-level directory path)
#        $rsyncPath      same as $Conf{RsyncClientPath}
#        $sshPath        same as $Conf{SshPath}
#        $argList        argument list, built from $Conf{RsyncArgs},
#                        $shareName, $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} and
#                        $Conf{BackupFilesOnly}
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'rsync'.
$Conf{RsyncClientCmd} = '$sshPath -q -x -l root $host $rsyncPath $argList+';

# Full command to run rsync for restore on the client.  The following
# variables are substituted at run-time:
#        $host           host name being backed up
#        $hostIP         host's IP address
#        $shareName      share name to backup (ie: top-level directory path)
#        $rsyncPath      same as $Conf{RsyncClientPath}
#        $sshPath        same as $Conf{SshPath}
#        $argList        argument list, built from $Conf{RsyncArgs},
#                        $shareName, $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} and
#                        $Conf{BackupFilesOnly}
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'rsync'.
# Note: all Cmds are executed directly without a shell, so the prog name
# needs to be a full path and you can't include shell syntax like
# redirection and pipes; put that in a script if you need it.
$Conf{RsyncClientRestoreCmd} = '$sshPath -q -x -l root $host $rsyncPath $argList+';

# Share name to backup.  For $Conf{XferMethod} = "rsync" this should
# be a file system path, eg '/' or '/home'.
# For $Conf{XferMethod} = "rsyncd" this should be the name of the module
# to backup (ie: the name from /etc/rsynd.conf).
# This can also be a list of multiple file system paths or modules.
# For example, by adding --one-file-system to $Conf{RsyncArgs} you
# can backup each file system separately, which makes restoring one
# bad file system easier.  In this case you would list all of the mount
# points:
#     $Conf{RsyncShareName} = ['/', '/var', '/data', '/boot'];
$Conf{RsyncShareName} = [

# Rsync daemon port on the client, for $Conf{XferMethod} = "rsyncd".
$Conf{RsyncdClientPort} = '873';

# Rsync daemon user name on client, for $Conf{XferMethod} = "rsyncd".
# The user name and password are stored on the client in whatever file
# the "secrets file" parameter in rsyncd.conf points to
# (eg: /etc/rsyncd.secrets).
$Conf{RsyncdUserName} = '';

# Rsync daemon user name on client, for $Conf{XferMethod} = "rsyncd".
# The user name and password are stored on the client in whatever file
# the "secrets file" parameter in rsyncd.conf points to
# (eg: /etc/rsyncd.secrets).
$Conf{RsyncdPasswd} = '';

# Whether authentication is mandatory when connecting to the client's
# rsyncd.  By default this is on, ensuring that BackupPC will refuse to
# connect to an rsyncd on the client that is not password protected.
# Turn off at your own risk.
$Conf{RsyncdAuthRequired} = '1';

# When rsync checksum caching is enabled (by adding the
# --checksum-seed=32761 option to $Conf{RsyncArgs}), the cached
# checksums can be occasionally verified to make sure the file
# contents matches the cached checksums.  This is to avoid the
# risk that disk problems might cause the pool file contents to
# get corrupted, but the cached checksums would make BackupPC
# think that the file still matches the client.
# This setting is the probability (0 means never and 1 means always)
# that a file will be rechecked.  Setting it to 0 means the checksums
# will not be rechecked (unless there is a phase 0 failure).  Setting
# it to 1 (ie: 100%) means all files will be checked, but that is
# not a desirable setting since you are better off simply turning
# caching off (ie: remove the --checksum-seed option).
# The default of 0.01 means 1% (on average) of the files during a full
# backup will have their cached checksum re-checked.
# This setting has no effect unless checksum caching is turned on.
$Conf{RsyncCsumCacheVerifyProb} = '0.01';

# Arguments to rsync for backup.  Do not edit the first set unless you
# have a thorough understanding of how File::RsyncP works.
$Conf{RsyncArgs} = [

