Manual installation of AntiVir MailGate
Note! You have to have a running mail configuration.
If you already have problems using this configuration, we
do not give any support that is not directly related to AntiVir MailGate.
1. Create the directory /usr/lib/AntiVir and copy the file antivir.vdf
to this directory. Please note the case of the word "AntiVir". Change also user
and group to uucp:
mkdir /usr/lib/AntiVir
cp vdf/antivir.vdf /usr/lib/AntiVir
chown uucp:uucp /usr/lib/AntiVir
chown uucp:uucp /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir.vdf
2. Copy the scan engine antivir to /usr/lib/AntiVir. Change the user and group
of to uucp:
cp bin/antivir /usr/lib/AntiVir
chown uucp:uucp /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir
3. Copy the files avmailgate.conf, avmailgate.acl and antivir.conf to /etc and
edit them after reading the man pages and the comments.
Normally, you only have to edit avmailgate.acl (see MANUAL).
cp etc/avmailgate.conf /etc
cp etc/avmailgate.acl /etc
cp etc/antivir.conf /etc
4. Then copy avgated and avgatefwd to /usr/sbin:
cp bin/avgated /usr/sbin
cp bin/avgatefwd /usr/sbin
5. Create the spool directory (default: /var/spool/avmailgate)
This directory must be accessible only by uucp or the user you selected
in /etc/avmailgate.conf.
mkdir /var/spool/avmailgate
chown uucp:uucp /var/spool/avmailgate
chmod 700 /var/spool/avmailgate
cd /var/spool/avmailgate
mkdir incoming
mkdir outgoing
mkdir rejected
chown uucp:uucp *
chmod -R 700 *
6. Make sure the directory /var/run is readable and writeable by the
user uucp (or the user you specified in /etc/avmailgate.conf.)
On SuSE it's already owned by uucp, so there is nothing to do.
On other distributions the directory /var/run may be owned by
root:root. You can either
- change the group of /var/run to uucp (this is what I would recommend)
'chgrp uucp /var/run'
- let avgated and avgatefwd run as root (hmmm, not so good)
- change the PidFile entries in /etc/avmailgate.conf so that they
point to some other location where uucp has write access.
7. If you have a license for commercial or private use:
You have received a licence file named "hbedv.key".
Please copy this file to /usr/lib/AntiVir/avmgate.key:
cp hbedv.key /usr/lib/AntiVir/avmgate.key
chown uucp:uucp /usr/lib/AntiVir/avmgate.key
8. Read and follow the instructions given in the specified INSTALL file
for your MTA:
You can use the description mentioned below. But we urgent recommend to use
AntiVir Milter for sendmail (ONLY sendmail version >= 8.10). With AntiVir Milter any supported
SMTP functionality of sendmail will be available.
AntiVir Milter uses the appropriate Milter-Interface built-in
More information can be found in the INSTALL.avmilter file which is included in
the AntiVir Milter package.
*Note! You have to have a running sendmail >= 8.10 with libmilter support.*
You can download AntiVir Milter from our website.
An existing License-Key of AntiVir MailGate can be used with AntiVir Milter.
Here is the description how to install AntiVir MailGate to work with sendmail:
First you have installed AntiVir MailGate described in INSTALL.
There are two ways how to send mails further to sendmail:
1. Backdoor mechanism:
Since only one process can gain ownership of the SMTP port you have to
inhibit sendmail to also use port 25 (because AntiVir MailGate needed this
This is done by modifying /etc/services and /etc/
In /etc/services add a line like this
smtp-backdoor 825/tcp
Then edit /etc/ like this
Search the line
#O DaemonPortOptions=Port=esmtp
and change it to
O DaemonPortOptions=Port=smtp-backdoor
Or if you have a newer sendmail then change
#O DaemonPortOptions=Name=MTA
O DaemonPortOptions=Name=MTA,Port=smtp-backdoor
For SuSE 8.x don't forget to set SMTPD_LISTEN_REMOTE in /etc/sysconfig/mail
to yes!
If it is set to no and you use the default sendmail script, the options
in "O DaemonPortOptions" will not be used (because the script uses other options
as arguments for sendmail). This will cause sendmail
to bind to port 25 and that won't work if AntiVir MailGate is bound
to port 25.
The backdoor port should (must?) be closed for remote connections!
Your firewall will do this for you.
Then restart sendmail ("killall -HUP sendmail").
Edit /etc/avmailgate.conf and use the following entries:
# Select how mail should be forwarded.
# Send mail by piping it thru sendmail (this is the default)
#ForwardTo /usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -oi
# Or if you want the mail to be sent by SMTP
ForwardTo SMTP: localhost port smtp-backdoor
2. Piping through sendmail
Alternatively you can simply inhibit sendmail from starting by deleting the
sendmail links in /etc/rc.d/rc[235].d.
Edit /etc/avmailgate.conf and use the following entries:
# Select how mail should be forwarded.
# Send mail by piping it thru sendmail (this is the default)
ForwardTo /usr/sbin/sendmail -oem -oi
# Or if you want the mail to be sent by SMTP
#ForwardTo SMTP: localhost port smtp-backdoor
9. Run /usr/sbin/avgated and /usr/sbin/avgatefwd
10. Edit the file /etc/crontab and add the following line if
you would like to make an update every day on 0:25:
25 0 * * * root /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir --update -q
If you use a proxy server please define the server and the port
of the proxy in /etc/antivir.conf.
Test the update settings by running /usr/lib/AntiVir/antivir --update
Have a look at your log files (/var/log/mail, /var/log/maillog
or /var/log/mail.log). There you should find a message from avgated
"...ready to accept connections on port ...".
Now you can test it by sending mails to yourself.
Note: We have been reported that on some systems procmail will refuse to
write to users mailboxes. It says that it would not have the permission
to do that... This problem is not solved yet. A possible workaround is
to set the SUID bit of /usr/bin/procmail.
Note: If you change the user and group parameter in avmailgate.conf, be sure
that following files have the same access rights:
Also the following directories must be accessible by this user and group:
/var/run (or the directory you specified for the pid files)
-- Starting and stopping avgate automatically --
If everything works as desired, you should copy the correspondig rc.avgate
script to /etc/init.d/avgate and create symbolic links in /etc/init.d/rc[235].d
(* the directory "init.d" depends on your distribution *)
1. Here is an example for SuSE Distribution 8.1 (the target position where the
init script "avgate" will be copied depends on your distribution
/sbin/init.d, /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.d/init.d):
cp rc.avgate.SuSE8x /etc/init.d/avgate
cd /etc/init.d
ln -sf ../avgate rc2.d/S20avgate
ln -sf ../avgate rc2.d/K20avgate
ln -sf ../avgate rc3.d/S20avgate
ln -sf ../avgate rc3.d/K20avgate
ln -sf ../avgate rc5.d/S20avgate
ln -sf ../avgate rc5.d/K20avgate
NOTE: If you use an older Version of SuSE Linux ( < 8.0),
don't forget to choose the script rc.avgate.SuSE instead of rc.avgate.SuSE8x
and to add the line START_AVMAILGATE=YES to /etc/rc.config.
That's it!