# Additional arguments added to RsyncArgs.  This can be used in
# conbination with $Conf{RsyncArgs} to allow customization of
# the rsync arguments on a part-client basis.  The standard
# arguments go in $Conf{RsyncArgs} and $Conf{RsyncArgsExtra}
# can be set on a per-client basis.
# Examples of additional arguments that should work are --exclude/--include,
# eg:
#     $Conf{RsyncArgsExtra} = [
#           '--exclude', '/proc',
#           '--exclude', '*.tmp',
#     ];
# Both $Conf{RsyncArgs} and $Conf{RsyncArgsExtra} are subject
# to the following variable substitutions:
#        $client       client name being backed up
#        $host         host name (could be different from client name if
#                                 $Conf{ClientNameAlias} is set)
#        $hostIP       IP address of host
#        $confDir      configuration directory path
# This allows settings of the form:
#     $Conf{RsyncArgsExtra} = [
#             '--exclude-from=$confDir/pc/$host.exclude',
#     ];
$Conf{RsyncArgsExtra} = [];

# Arguments to rsync for restore.  Do not edit the first set unless you
# have a thorough understanding of how File::RsyncP works.
# If you want to disable direct restores using rsync (eg: is the module
# is read-only), you should set $Conf{RsyncRestoreArgs} to undef and
# the corresponding CGI restore option will be removed.
# $Conf{RsyncRestoreArgs} is subject to the following variable
# substitutions:
#        $client       client name being backed up
#        $host         host name (could be different from client name if
#                                 $Conf{ClientNameAlias} is set)
#        $hostIP       IP address of host
#        $confDir      configuration directory path
# Note: $Conf{RsyncArgsExtra} doesn't apply to $Conf{RsyncRestoreArgs}.
$Conf{RsyncRestoreArgs} = [

# FTP Configuration
# (can be overwritten in the per-PC log file)
# Which host directories to backup when using FTP.  This can be a
# string or an array of strings if there are multiple shares per host.
# This value must be specified in one of two ways: either as a
# subdirectory of the 'share root' on the server, or as the absolute
# path of the directory.
# In the following example, if the directory /home/username is the
# root share of the ftp server with the given username, the following
# two values will back up the same directory:
#    $Conf{FtpShareName} = 'www';                # www directory
#    $Conf{FtpShareName} = '/home/username/www'; # same directory
# Path resolution is not supported; i.e.; you may not have an ftp
# share path defined as '../otheruser' or '~/games'.
#  Multiple shares may also be specified, as with other protocols:
#    $Conf{FtpShareName} = [ 'www',
#                            'bin',
#                            'config' ];
# Note also that you can also use $Conf{BackupFilesOnly} to specify
# a specific list of directories to backup.  It's more efficient to
# use this option instead of $Conf{FtpShareName} since a new tar is
# run for each entry in $Conf{FtpShareName}.
# This setting only matters if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'ftp'.
$Conf{FtpShareName} = [

# FTP user name.  This is used to log into the server.
# This setting is used only if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'ftp'.
$Conf{FtpUserName} = '';

# FTP user password.  This is used to log into the server.
# This setting is used only if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'ftp'.
$Conf{FtpPasswd} = '';

# Whether passive mode is used.  The correct setting depends upon
# whether local or remote ports are accessible from the other machine,
# which is affected by any firewall or routers between the FTP server
# on the client and the BackupPC server.
# This setting is used only if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'ftp'.
$Conf{FtpPassive} = '1';

# Transfer block size. This sets the size of the amounts of data in
# each frame. While undefined, this value takes the default value.
# This setting is used only if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'ftp'.
$Conf{FtpBlockSize} = '10240';

# The port of the ftp server.  If undefined, 21 is used.
# This setting is used only if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'ftp'.
$Conf{FtpPort} = '21';

# Connection timeout for FTP.  When undefined, the default is 120 seconds.
# This setting is used only if $Conf{XferMethod} = 'ftp'.
$Conf{FtpTimeout} = '120';

# Behaviour when BackupPC encounters symlinks on the FTP share.
# Symlinks cannot be restored via FTP, so the desired behaviour will
# be different depending on the setup of the share. The default for
# this behavor is 1.  Directory shares with more complicated directory
# structures should consider other protocols.
$Conf{FtpFollowSymlinks} = '0';

# Archive Configuration
# (can be overwritten in the per-PC log file)
# Archive Destination
# The Destination of the archive
# e.g. /tmp for file archive or /dev/nst0 for device archive
$Conf{ArchiveDest} = '/tmp';

# Archive Compression type
# The valid values are:
#   - 'none':  No Compression
#   - 'gzip':  Medium Compression. Recommended.
#   - 'bzip2': High Compression but takes longer.
$Conf{ArchiveComp} = 'gzip';

# Archive Parity Files
# The amount of Parity data to generate, as a percentage
# of the archive size.
# Uses the commandline par2 (par2cmdline) available from
# Only useful for file dumps.
# Set to 0 to disable this feature.
$Conf{ArchivePar} = '0';

# Archive Size Split
# Only for file archives. Splits the output into 
# the specified size * 1,000,000.
# e.g. to split into 650,000,000 bytes, specify 650 below.
# If the value is 0, or if $Conf{ArchiveDest} is an existing file or
# device (e.g. a streaming tape drive), this feature is disabled.
$Conf{ArchiveSplit} = '0';

# Archive Command
# This is the command that is called to actually run the archive process
# for each host.  The following variables are substituted at run-time:
#   $Installdir    The installation directory of BackupPC
#   $tarCreatePath The path to BackupPC_tarCreate
#   $splitpath     The path to the split program
#   $parpath       The path to the par2 program
#   $host          The host to archive
#   $backupnumber  The backup number of the host to archive
#   $compression   The path to the compression program
#   $compext       The extension assigned to the compression type
#   $splitsize     The number of bytes to split archives into
#   $archiveloc    The location to put the archive
#   $parfile       The amount of parity data to create (percentage)
# Note: all Cmds are executed directly without a shell, so the prog name
# needs to be a full path and you can't include shell syntax like
# redirection and pipes; put that in a script if you need it.
$Conf{ArchiveClientCmd} = '$Installdir/bin/BackupPC_archiveHost $tarCreatePath $splitpath $parpath $host $backupnumber $compression $compext $splitsize $archiveloc $parfile *';

# Full path for ssh. Security caution: normal users should not
# allowed to write to this file or directory.
$Conf{SshPath} = '/usr/bin/ssh';

# Full path for nmblookup. Security caution: normal users should not
# allowed to write to this file or directory.
# nmblookup is from the Samba distribution. nmblookup is used to get the
# netbios name, necessary for DHCP hosts.
$Conf{NmbLookupPath} = '/usr/bin/nmblookup';

# NmbLookup command.  Given an IP address, does an nmblookup on that
# IP address.  The following variables are substituted at run-time:
#   $nmbLookupPath      path to nmblookup ($Conf{NmbLookupPath})
#   $host               IP address
# This command is only used for DHCP hosts: given an IP address, this
# command should try to find its NetBios name.
# Note: all Cmds are executed directly without a shell, so the prog name
# needs to be a full path and you can't include shell syntax like
# redirection and pipes; put that in a script if you need it.
$Conf{NmbLookupCmd} = '$nmbLookupPath -A $host';

# NmbLookup command.  Given a netbios name, finds that host by doing
# a NetBios lookup.  Several variables are substituted at run-time:
#   $nmbLookupPath      path to nmblookup ($Conf{NmbLookupPath})
#   $host               NetBios name
# In some cases you might need to change the broadcast address, for
# example if nmblookup uses by default and you find
# that doesn't work, try (or your equivalent class C
# address) using the -B option:
#    $Conf{NmbLookupFindHostCmd} = '$nmbLookupPath -B $host';
# If you use a WINS server and your machines don't respond to
# multicast NetBios requests you can use this (replace
# with the IP address of your WINS server):
#    $Conf{NmbLookupFindHostCmd} = '$nmbLookupPath -R -U $host';
# This is preferred over multicast since it minimizes network traffic.
# Experiment manually for your site to see what form of nmblookup command
# works.
# Note: all Cmds are executed directly without a shell, so the prog name
# needs to be a full path and you can't include shell syntax like
# redirection and pipes; put that in a script if you need it.
$Conf{NmbLookupFindHostCmd} = '$nmbLookupPath $host';

# For fixed IP address hosts, BackupPC_dump can also verify the netbios
# name to ensure it matches the host name.  An error is generated if
# they do not match.  Typically this flag is off.  But if you are going
# to transition a bunch of machines from fixed host addresses to DHCP,
# setting this flag is a great way to verify that the machines have
# their netbios name set correctly before turning on DCHP.
$Conf{FixedIPNetBiosNameCheck} = '0';

# Full path to the ping command.  Security caution: normal users
# should not be allowed to write to this file or directory.
# If you want to disable ping checking, set this to some program
# that exits with 0 status, eg:
#     $Conf{PingPath} = '/bin/echo';
$Conf{PingPath} = '/bin/ping';

# Ping command.  The following variables are substituted at run-time:
#   $pingPath      path to ping ($Conf{PingPath})
#   $host          host name
# Wade Brown reports that on solaris 2.6 and 2.7 ping -s returns the wrong
# exit status (0 even on failure).  Replace with "ping $host 1", which
# gets the correct exit status but we don't get the round-trip time.
# Note: all Cmds are executed directly without a shell, so the prog name
# needs to be a full path and you can't include shell syntax like
# redirection and pipes; put that in a script if you need it.
$Conf{PingCmd} = '$pingPath -c 1 $host';

# Maximum round-trip ping time in milliseconds.  This threshold is set
# to avoid backing up PCs that are remotely connected through WAN or
# dialup connections.  The output from ping -s (assuming it is supported
# on your system) is used to check the round-trip packet time.  On your
# local LAN round-trip times should be much less than 20msec.  On most
# WAN or dialup connections the round-trip time will be typically more
# than 20msec.  Tune if necessary.
$Conf{PingMaxMsec} = '50';

# Compression level to use on files.  0 means no compression.  Compression
# levels can be from 1 (least cpu time, slightly worse compression) to
# 9 (most cpu time, slightly better compression).  The recommended value
# is 3.  Changing to 5, for example, will take maybe 20% more cpu time
# and will get another 2-3% additional compression. See the zlib
# documentation for more information about compression levels.
# Changing compression on or off after backups have already been done
# will require both compressed and uncompressed pool files to be stored.
# This will increase the pool storage requirements, at least until all
# the old backups expire and are deleted.
# It is ok to change the compression value (from one non-zero value to
# another non-zero value) after dumps are already done.  Since BackupPC
# matches pool files by comparing the uncompressed versions, it will still
# correctly match new incoming files against existing pool files.  The
# new compression level will take effect only for new files that are
# newly compressed and added to the pool.
# If compression was off and you are enabling compression for the first
# time you can use the BackupPC_compressPool utility to compress the
# pool.  This avoids having the pool grow to accommodate both compressed
# and uncompressed backups.  See the documentation for more information.
# Note: compression needs the Compress::Zlib perl library.  If the
# Compress::Zlib library can't be found then $Conf{CompressLevel} is
# forced to 0 (compression off).
$Conf{CompressLevel} = '3';

# Timeout in seconds when listening for the transport program's
# (smbclient, tar etc) stdout. If no output is received during this
# time, then it is assumed that something has wedged during a backup,
# and the backup is terminated.
# Note that stdout buffering combined with huge files being backed up
# could cause longish delays in the output from smbclient that
# BackupPC_dump sees, so in rare cases you might want to increase
# this value.
# Despite the name, this parameter sets the timeout for all transport
# methods (tar, smb etc).
$Conf{ClientTimeout} = '72000';

# Maximum number of log files we keep around in each PC's directory
# (ie: pc/$host).  These files are aged monthly.  A setting of 12
# means there will be at most the files LOG, LOG.0, LOG.1, ... LOG.11
# in the pc/$host directory (ie: about a years worth).  (Except this
# month's LOG, these files will have a .z extension if compression
# is on).
# If you decrease this number after BackupPC has been running for a
# while you will have to manually remove the older log files.
$Conf{MaxOldPerPCLogFiles} = '12';

# Optional commands to run before and after dumps and restores,
# and also before and after each share of a dump.
# Stdout from these commands will be written to the Xfer (or Restore)
# log file.  One example of using these commands would be to
# shut down and restart a database server, dump a database
# to files for backup, or doing a snapshot of a share prior
# to a backup.  Example:
#    $Conf{DumpPreUserCmd} = '$sshPath -q -x -l root $host /usr/bin/dumpMysql';
# The following variable substitutions are made at run time for
# $Conf{DumpPreUserCmd}, $Conf{DumpPostUserCmd}, $Conf{DumpPreShareCmd}
# and $Conf{DumpPostShareCmd}:
#        $type         type of dump (incr or full)
#        $xferOK       1 if the dump succeeded, 0 if it didn't
#        $client       client name being backed up
#        $host         host name (could be different from client name if
#                                 $Conf{ClientNameAlias} is set)
#        $hostIP       IP address of host
#        $user         user name from the hosts file
#        $moreUsers    list of additional users from the hosts file
#        $share        the first share name (or current share for
#                        $Conf{DumpPreShareCmd} and $Conf{DumpPostShareCmd})
#        $shares       list of all the share names
#        $XferMethod   value of $Conf{XferMethod} (eg: tar, rsync, smb)
#        $sshPath      value of $Conf{SshPath},
#        $cmdType      set to DumpPreUserCmd or DumpPostUserCmd
# The following variable substitutions are made at run time for
# $Conf{RestorePreUserCmd} and $Conf{RestorePostUserCmd}:
#        $client       client name being backed up
#        $xferOK       1 if the restore succeeded, 0 if it didn't
#        $host         host name (could be different from client name if
#                                 $Conf{ClientNameAlias} is set)
#        $hostIP       IP address of host
#        $user         user name from the hosts file
#        $moreUsers    list of additional users from the hosts file
#        $share        the first share name
#        $XferMethod   value of $Conf{XferMethod} (eg: tar, rsync, smb)
#        $sshPath      value of $Conf{SshPath},
#        $type         set to "restore"
#        $bkupSrcHost  host name of the restore source
#        $bkupSrcShare share name of the restore source
#        $bkupSrcNum   backup number of the restore source
#        $pathHdrSrc   common starting path of restore source
#        $pathHdrDest  common starting path of destination
#        $fileList     list of files being restored
#        $cmdType      set to RestorePreUserCmd or RestorePostUserCmd
# The following variable substitutions are made at run time for
# $Conf{ArchivePreUserCmd} and $Conf{ArchivePostUserCmd}:
#        $client       client name being backed up
#        $xferOK       1 if the archive succeeded, 0 if it didn't
#        $host         Name of the archive host
#        $user         user name from the hosts file
#        $share        the first share name
#        $XferMethod   value of $Conf{XferMethod} (eg: tar, rsync, smb)
#        $HostList     list of hosts being archived
#        $BackupList   list of backup numbers for the hosts being archived
#        $archiveloc   location where the archive is sent to
#        $parfile      amount of parity data being generated (percentage)
#        $compression  compression program being used (eg: cat, gzip, bzip2)
#        $compext      extension used for compression type (eg: raw, gz, bz2)
#        $splitsize    size of the files that the archive creates
#        $sshPath      value of $Conf{SshPath},
#        $type         set to "archive"
#        $cmdType      set to ArchivePreUserCmd or ArchivePostUserCmd
# Note: all Cmds are executed directly without a shell, so the prog name
# needs to be a full path and you can't include shell syntax like
# redirection and pipes; put that in a script if you need it.
$Conf{DumpPreUserCmd} = undef;
$Conf{DumpPostUserCmd} = undef;
$Conf{DumpPreShareCmd} = undef;
$Conf{DumpPostShareCmd} = undef;
$Conf{RestorePreUserCmd} = undef;
$Conf{RestorePostUserCmd} = undef;
$Conf{ArchivePreUserCmd} = undef;
$Conf{ArchivePostUserCmd} = undef;

# Whether the exit status of each PreUserCmd and
# PostUserCmd is checked.
# If set and the Dump/Restore/Archive Pre/Post UserCmd
# returns a non-zero exit status then the dump/restore/archive
# is aborted.  To maintain backward compatibility (where
# the exit status in early versions was always ignored),
# this flag defaults to 0.
# If this flag is set and the Dump/Restore/Archive PreUserCmd
# fails then the matching Dump/Restore/Archive PostUserCmd is
# not executed.  If DumpPreShareCmd returns a non-exit status,
# then DumpPostShareCmd is not executed, but the DumpPostUserCmd
# is still run (since DumpPreUserCmd must have previously
# succeeded).
# An example of a DumpPreUserCmd that might fail is a script
# that snapshots or dumps a database which fails because
# of some database error.
$Conf{UserCmdCheckStatus} = '0';

# Override the client's host name.  This allows multiple clients
# to all refer to the same physical host.  This should only be
# set in the per-PC config file and is only used by BackupPC at
# the last moment prior to generating the command used to backup
# that machine (ie: the value of $Conf{ClientNameAlias} is invisible
# everywhere else in BackupPC).  The setting can be a host name or
# IP address, eg:
#         $Conf{ClientNameAlias} = 'realHostName';
#         $Conf{ClientNameAlias} = '';
# will cause the relevant smb/tar/rsync backup/restore commands to be
# directed to realHostName, not the client name.
# Note: this setting doesn't work for hosts with DHCP set to 1.
$Conf{ClientNameAlias} = undef;

# Email reminders, status and messages
# (can be overridden in the per-PC
# Full path to the sendmail command.  Security caution: normal users
# should not allowed to write to this file or directory.
$Conf{SendmailPath} = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

# Minimum period between consecutive emails to a single user.
# This tries to keep annoying email to users to a reasonable
# level.  Email checks are done nightly, so this number is effectively
# rounded up (ie: 2.5 means a user will never receive email more
# than once every 3 days).
$Conf{EMailNotifyMinDays} = '2.5';

# Name to use as the "from" name for email.  Depending upon your mail
# handler this is either a plain name (eg: "admin") or a fully-qualified
# name (eg: "").
$Conf{EMailFromUserName} = '';

# Destination address to an administrative user who will receive a
# nightly email with warnings and errors.  If there are no warnings
# or errors then no email will be sent.  Depending upon your mail
# handler this is either a plain name (eg: "admin") or a fully-qualified
# name (eg: "").
$Conf{EMailAdminUserName} = '';

# Destination domain name for email sent to users.  By default
# this is empty, meaning email is sent to plain, unqualified
# addresses.  Otherwise, set it to the destintation domain, eg:
#    $Cong{EMailUserDestDomain} = '';
# With this setting user email will be set to ''.
$Conf{EMailUserDestDomain} = '';

# This subject and message is sent to a user if their PC has never been
# backed up.
# These values are language-dependent.  The default versions can be
# found in the language file (eg: lib/BackupPC/Lang/  If you
# need to change the message, copy it here and edit it, eg:
#   $Conf{EMailNoBackupEverMesg} = <<'EOF';
#   To: $user$domain
#   cc:
#   Subject: $subj
#   Dear $userName,
#   This is a site-specific email message.
#   EOF
$Conf{EMailNoBackupEverSubj} = undef;
$Conf{EMailNoBackupEverMesg} = undef;

# How old the most recent backup has to be before notifying user.
# When there have been no backups in this number of days the user
# is sent an email.
$Conf{EMailNotifyOldBackupDays} = '7';

# This subject and message is sent to a user if their PC has not recently
# been backed up (ie: more than $Conf{EMailNotifyOldBackupDays} days ago).
# These values are language-dependent.  The default versions can be
# found in the language file (eg: lib/BackupPC/Lang/  If you
# need to change the message, copy it here and edit it, eg:
#   $Conf{EMailNoBackupRecentMesg} = <<'EOF';
#   To: $user$domain
#   cc:
#   Subject: $subj
#   Dear $userName,
#   This is a site-specific email message.
#   EOF
$Conf{EMailNoBackupRecentSubj} = undef;
$Conf{EMailNoBackupRecentMesg} = undef;

# How old the most recent backup of Outlook files has to be before
# notifying user.
$Conf{EMailNotifyOldOutlookDays} = '5';

# This subject and message is sent to a user if their Outlook files have
# not recently been backed up (ie: more than $Conf{EMailNotifyOldOutlookDays}
# days ago).
# These values are language-dependent.  The default versions can be
# found in the language file (eg: lib/BackupPC/Lang/  If you
# need to change the message, copy it here and edit it, eg:
#   $Conf{EMailOutlookBackupMesg} = <<'EOF';
#   To: $user$domain
#   cc:
#   Subject: $subj
#   Dear $userName,
#   This is a site-specific email message.
#   EOF
$Conf{EMailOutlookBackupSubj} = undef;
$Conf{EMailOutlookBackupMesg} = undef;

# Additional email headers.  This sets to charset to
# utf8.
$Conf{EMailHeaders} = 'MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

# CGI user interface configuration settings
# (can be overridden in the per-PC
# Normal users can only access information specific to their host.
# They can start/stop/browse/restore backups.
# Administrative users have full access to all hosts, plus overall
# status and log information.
# The administrative users are the union of the unix/linux group
# $Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup} and the manual list of users, separated
# by spaces, in $Conf{CgiAdminUsers}. If you don't want a group or
# manual list of users set the corresponding configuration setting
# to undef or an empty string.
# If you want every user to have admin privileges (careful!), set
# $Conf{CgiAdminUsers} = '*'.
# Examples:
#    $Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup} = 'admin';
#    $Conf{CgiAdminUsers}     = 'craig celia';
#    --> administrative users are the union of group admin, plus
#      craig and celia.
#    $Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup} = '';
#    $Conf{CgiAdminUsers}     = 'craig celia';
#    --> administrative users are only craig and celia'.
$Conf{CgiAdminUserGroup} = 'backuppc';
$Conf{CgiAdminUsers} = 'backuppc';

# URL of the BackupPC_Admin CGI script.  Used for email messages.
$Conf{CgiURL} = 'http://bu1/backuppc/index.cgi';

# Language to use.  See lib/BackupPC/Lang for the list of supported
# languages, which include English (en), French (fr), Spanish (es),
# German (de), Italian (it), Dutch (nl), Polish (pl), Portuguese
# Brazillian (pt_br) and Chinese (zh_CH).
# Currently the Language setting applies to the CGI interface and email
# messages sent to users.  Log files and other text are still in English.
$Conf{Language} = 'de';

# User names that are rendered by the CGI interface can be turned
# into links into their home page or other information about the
# user.  To set this up you need to create two sprintf() strings,
# that each contain a single '%s' that will be replaced by the user
# name.  The default is a mailto: link.
# $Conf{CgiUserHomePageCheck} should be an absolute file path that
# is used to check (via "-f") that the user has a valid home page.
# Set this to undef or an empty string to turn off this check.
# $Conf{CgiUserUrlCreate} should be a full URL that points to the
# user's home page.  Set this to undef or an empty string to turn
# off generation of URLs for user names.
# Example:
#    $Conf{CgiUserHomePageCheck} = '/var/www/html/users/%s.html';
#    $Conf{CgiUserUrlCreate}     = 'http://myhost/users/%s.html';
#    --> if /var/www/html/users/craig.html exists, then 'craig' will
#      be rendered as a link to http://myhost/users/craig.html.
$Conf{CgiUserHomePageCheck} = '';
$Conf{CgiUserUrlCreate} = 'mailto:%s';

# Date display format for CGI interface.  A value of 1 uses US-style
# dates (MM/DD), a value of 2 uses full YYYY-MM-DD format, and zero
# for international dates (DD/MM).
$Conf{CgiDateFormatMMDD} = '1';

# If set, the complete list of hosts appears in the left navigation
# bar pull-down for administrators.  Otherwise, just the hosts for which
# the user is listed in the host file (as either the user or in moreUsers)
# are displayed.
$Conf{CgiNavBarAdminAllHosts} = '1';

# Enable/disable the search box in the navigation bar.
$Conf{CgiSearchBoxEnable} = '1';

# Additional navigation bar links.  These appear for both regular users
# and administrators.  This is a list of hashes giving the link (URL)
# and the text (name) for the link.  Specifying lname instead of name
# uses the language specific string (ie: $Lang->{lname}) instead of
# just literally displaying name.
$Conf{CgiNavBarLinks} = [
    'link' => '?action=view&type=docs',
    'lname' => 'Documentation',
    'name' => undef
    'link' => '',
    'lname' => undef,
    'name' => 'Wiki'
    'link' => '',
    'lname' => undef,
    'name' => 'SourceForge'

# Hilight colors based on status that are used in the PC summary page.
$Conf{CgiStatusHilightColor} = {
  'Reason_backup_failed' => '#ffcccc',
  'Reason_backup_done' => '#ccffcc',
  'Reason_backup_canceled_by_user' => '#ff9900',
  'Reason_no_ping' => '#ffff99',
  'Disabled_OnlyManualBackups' => '#d1d1d1',
  'Status_backup_in_progress' => '#66cc99',
  'Disabled_AllBackupsDisabled' => '#d1d1d1'

$Conf{CgiHeaders} = '<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache">';

$Conf{CgiImageDir} = '/usr/share/backuppc/image';

$Conf{CgiExt2ContentType} = {};

$Conf{CgiImageDirURL} = '/image';

$Conf{CgiCSSFile} = 'BackupPC_stnd.css';

$Conf{CgiUserConfigEditEnable} = '1';

$Conf{CgiUserConfigEdit} = {
  'EMailOutlookBackupSubj' => '1',
  'ClientCharset' => '1',
  'TarFullArgs' => '1',
  'RsyncdPasswd' => '1',
  'FtpBlockSize' => '1',
  'IncrKeepCnt' => '1',
  'PartialAgeMax' => '1',
  'FixedIPNetBiosNameCheck' => '1',
  'SmbShareUserName' => '1',
  'EMailFromUserName' => '1',
  'ArchivePreUserCmd' => '0',
  'PingCmd' => '0',
  'FullAgeMax' => '1',
  'FtpUserName' => '1',
  'PingMaxMsec' => '1',
  'CompressLevel' => '1',
  'DumpPreShareCmd' => '0',
  'BackupFilesOnly' => '1',
  'EMailNotifyOldBackupDays' => '1',
  'EMailAdminUserName' => '1',
  'RsyncCsumCacheVerifyProb' => '1',
  'BlackoutPeriods' => '1',
  'NmbLookupFindHostCmd' => '0',
  'MaxOldPerPCLogFiles' => '1',
  'TarClientCmd' => '0',
  'EMailNotifyOldOutlookDays' => '1',
  'SmbSharePasswd' => '1',
  'SmbClientIncrCmd' => '0',
  'FullKeepCntMin' => '1',
  'RsyncArgs' => '1',
  'FtpFollowSymlinks' => '1',
  'ArchiveComp' => '1',
  'TarIncrArgs' => '1',
  'EMailUserDestDomain' => '1',
  'TarClientPath' => '0',
  'RsyncClientCmd' => '0',
  'IncrFill' => '1',
  'RestoreInfoKeepCnt' => '1',
  'UserCmdCheckStatus' => '0',
  'RsyncdClientPort' => '1',
  'IncrAgeMax' => '1',
  'RsyncdUserName' => '1',
  'RsyncRestoreArgs' => '1',
  'ClientCharsetLegacy' => '1',
  'SmbClientFullCmd' => '0',
  'ArchiveInfoKeepCnt' => '1',
  'FtpShareName' => '1',
  'BackupZeroFilesIsFatal' => '1',
  'EMailNoBackupRecentMesg' => '1',
  'FtpPort' => '1',
  'FullKeepCnt' => '1',
  'TarShareName' => '1',
  'EMailNoBackupEverSubj' => '1',
  'TarClientRestoreCmd' => '0',
  'EMailNoBackupRecentSubj' => '1',
  'ArchivePar' => '1',
  'XferLogLevel' => '1',
  'ArchiveDest' => '1',
  'RsyncdAuthRequired' => '1',
  'ClientTimeout' => '1',
  'EMailNotifyMinDays' => '1',
  'SmbClientRestoreCmd' => '0',
  'ClientNameAlias' => '1',
  'DumpPostShareCmd' => '0',
  'IncrLevels' => '1',
  'EMailOutlookBackupMesg' => '1',
  'BlackoutBadPingLimit' => '1',
  'BackupFilesExclude' => '1',
  'FullPeriod' => '1',
  'RsyncClientRestoreCmd' => '0',
  'ArchivePostUserCmd' => '0',
  'IncrPeriod' => '1',
  'RsyncShareName' => '1',
  'FtpTimeout' => '1',
  'RestorePostUserCmd' => '0',
  'BlackoutGoodCnt' => '1',
  'ArchiveClientCmd' => '0',
  'ArchiveSplit' => '1',
  'FtpRestoreEnabled' => '1',
  'XferMethod' => '1',
  'NmbLookupCmd' => '0',
  'BackupsDisable' => '1',
  'SmbShareName' => '1',
  'FtpPasswd' => '1',
  'RestorePreUserCmd' => '0',
  'RsyncArgsExtra' => '1',
  'IncrKeepCntMin' => '1',
  'EMailNoBackupEverMesg' => '1',
  'EMailHeaders' => '1',
  'DumpPreUserCmd' => '0',
  'RsyncClientPath' => '0',
  'DumpPostUserCmd' => '0'
Ohne jetzt zu Deinem Backupsetup irgendetwas spezifisches sagen zu können: könnte es sein, dass symbolische Links in irgendwelchen Ordnern "Loops" generieren, die dazu führen, dass das Backup nie zum Ende kommt?